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Assets and Images |
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Flutter applications include both code and assets (sometimes called resources). Assets can include static data, configuration files, or anything else an application needs to function; in particular, assets include icons and other images displayed in the UI.
Flutter uses the flutter.yaml
file to identify assets required by an
application, as shown in the Tutorial. A typical flutter.yaml
file might include something like the following:
- assets/my_icon.png
- assets/background.png
The assets
section specifies files that should be included with the
application. Flutter places them in a special archive called the asset bundle,
which applications can read from at runtime. It lists explicit paths (relative
to the flutter.yaml
file) where the asset files are located.
The build process supports the notion of asset variants: different versions of
an asset that might be displayed in different contexts. When an asset's path is
specified in the assets
section of flutter.yaml
, the build process looks for
any files with the same name in adjacent subdirectories. Such files are then
included in the asset bundle along with the specified asset.
For example, if you have the following assets:
and your flutter.yaml
file contains:
- assets/background.png
then both assets/background.png
and assets/dark/background.png
will be
included in your asset bundle. The former is considered the main asset, while
the latter is considered a variant.
Flutter uses asset variants when choosing resolution appropriate images; see below. In the future, this mechanism may be extended to include variants for different locales or regions, reading directions, etc.
Your application can access its assets through the
interface. The two main methods on an asset bundle allow you to load a string
) or an image (loadImage
) out of the bundle, given a logical key.
The logical key maps to the path to the asset specified in the flutter.yaml
file at build time. The application's asset bundle is accessible through the
widget's of
For example, the dark background from the example above could be loaded in a
widget's build
method like so:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
String name = 'assets/dark/background.png';
ImageResource image = DefaultAssetBundle.of(context).loadImage(name);
As a convenience, the AssetImage widget provides a simple way to display an image in the UI. Images may also be specified as the background in a DecoratedBox.
Flutter can load resolution-appropriate images for the current device pixel ratio.
AssetImage understands how to map a logical requested asset onto one that most closely matches the current device pixel ratio. In order for this mapping to work, assets should be arranged according to a particular directory structure:
Where M and N are numeric identifiers that correspond to the nominal resolution
of the images contained within. The main asset is assumed to correspond to a
resolution of 1.0. For example, consider the following asset layout for an
image named my_icon.png
On devices with a device pixel ratio of 1.8, the asset .../2.0x/my_icon.png
would be chosen. For a device pixel ratio of 2.7, the asset
would be chosen.
If the width and height of the rendered image are not specified, the nominal
resolution is used to scale the asset so that it will occupy the same amount
of screen space as the main asset would have, just with a higher resolution.
That is, if .../my_icon.png
is 72px by 72px, then .../3.0x/my_icon.png
should be 216px by 216px; but they both will render into 72px by 72px
(in logical pixels) if width and height are not specified.
The way this works is through an object called AssetVendor established at the top of the build tree. AssetVendor replaces the default asset bundle, so anything using the default asset bundle will inherit resolution awareness when loading images. (If you work with some of the lower level classes, like ImageResource or ImageCache, you'll also notice parameters related to scale.)
Some caveats:
- If you're not using MaterialApp or WidgetsApp in your application, and you want to use resolution awareness, you'll need to establish your own AssetVendor in your build logic.
- If you want establish a your own MediaQuery or DefaultAssetBundle below the root of the widget hierarchy, the root-level AssetVendor won't be aware of the change. If you want resolution awareness with the new MediaQuery or DefaultAssetBundle you specify, you'll need to create an AssetVendor at that point in the tree as well.
You can see an example
from the flutter repo.
Run flutter run -t resolution_awareness.dart
to see it in action.