Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer notes
- 18% 1 - Magento Architecture and Customization Techniques (11 questions)
- modules, config, di, plugins, events, cron, cli, cache
- 12% 2 - Request Flow Processing (7 questions)
- modes, front contr., url, rewrite, action contr., response, routes, 404, layout, page layout
- 10% 3 - Customizing the Magento UI (6 questions)
- theme, template, block, block cache, JS, UI component (briefly)
- 7% 4 - Working with Databases in Magento (4 questions)
- repository, api data class, search criteria, table, load/save, collection, select, migration
- 8% 5 - Using the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model (5 questions)
- hierarchy, storage, load/save, attributes, frontend/source/backend
- 10% 6 - Developing with Adminhtml (6 questions)
- form, grid, system.xml, menu, acl
- 12% 7 - Customizing the Catalog (7 questions)
- product types, price, price render, category, catalog rules
- 13% 8 - Customizing the Checkout Process (8 questions)
- cart rule, add to cart, quote totals, product type render, shipping method, payment method
- normal/wishlist/reorder/quote merge
- 5% 9 - Sales Operations (3 questions)
- order processing, status, invoice, refund
- 5% 10 - Customer Management (3 questions)
- my account, customer extension attributes, address, customer group, tax
- 60 Multiple Choice items
- 90 minutes to complete the exam
- A score of 64% or higher is needed to pass the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer exam
- Based on Magento Open Source (2.2) and Magento Commerce (2.2), but applicable to those using any version of Magento 2.
- Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer
- Magento 2.2 Developer Documentation
- Markdown Cheatsheet
- Markdown Cheatsheet RU
- Swiftotter Study Guide
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