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Contributing to the Flutter engine

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See also: Flutter's code of conduct


This guide introduces you to building and contributing to the Flutter engine. For an introduction to contributing to the Flutter framework, see the equivalent document in the framework's repository.

I built it before. Remind me, how do I do it again?

If you have previously built the engine (i.e. your environment is already setup) and just want a refresher, then feel free to skip to one of the following sections:

Otherwise, begin from the next section, which will help you prepare your environment.

Things you will need

  • Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows
    • Windows doesn't support cross-compiling artifacts for Android or iOS
    • Linux doesn't support cross-compiling artifacts for iOS
  • git (used for source version control).
  • An IDE. We recommend IntelliJ with the Flutter plugin or Xcode.
  • An ssh client (used to authenticate with GitHub).
  • Chromium's depot_tools (make sure it's in your path). We use the gclient tool from depot_tools.
  • Python (used by many of our tools, including 'gclient').
  • On Mac OS X and Linux: curl and unzip (used by gclient sync).
  • On Windows: Visual Studio (required for non-Googlers only).
  • Recommended for Googlers: Goma for distributed builds.

You do not need Dart installed, as a Dart tool chain is automatically downloaded as part of the "getting the code" step. Similarly for the Android SDK, it's downloaded by the gclient sync step below.

Getting the code and configuring your environment

  • Ensure all the dependencies described in the previous section, in particular git, ssh, depot_tools, python, and curl, are installed.
  • Fork into your own GitHub account. If you already have a fork, and are now installing a development environment on a new machine, make sure you've updated your fork so that you don't use stale configuration options from long ago. Do not use git clone to check out this repository; gclient will do it for you.
  • If you haven't configured your machine with an SSH key that's known to github then follow the directions here:
  • Create an empty directory for your copy of the repository. For best results, call it engine: some of the tools assume this name when working across repositories. (They can be configured to use other names too, so this isn't a strict requirement.)
  • Create a .gclient file in the engine directory with the following contents, replacing <your_name_here> with your GitHub account name:
solutions = [
    "managed": False,
    "name": "src/flutter",
    "url": "<your_name_here>/engine.git",
    "custom_deps": {},
    "deps_file": "DEPS",
    "safesync_url": "",
  • cd engine (Change to the directory in which you put the .gclient file.)
  • gclient sync This will fetch all the source code that Flutter depends on. Avoid interrupting this script, it can leave your repository in an inconsistent state that is tedious to clean up. (This step automatically runs git clone, among other things.)
  • cd src/flutter (Change to the flutter directory of the src directory that gclient sync created in your engine directory.)
  • git remote add upstream (So that you fetch from the master flutter/engine repository, not your clone, when running git fetch et al.)
  • cd .. (Return to the src directory that gclient sync created in your engine directory.)
  • If you're on Linux, run sudo ./build/
  • If you're on Linux, run sudo ./build/
  • If you're on Mac, install Oracle's Java JDK, version 1.7 or later.
  • If you're on Mac, install ant: brew install ant
  • If you're on Windows, install Visual Studio (non-Google developers only)
  • If you're planning on working on the buildroot repository as well, and have a local checkout of that repository, run the following commands in the src directory to update your git remotes accordingly:
git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin<your_name_here>/buildroot.git

Building and running the code


Most developers will use the flutter tool in the main Flutter repository for interacting with their built flutter/engine. To do so, the flutter tool accepts two global parameters local-engine-src-path and local-engine, a typical invocation would be: --local-engine-src-path /path/to/engine/src --local-engine=android_debug_unopt.

Additionally if you've modified dart sources in flutter/engine, you'll need to add a dependency_overrides section to point to your modified package:sky_engine and package:sky_services to the pubspec.yaml for the flutter app you're using the custom engine with. A typical example would be:

    path: /path/to/flutter/engine/out/host_debug/gen/dart-pkg/sky_engine
    path: /path/to/flutter/engine/out/host_debug/gen/dart-pkg/sky_services

Depending on the platform you choose below, you will need to replace host_debug with the appropriate directory.

Android (cross-compiling from Mac or Linux)

Run the following steps, from the src directory created in the steps above:

  • Update the Flutter Engine repo.
    • git pull upstream master in src/flutter
  • Update your dependencies
    • gclient sync
  • Prepare your build files
    • ./flutter/tools/gn --android --unoptimized for device-side executables
    • ./flutter/tools/gn --android --android-cpu x86 --unoptimized for x86 emulators
    • ./flutter/tools/gn --android --android-cpu x64 --unoptimized for x64 emulators
    • ./flutter/tools/gn --unoptimized for host-side executables
  • Build your executables
    • ninja -C out/android_debug_unopt for device-side executables
    • ninja -C out/android_debug_unopt_x86 for x86 emulators
    • ninja -C out/android_debug_unopt_x64 for x64 emulators
    • ninja -C out/host_debug_unopt for host-side executables
    • These commands can be combined. Ex: ninja -C out/android_debug_unopt && ninja -C out/host_debug_unopt
    • For Googlers, consider also using the option -j 1000 to parallelize the build using Goma.

This builds a debug-enabled ("unoptimized") binary configured to run Dart in checked mode ("debug"). There are other versions, discussed on the wiki.

To run an example with your locally built binary, you'll also need to clone the main Flutter repository. See the instructions for contributing to the main Flutter repository for detailed instructions. For your convenience, the engine and flutter directories should be in the same parent directory.

Once you've got everything set up, you can run an example using your locally built engine by switching to that example's directory, running pub get to make sure its dependencies have been downloaded, and using flutter run with an explicit --local-engine-src-path pointing at the engine/src directory. Make sure you have a device connected over USB and debugging enabled on that device:

  • cd /path/to/flutter/examples/hello_world
  • ../../bin/flutter run --local-engine-src-path /path/to/engine/src --local-engine=android_debug_unopt or --local-engine=android_debug_unopt_x64

If you put the engine and flutter directories side-by-side, you can skip the tedious --local-engine-src-path option and the flutter tool will automatically determine the path.

You can also specify a particular Dart file to run if you want to run an example that doesn't have a lib/main.dart file using the -t command-line option. For example, to run the tabs.dart example in the examples/widgets directory on a connected Android device, from that directory you would run:

  • flutter run --local-engine=android_debug_unopt -t tabs.dart

If you're going to be debugging crashes in the engine, make sure you add android:debuggable="true" to the <application> element in the android/AndroidManifest.xml file for the Flutter app you are using to test the engine.

iOS (cross-compiling from Mac)

  • Make sure you have Xcode 9.0+ installed.
  • git pull upstream master in src/flutter to update the Flutter Engine repo.
  • gclient sync to update dependencies.
  • ./flutter/tools/gn --ios --unoptimized to prepare build files for device-side executables (or --ios --simulator --unoptimized for simulator).
    • For a discussion on the various flags and modes, read this discussion.
    • This also produces an Xcode project for working with the engine source code at out/ios_debug_unopt
  • ./flutter/tools/gn --unoptimized to prepare the build files for host-side executables.
  • ninja -C out/ios_debug_unopt && ninja -C out/host_debug_unopt to build all artifacts (use out/ios_debug_sim_unopt for Simulator).
    • For Googlers, consider also using the option -j 1000 to parallelize the build using Goma.

Once the artifacts are built, you can start using them in your application by following these steps:

  • cd /path/to/flutter/examples/hello_world
  • ../../bin/flutter run --local-engine-src-path /path/to/engine/src --local-engine=ios_debug_unopt or --local-engine=ios_debug_sim_unopt for simulator
    • If you are debugging crashes in the engine, you can connect the LLDB debugger from Xcode by opening ios/Runner.xcworkspace and starting the application by clicking the Run button (CMD + R).
    • To debug non crashing code, open Xcode with ios/Runner.xcworkspace, expand Flutter->Runner->Supporting Files->main.m in the Runner project. Put a breakpoint in main() then set your desired breakpoint in the engine in lldb via breakpoint set -....

Desktop (Mac and Linux), for tests

To run the tests, you should first clone the main Flutter repository. See the instructions for contributing to the main Flutter repository for detailed instructions. By default, Flutter will use the bundled version of the engine. Follow the next steps to run tests using the locally-built engine:

  • git pull upstream master in src/flutter to update the Flutter Engine repo.
  • gclient sync to update your dependencies.
  • ./flutter/tools/gn --unoptimized to prepare your build files.
  • ninja -C out/host_debug_unopt to build a desktop unoptimized binary.
    • For Googlers, consider also using the option -j 1000 to parallelize the build using Goma.
  • --unoptimized disables C++ compiler optimizations and does not strip debug symbols. You may skip the flag and invoke ninja -C out/host_debug if you would rather have the native components optimized.
  • flutter test --local-engine=host_debug_unopt will run tests using the locally-built flutter_tester.

Desktop (gen_snapshot for Windows)

You can only build selected binaries on Windows (mainly gen_snapshot).

  • Make sure you have Visual Studio installed (non-Googlers only).
  • git pull upstream master in src/flutter to update the Flutter Engine repo.
  • gclient sync to update your dependencies.
  • python .\flutter\tools\gn [--unoptimized] --runtime-mode=[debug|profile|release] [--android] to prepare your build files.
  • ninja -C .\out\<dir created by previous step> gen_snapshot to build.

Building all the builds that matter on Linux and Android

The following script will update all the builds that matter if you're developing on Linux and testing on Android and created the .gclient file in ~/dev/engine:

set -ex

cd ~/dev/engine/src/flutter
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
gclient sync
cd ..

flutter/tools/gn --unoptimized --runtime-mode=debug
flutter/tools/gn --android --unoptimized --runtime-mode=debug
flutter/tools/gn --android --unoptimized --runtime-mode=profile
flutter/tools/gn --android --unoptimized --runtime-mode=release
flutter/tools/gn --android --runtime-mode=debug
flutter/tools/gn --android --runtime-mode=profile
flutter/tools/gn --android --runtime-mode=release

cd out
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs -n 1 sh -c 'ninja -C $0 || exit 255'

Contributing code

We gladly accept contributions via GitHub pull requests. See the wiki for information about the engine's architecture.

To start working on a patch:

  • Make sure you are in the engine/src/flutter directory.
  • git fetch upstream
  • git checkout upstream/master -b name_of_your_branch
  • Hack away.
    • Please peruse our style guides and design principles before working on anything non-trivial. These guidelines are intended to keep the code consistent and avoid common pitfalls.
    • C, C++, and Objective-C code should be formatted with clang-format before submission (use buildtools/<OS>/clang/bin/clang-format --style=file -i).
  • git commit -a -m "<your brief but informative commit message>"
  • git push origin name_of_your_branch

To send us a pull request:

  • git pull-request (if you are using Hub) or go to and click the "Compare & pull request" button

Once you've gotten an LGTM from a project maintainer, submit your changes to the master branch using one of the following methods:

  • Wait for one of the project maintainers to submit it for you
  • Click the green "Merge pull request" button on the GitHub UI of your pull request (requires commit access)
  • git push upstream name_of_your_branch:master (requires commit access)

Then, make sure it doesn't make our tree catch fire by watching the waterfall. The waterfall runs slightly different tests than Travis, so it's possible for the tree to go red even if Travis did not. If that happens, please immediately revert your change. Do not check anything in while the tree is red unless you are trying to resolve the problem.

Please make sure all your checkins have detailed commit messages explaining the patch. If you made multiple commits for a single pull request, either make sure each one has a detailed message explaining that specific commit, or squash your commits into one single checkin with a detailed message before sending the pull request.

You must complete the Contributor License Agreement. You can do this online, and it only takes a minute. If you've never submitted code before, you must add your (or your organization's) name and contact info to the AUTHORS file.