This repo contains a proof of concept for deploying the Openstack Helm Keystone chart using Argo workflows.
Using Argo workflows allows us to run multiple tasks simultaneously, and begin new tasks the moment that all dependencies are met. This dramatically speeds up deployment time.
helm fetch argo/argo
tar xvf
helm install --name argo --namespace argo .
you need to deploy mariadb, memcached and rabbitmq first by using the helm chart available under openstackhelm-infra. Potentially if you don't have a local helm server, ensure that the helmtoolkit.tgz file is available each chart under charts/helmtoolkit.tgz
cd ../mariadb/
helm install --name mariadb --namespace openstack .
cd ../memcached/
helm install --name memcached --namespace openstack .
cd ../rabbitmq/
helm install --name rabbitmq --namespace openstack .
kubectl get all -n openstack
cd keystone-argo-cli
argo submit -n openstack wf-mariadb.yaml
argo submit -n openstack wf-memcached.yaml
argo submit -n openstack wf-rabbitmq.yaml
argo submit -n openstack wf-keystone-api.yaml
argo submit -n openstack wf-keystone-bootstrap.yaml
argo get wf-keystone-api -n openstack
Name: wf-keystone-api
Namespace: openstack
ServiceAccount: keystone-api
Status: Succeeded
Created: Tue Jan 29 17:19:45 -0600 (54 seconds ago)
Started: Tue Jan 29 17:19:45 -0600 (54 seconds ago)
Finished: Tue Jan 29 17:20:38 -0600 (1 second ago)
Duration: 53 seconds
✔ wf-keystone-api
├---✔ svc-memcached wf-keystone-api-2517001386 4s
├---✔ svc-mariadb wf-keystone-api-1718994872 5s
├---✔ wf-keystone-db-sync
| ├---✔ svc-mariadb wf-keystone-api-3144285078 3s
| ├---✔ wf-keystone-db-init
| | ├---✔ svc-mariadb wf-keystone-api-1703586597 2s
| | └---✔ job-keystone-db-init wf-keystone-api-3354426817 3s
| ├---✔ job-keystone-credential-setup wf-keystone-api-3324764547 3s
| ├---✔ job-keystone-fernet-setup wf-keystone-api-2605329163 2s
| ├---✔ wf-keystone-rabbit-init
| | ├---✔ svc-rabbitmq wf-keystone-api-823436806 3s
| | └---✔ job-keystone-rabbit-init wf-keystone-api-1346041812 3s
| └---✔ job-keystone-db-sync wf-keystone-api-1562708993 2s
├---✔ job-keystone-credential-setup wf-keystone-api-196303985 3s
├---✔ job-keystone-fernet-setup wf-keystone-api-740083775 3s
├---✔ wf-keystone-rabbit-init
| ├---✔ svc-rabbitmq wf-keystone-api-2519204236 2s
| └---✔ job-keystone-rabbit-init wf-keystone-api-2526730454 3s
└---✔ svc-keystone-api wf-keystone-api-1282227320 2s
the serviceAccountName field in the workflow is important. Each component of the openstackhelm is creating standalone serviceAccount. I could not figure how to achieve the same level of granularity
Note having access to the templating language basically void the interest of the helm-toolkit. For instance dependencies in original helm chart, reference
Approach is of such deploment is much more centralized. You don't let kubernetes do its thing anymore...aka initcontainer would retry until dependency is resolved. Need to find the right balance between the two approaches.
ARGO UI is to some extend not as good as the "argo cli" and seems much slower
Argo is using a CRD pattern, so can be controlled through kubectl without using argo cli ....therefore let us helm and associated template language.
cd keystone-argo-helm
helm install --name armadalike-keystone --namespace .
Not much of the workflows has been templatized in the template directory
The workflow 'keystone-argo-helm/templates/wf-keystone.yaml' is an attempt to simulate an airship-armada like workflow/chart group. One workflow (equivalent of chartgroup) is basically waiting for the other worflow completed (equivalent of helm chart). Still having with serviceAccount. Interesting aspect is that we still have access to the templating of helm as for armada
cd kubernetesendpoint-argo-poc1
helm install --name argo-poc1 --namespace openstack .
- Brute force and ugly copy paste of keystone helm chart.
- helm template . --namespace openstack -x templates/jobs-xxx.yaml > templates/steps/_xxx.yaml
- Use include in the wf-keystone-api.yaml and replace "jobs" by "containers" and include the "steps/xxx.yaml"
Ensure that the "good" keystone helm chart has been run first. This procedure only necessary to understand how the workflow works
cd kubernetesendpoint-argo-poc2
# helm install --name argo-poc2 --namespace openstack .
helm template . --namespace openstack -x templates/wf-keystone-api.yaml > debugging.yaml
argo submit -f debugging.yaml -n openstack
argo get wf-keystone-api -n openstack
cd ../argo-ohm/kubernetesendpoint-argo-poc
cd kubernetesendpoint-argo-poc2/
helm install --name keystone --namespace openstack .
- volumes handling at the top of the workflow looks like kind of strange. Can't put on each container ?
- gradally running "git rm templates/jobs-xxx.yaml" after those have been converted to steps
- wf-roles.yaml is kind of ugly and contains all the roles that used to be created by the individual job.
- wf-keystone-sa is "role-binded" to all the roles that used to be created by the indivual job. We should be able to simplify that.
Still need to include the following steps
- _domain_manage
- _bootstrap
kubectl get all -n openstack
pod/keystone-api-697d4bb54d-l8x4d 1/1 Running 0 15m
pod/mariadb-ingress-6766c8566-ddp8r 1/1 Running 0 18m
pod/mariadb-ingress-error-pages-8b9fd8dd-xnz25 1/1 Running 0 18m
pod/mariadb-server-0 1/1 Running 0 18m
pod/memcached-memcached-5bc79f976c-rxwns 1/1 Running 0 17m
pod/rabbitmq-rabbitmq-0 1/1 Running 0 17m
pod/wf-keystone-api-1273692324 0/2 Completed 0 15m
pod/wf-keystone-api-1526467896 0/1 Completed 0 15m
pod/wf-keystone-api-1632446228 0/1 Completed 0 15m
pod/wf-keystone-api-1843436742 0/2 Completed 0 15m
pod/wf-keystone-api-2693579121 0/2 Completed 0 15m
pod/wf-keystone-api-3460448251 0/1 Completed 0 15m
pod/wf-keystone-api-4103002611 0/1 Completed 0 15m
pod/wf-keystone-api-61866709 0/2 Completed 0 15m
pod/wf-keystone-api-935314636 0/2 Completed 0 15m
service/keystone ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP,443/TCP 15m
service/keystone-api ClusterIP <none> 5000/TCP 15m
service/mariadb ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 18m
service/mariadb-discovery ClusterIP None <none> 3306/TCP,4567/TCP 18m
service/mariadb-ingress-error-pages ClusterIP None <none> 80/TCP 18m
service/mariadb-server ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 18m
service/memcached ClusterIP <none> 11211/TCP 17m
service/rabbitmq ClusterIP <none> 5672/TCP,25672/TCP,15672/TCP 17m
service/rabbitmq-dsv-7b1733 ClusterIP None <none> 5672/TCP,25672/TCP,15672/TCP 17m
service/rabbitmq-mgr-7b1733 ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP,443/TCP 17m
deployment.apps/keystone-api 1/1 1 1 15m
deployment.apps/mariadb-ingress 1/1 1 1 18m
deployment.apps/mariadb-ingress-error-pages 1/1 1 1 18m
deployment.apps/memcached-memcached 1/1 1 1 17m
replicaset.apps/keystone-api-697d4bb54d 1 1 1 15m
replicaset.apps/mariadb-ingress-6766c8566 1 1 1 18m
replicaset.apps/mariadb-ingress-error-pages-8b9fd8dd 1 1 1 18m
replicaset.apps/memcached-memcached-5bc79f976c 1 1 1 17m
statefulset.apps/mariadb-server 1/1 18m
statefulset.apps/rabbitmq-rabbitmq 1/1 17m
cronjob.batch/keystone-credential-rotate 0 0 1 * * False 0 <none> 15m
cronjob.batch/keystone-fernet-rotate 0 */12 * * * False 0 <none> 15m
argo list -n openstack
wf-keystone-api Succeeded 16m 32s
argo get wf-keystone-api -n openstack
Name: wf-keystone-api
Namespace: openstack
ServiceAccount: wf-keystone-sa
Status: Succeeded
Created: Thu Jan 31 14:08:11 -0600 (16 minutes ago)
Started: Thu Jan 31 14:08:11 -0600 (16 minutes ago)
Finished: Thu Jan 31 14:08:43 -0600 (16 minutes ago)
Duration: 32 seconds
✔ wf-keystone-api
├-✔ job-keystone-credential-setup wf-keystone-api-1273692324 9s
├-✔ job-keystone-fernet-setup wf-keystone-api-2693579121 9s
├-✔ svc-mariadb wf-keystone-api-4103002611 3s
├-✔ svc-memcached wf-keystone-api-1526467896 5s
├-✔ svc-rabbitmq wf-keystone-api-3460448251 4s
├-✔ job-keystone-db-init wf-keystone-api-935314636 6s
├-✔ job-keystone-rabbit-init wf-keystone-api-1843436742 6s
├-✔ job-keystone-db-sync wf-keystone-api-61866709 16s
└-✔ svc-keystone-api wf-keystone-api-1632446228 2s
helm delete --purge keystone
helm delete --purge mariadb
helm delete --purge memcached
helm delete --purge rabbitmq
kubectl delete configmap mariadb-mariadb-mariadb-ingress -n openstack
kubectl delete configmap mariadb-mariadb-state -n openstack
kubectl delete namespace openstack
argo logs wf-keystone-api -n openstack -w
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:13Z" level=info msg="Creating a docker executor"
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:13Z" level=info msg="Executor (version: v2.2.1, build_date: 2018-10-11T16:27:29Z) initialized with template:\narchiveLocation: {}\ninputs: {}\nmetadata: {}\nname: svc-mariadb\noutputs: {}\nresource:\n action: get\n manifest: |\n apiVersion: v1\n kind: Service\n metadata:\n name: mariadb\n successCondition: == mariadb\n"
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:13Z" level=info msg="Loading manifest to /tmp/manifest.yaml"
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:13Z" level=info msg="kubectl get -f /tmp/manifest.yaml -o name"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="Creating a docker executor"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="Executor (version: v2.2.1, build_date: 2018-10-11T16:27:29Z) initialized with template:\narchiveLocation: {}\ninputs: {}\nmetadata: {}\nname: svc-rabbitmq\noutputs: {}\nresource:\n action: get\n manifest: |\n apiVersion: v1\n kind: Service\n metadata:\n name: rabbitmq\n successCondition: == rabbitmq\n"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="Loading manifest to /tmp/manifest.yaml"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="kubectl get -f /tmp/manifest.yaml -o name"
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg=service/mariadb
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="Waiting for conditions:"
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="kubectl get service/mariadb -w -o json"
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="{\"apiVersion\": \"v1\",\"kind\": \"Service\",\"metadata\": {\"creationTimestamp\":\"2019-01-31T20:06:00Z\",\"labels\": {\"application\": \"mariadb\",\"component\": \"ingress\",\"release_group\": \"mariadb\"},\"name\": \"mariadb\",\"namespace\": \"openstack\",\"resourceVersion\": \"370256\",\"selfLink\": \"/api/v1/namespaces/openstack/services/mariadb\",\"uid\": \"a1173585-2593-11e9-b736-0800272e6982\"},\"spec\": {\"clusterIP\": \"\",\"ports\": [{\"name\": \"mysql\",\"port\": 3306,\"protocol\": \"TCP\",\"targetPort\": 3306}],\"selector\": {\"application\": \"mariadb\",\"component\": \"ingress\",\"release_group\": \"mariadb\"},\"sessionAffinity\": \"None\",\"type\": \"ClusterIP\"},\"status\": {\"loadBalancer\": {}}}"
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="success condition '{ == [mariadb]}' evaluated true"
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="1/1 success conditions matched"
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="Returning from successful wait for resource service/mariadb"
svc-mariadb: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="No output parameters"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="Creating a docker executor"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="Executor (version: v2.2.1, build_date: 2018-10-11T16:27:29Z) initialized with template:\narchiveLocation: {}\ninputs: {}\nmetadata: {}\nname: svc-memcached\noutputs: {}\nresource:\n action: get\n manifest: |\n apiVersion: v1\n kind: Service\n metadata:\n name: memcached\n successCondition: == memcached\n"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="Loading manifest to /tmp/manifest.yaml"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:14Z" level=info msg="kubectl get -f /tmp/manifest.yaml -o name"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg=service/rabbitmq
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="Waiting for conditions:"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="kubectl get service/rabbitmq -w -o json"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="{\"apiVersion\": \"v1\",\"kind\": \"Service\",\"metadata\": {\"creationTimestamp\":\"2019-01-31T20:06:24Z\",\"name\": \"rabbitmq\",\"namespace\": \"openstack\",\"resourceVersion\": \"370420\",\"selfLink\": \"/api/v1/namespaces/openstack/services/rabbitmq\",\"uid\": \"af96906d-2593-11e9-b736-0800272e6982\"},\"spec\": {\"clusterIP\": \"\",\"ports\": [{\"name\": \"amqp\",\"port\": 5672,\"protocol\": \"TCP\",\"targetPort\": 5672},{\"name\": \"clustering\",\"port\": 25672,\"protocol\": \"TCP\",\"targetPort\": 25672},{\"name\": \"http\",\"port\": 15672,\"protocol\": \"TCP\",\"targetPort\": 15672}],\"selector\": {\"application\": \"rabbitmq\",\"component\": \"server\",\"release_group\": \"rabbitmq\"},\"sessionAffinity\": \"None\",\"type\": \"ClusterIP\"},\"status\": {\"loadBalancer\":{}}}"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="success condition '{ == [rabbitmq]}' evaluated true"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="1/1 success conditions matched"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="Returning from successful wait for resource service/rabbitmq"
svc-rabbitmq: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="No output parameters"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg=service/memcached
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="Waiting for conditions:"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="kubectl get service/memcached -w -o json"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="{\"apiVersion\": \"v1\",\"kind\": \"Service\",\"metadata\": {\"creationTimestamp\":\"2019-01-31T20:06:12Z\",\"name\": \"memcached\",\"namespace\": \"openstack\",\"resourceVersion\": \"370353\",\"selfLink\": \"/api/v1/namespaces/openstack/services/memcached\",\"uid\": \"a81f59f7-2593-11e9-b736-0800272e6982\"},\"spec\": {\"clusterIP\": \"\",\"ports\": [{\"port\": 11211,\"protocol\": \"TCP\",\"targetPort\": 11211}],\"selector\": {\"application\": \"memcached\",\"component\": \"server\",\"release_group\": \"memcached\"},\"sessionAffinity\": \"ClientIP\",\"sessionAffinityConfig\": {\"clientIP\": {\"timeoutSeconds\": 10800}},\"type\": \"ClusterIP\"},\"status\": {\"loadBalancer\": {}}}"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="success condition '{ == [memcached]}' evaluated true"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="1/1 success conditions matched"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="Returning from successful wait for resource service/memcached"
svc-memcached: time="2019-01-31T20:08:15Z" level=info msg="No output parameters"
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:16.192 - INFO - Executing 'keystone-manage fernet_setup --keystone-user=keystone --keystone-group=keystone' command.
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:16.607 - INFO - Executing 'keystone-manage credential_setup --keystone-user=keystone --keystone-group=keystone' command.
job-keystone-rabbit-init: Managing: User: keystone
job-keystone-rabbit-init: user declared
job-keystone-rabbit-init: Managing: vHost: keystone
job-keystone-rabbit-init: vhost declared
job-keystone-rabbit-init: Managing: Permissions: keystone on keystone
job-keystone-rabbit-init: permission declared
job-keystone-rabbit-init: Applying additional configuration
job-keystone-rabbit-init: Imported definitions for rabbitmq.openstack.svc.cluster.local from "/tmp/rmq_definitions.json"
job-keystone-db-init: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,295 - OpenStack-Helm DB Init - INFO - Got DB root connection
job-keystone-db-init: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,296 - OpenStack-Helm DB Init - INFO - Using /etc/keystone/keystone.conf as db config source
job-keystone-db-init: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,296 - OpenStack-Helm DB Init - INFO - Trying to load db config from database:connection
job-keystone-db-init: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,296 - OpenStack-Helm DB Init - INFO - Got config from /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,315.315 9 WARNING keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] key_repository is world readable: /etc/keystone/fernet-keys/
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,316.316 9 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Created a new temporary key: /etc/keystone/fernet-keys/0.tmp
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,316.316 9 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Become a valid new key: /etc/keystone/fernet-keys/0
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,316.316 9 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Starting key rotation with 1 key files: ['/etc/keystone/fernet-keys/0']
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,317.317 9 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Created a new temporary key: /etc/keystone/fernet-keys/0.tmp
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,317.317 9 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Current primary key is: 0
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,318.318 9 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Next primary key will be: 1
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,318.318 9 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Promoted key 0 to be the primary: 1
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,320.320 9 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Become a valid new key: /etc/keystone/fernet-keys/0
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20.429 - INFO - Updating data for 'keystone-fernet-keys' secret.
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20.477 - INFO - 2 fernet keys have been placed to secret 'keystone-fernet-keys'
job-keystone-fernet-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20.477 - INFO - Fernet keys generation has been completed
job-keystone-db-init: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,507 - OpenStack-Helm DB Init - INFO - Tested connection to DB @ mariadb.openstack.svc.cluster.local:3306 as root
job-keystone-db-init: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,508 - OpenStack-Helm DB Init - INFO - Got user db config
job-keystone-db-init: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,533 - OpenStack-Helm DB Init - INFO - Created database keystone
job-keystone-db-init: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,549 - OpenStack-Helm DB Init - INFO - Created user keystone for keystone
job-keystone-db-init: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,565 - OpenStack-Helm DB Init - INFO - Tested connection to DB @ mariadb.openstack.svc.cluster.local:3306/keystone as keystone
job-keystone-db-init: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,565 - OpenStack-Helm DB Init - INFO - Finished DB Management
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,660.660 8 WARNING keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] key_repository is world readable: /etc/keystone/credential-keys/
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,661.661 8 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Created a new temporary key: /etc/keystone/credential-keys/0.tmp
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,661.661 8 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Become a valid new key: /etc/keystone/credential-keys/0
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,661.661 8 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Starting key rotation with 1 key files: ['/etc/keystone/credential-keys/0']
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,661.661 8 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Created a new temporary key: /etc/keystone/credential-keys/0.tmp
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,661.661 8 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Current primary key is: 0
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,662.662 8 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Next primary key will be: 1
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,662.662 8 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Promoted key 0 to be the primary: 1
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20,662.662 8 INFO keystone.common.fernet_utils [-] Become a valid new key: /etc/keystone/credential-keys/0
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20.741 - INFO - Updating data for 'keystone-credential-keys' secret.
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20.760 - INFO - 2 fernet keys have been placed to secret 'keystone-credential-keys'
job-keystone-credential-setup: 2019-01-31 20:08:20.760 - INFO - Credential keys generation has been completed
job-keystone-db-sync: + keystone-manage --config-file=/etc/keystone/keystone.conf db_sync
job-keystone-db-sync: + keystone-manage --config-file=/etc/keystone/keystone.conf bootstrap --bootstrap-username admin --bootstrap-password password --bootstrap-project-name admin --bootstrap-admin-url http://keystone.default.svc.cluster.local:80/v3 --bootstrap-public-url http://keystone.default.svc.cluster.local:80/v3 --bootstrap-internal-url http://keystone-api.default.svc.cluster.local:5000/v3 --bootstrap-region-id RegionOne
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,685.685 10 INFO keystone.cmd.cli [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Created domain default
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,710.710 10 INFO keystone.cmd.cli [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Created project admin
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,710.710 10 WARNING keystone.identity.core [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Unable to locate domain config directory: /etc/keystonedomains
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,766.766 10 INFO keystone.cmd.cli [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Created user admin
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,778.778 10 INFO keystone.cmd.cli [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Created role admin
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,791.791 10 INFO keystone.cmd.cli [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Granted adminon admin to user admin.
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,808.808 10 INFO keystone.cmd.cli [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Created region RegionOne
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,847.847 10 INFO keystone.cmd.cli [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Created adminendpoint http://keystone.default.svc.cluster.local:80/v3
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,858.858 10 INFO keystone.cmd.cli [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Created internal endpoint http://keystone-api.default.svc.cluster.local:5000/v3
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,881.881 10 INFO keystone.cmd.cli [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Created public endpoint http://keystone.default.svc.cluster.local:80/v3
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:39,886.886 10 INFO keystone.assignment.core [req-8f5cd894-5bb9-44ed-906e-6992c39eba31 - - - - -] Creating the default role 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab because it does not exist.
job-keystone-db-sync: + exec python /tmp/
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:40,152 - OpenStack-Helm Keystone Endpoint management - INFO - Using /etc/keystone/keystone.conf as db config source
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:40,152 - OpenStack-Helm Keystone Endpoint management - INFO - Trying to load db config from database:connection
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:40,152 - OpenStack-Helm Keystone Endpoint management - INFO - Got config from /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:40,205 - OpenStack-Helm Keystone Endpoint management - INFO - endpoint (admin): http://keystone.default.svc.cluster.local:80/v3
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:40,205 - OpenStack-Helm Keystone Endpoint management - INFO - endpoint (internal): http://keystone-api.default.svc.cluster.local:5000/v3
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:40,205 - OpenStack-Helm Keystone Endpoint management - INFO - endpoint (public): http://keystone.default.svc.cluster.local:80/v3
job-keystone-db-sync: 2019-01-31 20:08:40,205 - OpenStack-Helm Keystone Endpoint management - INFO - Finished Endpoint Management
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="Creating a docker executor"
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="Executor (version: v2.2.1, build_date: 2018-10-11T16:27:29Z) initialized with template:\narchiveLocation: {}\ninputs: {}\nmetadata: {}\nname: svc-keystone-api\noutputs: {}\nresource:\n action: get\n manifest: |\n apiVersion: v1\n kind: Service\n metadata:\n name: keystone-api\n successCondition: == keystone-api\n"
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="Loading manifest to /tmp/manifest.yaml"
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="kubectl get -f /tmp/manifest.yaml -o name"
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg=service/keystone-api
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="Waiting for conditions:"
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="kubectl get service/keystone-api -w -o json"
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="{\"apiVersion\": \"v1\",\"kind\": \"Service\",\"metadata\": {\"creationTimestamp\": \"2019-01-31T20:08:11Z\",\"name\": \"keystone-api\",\"namespace\": \"openstack\",\"resourceVersion\": \"370696\",\"selfLink\": \"/api/v1/namespaces/openstack/services/keystone-api\",\"uid\": \"eefd0ce5-2593-11e9-b736-0800272e6982\"},\"spec\": {\"clusterIP\": \"\",\"ports\": [{\"name\": \"ks-pub\",\"port\": 5000,\"protocol\": \"TCP\",\"targetPort\": 5000}],\"selector\": {\"application\": \"keystone\",\"component\": \"api\",\"release_group\": \"keystone\"},\"sessionAffinity\": \"None\",\"type\": \"ClusterIP\"},\"status\": {\"loadBalancer\": {}}}"
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="success condition '{ == [keystone-api]}' evaluated true"
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="1/1 success conditions matched"
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="Returning from successful wait for resource service/keystone-api"
svc-keystone-api: time="2019-01-31T20:08:42Z" level=info msg="No output parameters"