Use the following instructions to get the project up and running in IntelliJ on a new system.
- Git
- Latest version of IntelliJ
- JDK 9.0.4
- Gradle 4.7
- Ask Ryan for the IntelliJ settings token
- Go to File > Settings Repository
- In Upstream URL enter this:
- Click Overwrite Local
- Enter the token when prompted
- IntelliJ will sync your settings
NOTE: Do NOT overwrite remote settings. The settings will sync automatically.
MAC/LINUX USERS: You must go Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle and specify the correct Gradle Home path. (Usually /usr/local/opt/gradle/libexec)
- Open terminal/Git bash
- Navigate to your desired project directory (Ex: ~/IdeaProjects/)
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Open the .ipr file with IntelliJ
- Go to File > Project Structure and confirm the selected JDK is 9
- Optional Clean Build: Go to Build > Rebuild Project, then open the Gradle panel and click the blue refresh button
- To launch from Windows or Linux, run the Main configuration
- To launch from Mac OS, run the Main (Mac) configuration
- Clean run configs (Necessary due to bug):
rm -r -f .runConfigurations/
- Reset the local repo:
git reset --hard
- Remove untracked/ignored files:
git clean -x -f
- Pull and rebase:
git pull --rebase origin master
- Re-open the project