Releases: kovacsv/Online3DViewer
Releases · kovacsv/Online3DViewer
Online3DViewer 0.8.22
Online3DViewer 0.8.21
Website news:
- 🐞 Model can't open if an url parameter contains slash #351
- 🐞 Failed to load glTF files with invalid texture coordinates #349
Engine news:
- 🚀 Allow initializing viewer element from File objects #352
- 🚀 Generate typescript interface for the module #356
Documentation news:
- 🚀 Add migration guide to the documentation #353
Online3DViewer 0.8.20
Website news:
- 🚀 New sidebar resize logic #336
Engine news:
Documentation news:
- 🚀 The new documentation is available here:
Online3DViewer 0.8.19
Online3DViewer 0.8.18
Online3DViewer 0.8.17
Website news:
- Background doesn't work with orthographic camera #305
Online3DViewer 0.8.16
Online3DViewer 0.8.15
Online3DViewer 0.8.14
Online3DViewer 0.8.13
Technical release for npm package publishing.