This application is sampling analog input A0 of ESP8266, so it then can be displayed on-line in a web browser.
- Sampling of A0 at maximum speed
- Adjustable number of samples
- Adjustable sampling threshold
- Data transfer for visualization using WebSockets
- Use of ESP WebSever for visualization
in EspScopeA0-Delta.ino sketch so the module can join your Wi-Fi network. -
Upload updated EspScopeA0-Delta.ino sketch to your ESP module.
Then upload web HTML, CSS, JS, etc. that are saved in data folder following procedure specific for Arduino IDE, PlatformIO CLI, PlatformIO IDE or Visual Micro (ref. SPIFFS File System).
After uploading, open serial terminal of your IDE to check if module joined your network. This will be confirmed by displaying specific IP address assigned to module by Wi-Fi router as shown below:
EspScopeA0-Delta 0.1.0
Connecting to SSID-of-Your-Network
Connected, IP address:
WebSockets started
HTTP server started
Open to see the scope
- Enter displayed IP address (mine was
) in web browser and after couple of seconds you should see the scope screen:
The application in web browser served by ESP module starts automatically. It establishes web socket connection back to the module. Then requests A0 samples and immediately displays received data as wave-forms on the chart. Successful connection is visible on serial terminal of ESP as follows:
Open to see the scope
[0] Connected from
[0] get Text: Hello from Browser :-) Tue Jul 12 2016 19:12:26 GMT+0200 (Central European Daylight Time)
[0] get Text: ping
In example below the PC with browser has IP address of
. Every 60 seconds browser sends a ping to ESP visible in the log as get Text: ping
Using slider below the chart you can adjust threshold and number of samples. Changes should be immediately reflected on the screen. Transmission statistics and individual data received from ESP8266 are shown below the slides. Further down below there are buttons to connect / disconnect, connection status and number of pings sent to ESP.
EspScopeA0-Delta has been successfully tested with the following h/w and s/w.
- NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module) @ 80 and 160MHz, 1MB SPIFFS
- Esp8266 / Arduino core 2.3.0 for Arduino IDE and Visual Micro
- framework-arduinoespressif version 13 for PlatformIO
- arduinoWebSockets by Links2004, release 2.0.3 for Arduino IDE and Visual Micro
- Web Sockets (ID 549), version ab0d8ff526 for PlaformIO
- Arduino IDE 1.6.9 portable version running on Windows 7 x64
- PlatformIO IDE 1.3.0 CLI 2.11.0 running on Windows 7 x64
- Visual Micro 1606.17.10 with Visual Studio Community 2015 running on Windows 7 x64
- Internet Explorer 11.0 running on Windows 7 x64
- Google Chrome Version 51.0.2704.106 m running on Windows 7 x64
- Firefox 44.0.2 running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Microsoft Edge 25.10586.0.0 running on Windows 10