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Other cosign examples

GCP KMS with gcloud

Use cosign to generate the payload, sign it with gcloud kms, then use cosign to upload it.

$ cosign generate > payload.json
$ gcloud kms asymmetric-sign --digest-algorithm=sha256 --input-file=payload.json --signature-file=gcpkms.sig --key=foo --keyring=foo --version=1 --location=us-central
# We have to base64 encode the signature
$ cat gcpkms.sig | base64 | cosign attach signature --signature -

Now (on another machine) download the public key, payload, signatures and verify it!

$ cosign download signature > signatures.json
# There could be multiple signatures, let's pretend it's the last one.
# Extract the payload and signature, base64 decoding them.
$ cat signatures.json | tail -1 | jq -r .Payload | base64 -D > payload
$ cat signatures.json | tail -1 | jq -r .Base64Signature | base64 -D > signature
# Now download the public key
$ gcloud kms keys versions get-public-key 1 --key=foo --keyring=foo --location=us-central1 > pubkey.pem
# Verify in openssl
$ openssl dgst -sha256 -verify pubkey.pem -signature gcpkms.sig payload

Sign With OpenSSL, Verify With Cosign

# Generate a keypair
$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out openssl.key
$ openssl ec -in openssl.key -pubout -out
# Generate the payload to be signed
$ cosign generate > payload.json
# Sign it and convert to base64
$ openssl dgst -sha256 -sign openssl.key -out payload.sig payload.json
$ cat payload.sig | base64 > payloadbase64.sig
# Upload the signature
$ cosign attach signature --payload payload.json --signature payloadbase64.sig
# Verify!
$ cosign verify --key
Verification for --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
  - The cosign claims were validated
  - The signatures were verified against the specified public key
  - Any certificates were verified against the Fulcio roots.
{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":""},"image":{"docker-manifest-digest":"sha256:124e1fdee94fe5c5f902bc94da2d6e2fea243934c74e76c2368acdc8d3ac7155"},"type":"cosign container image signature"},"optional":null}

AWS KMS with aws

Use aws (CLI version 2) to create a CMK for sign and verification (just need this once):

$ export AWS_CMK_ID=$(aws kms create-key --customer-master-key-spec RSA_4096 \
                                   --key-usage SIGN_VERIFY \
                                   --description "Cosign Signature Key Pair" \
                                   --query KeyMetadata.KeyId --output text)

Use cosign to generate the payload, sign it with aws kms, then use cosign to upload it.

$ cosign generate > payload.json

$ aws kms sign  --key-id $AWS_CMK_ID \
              --message file://payload.json \
              --message-type RAW \
              --signing-algorithm RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA_256 \
              --output text \
              --query Signature > payload.sig

$ cosign attach signature --signature $(< payload.sig)

Now (on another machine) use the cosign to download signature bundle, extract payload and signature value, and verify it with aws kms!

$ cosign download signature > signatures.json

$ cat signatures.json | tail -1 | jq -r .Base64Signature | base64 -D > remote_payload.sig
$ cat signatures.json | tail -1 | jq -r .Payload | base64 -D > remote_payload.json

$ aws kms verify --key-id $AWS_CMK_ID \
               --message file://remote_payload.json \
               --message-type RAW \
               --signing-algorithm RSASSA_PKCS1_V1_5_SHA_256 \
               --signature fileb://remote_payload.sig \
               --output text \
               --query SignatureValid