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Proxy Verifier

The Proxy Verifier powers the Vera verification application (

Vera is a standalone application designed for easy, universal, multi-chain smart contract verification. It allows users to verify their contracts on multiple chains and add them to the Verifier Alliance (Vera) database.


  • PostgreSQL database
  • eth-bytecode-db

How to Enable

The Vera application is standalone and can run independently. The corresponding frontend code is not yet open-sourced.


Here, we describe variables specific to this service. Variables common to all services can be found here.

Variable Required Description Default value
PROXY_VERIFIER__CHAINS_CONFIG A path to json file with chain configurations (empty)
PROXY_VERIFIER__ETH_BYTECODE_DB__HTTP_URL HTTP URL to underlying eth-bytecode-db service
PROXY_VERIFIER__ETH_BYTECODE_DB__MAX_RETRIES Number of attempts server makes to the service. Must be at least 1 3
PROXY_VERIFIER__ETH_BYTECODE_DB__PROBE_URL If true, will check that HTTP URL can be connected to on startup false
PROXY_VERIFIER__ETH_BYTECODE_DB__API_KEY true An api-key authorized to make requests to eth-bytecode-db service

Chain configurations

Chains may be configured via json file (see an example). The order specified in that file will be used by frontend application.

Besides, it is possible to re-set values for each chain via environment variables with PROXY_VERIFIER_CHAINS prefix. That can be used, for example, to specify SENSITIVE_API_KEY values. Notice, that when combined, all three fields should be set for all specified chains (either via json file or via env).

Variable Required Description Default value
PROXY_VERIFIER_CHAINS__{chain_id}__NAME Name of the chain to be displayed to the user (empty)
PROXY_VERIFIER_CHAINS__{chain_id}__API_URL An url to the chain blockscout instance (e.g., (empty)
PROXY_VERIFIER_CHAINS__{chain_id}__SENSITIVE_API_KEY API_SENSITIVE_ENDPOINTS_KEY value of the corresponding instance (empty)
