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NPEP-137: Conformance Profiles

  • Issue: #137
  • Status: Standard


Add conformance profiles for existing conformance tests which implementations can leverage when running the conformance test suite in their downstream repos to report the results of the tests back to the Network Policy API project and receive recognition (eg. "conformance badge")

  • NOTE: Adapted with love from (Then a question may arise, why do we need our own NPEP? Answer: Gateway API Project has lots of resources and features and it gets very complicated to adopt their same API. We need to tune the profiles to be compatible with what works for Network Policy API project, thus the need for this NPEP). Our profiles are much simpler than what GatewayAPI supports.


  • Add conformance profiles for existing tests that downstream implementations can subscribe to to run tests associated to the supported API feature sets

  • Add a reporting mechanism via a new CRD where conformance results can be reported back to the Network Policy API project and provide "conformance badges" via Network Policy official website to recognize these implementations.

  • Expand existing conformance testing framework to account for profiles


  • The first iteration will just have a simple repo under which the report results will be stored, no automated reporting infrastructure will be built for this now. Implementations will need to open PRs against network-policy-api repo to upload the results.


Currently, the conformance tests are grouped into CoreFeatures and ExtendedFeatures. The support for features that fall under the CoreFeatures are a requirement for conformant implementations, while the support for features that fall under ExtendedFeatures are optional and do not gate API conformance for implementations.

In this NPEP, we will add a concept called named profiles which will indicate a "level of conformance" for a given resource. We are picking profiles on a resource level because that is what makes sense for the project as of today. The initial decision to report conformance profiles on a per-resource level is a choice which may be re-evaluated by the NetworkPolicy API working group in the future. Using these named profiles, implementations can run the conformance tests, prove they satisfy the requirements for each profile, and receive conformance badges from the Network Policy API project.

This NPEP aims to provide an API (CRD) for reporting results from these conformance tests. CLI tooling will also be provided for invoking the conformance tests with the profile names so that the results can be easily submitted back upstream.


Story 1: Receive an API conformance badge

As a CNI maintainer, I want to receive recognition from Network Policy API subgroup that my plugin implements the AdminNetworkPolicy API. This badge will enable us to advertise upstream feature support in our plugin easily to our users.

Story 2: Track Implementations for each API resource

As a Network Policy project maintainer, I would like to easily track which implementations are using the defined API resources in our project so that it paves way for easier collaboration and feedback loops when changes are introduced to the API in each release.


We will add a new API resource called ConformanceReport which will be at the center of our test result reporting workflow. The implementors running the tests can then:

  1. Choose a named profile
  2. Integrate the tests required by a given profile in their downstream project
  3. Report the results to Network Policy API project using this new API resource
  4. Get a conformance badge recognition via our official website


Named Profiles for Network Policy API project will be tied to each API resource. We will start with two named profiles and expand this as the project evolves.

  1. AdminNetworkPolicy
  2. BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy

Each of these profiles may have a combination of conformance tests that fall under CoreFeatures and ExtendedFeatures. Example; if you pick the profile AdminNetworkPolicy, all tests like AdminNetworkPolicyEgressSCTP and AdminNetworkPolicyPriorityField fall under the SupportAdminNetworkPolicy feature which is under the CoreFeatures subset. So these tests must pass for the AdminNetworkPolicy profile conformance. Whereas tests (we don't have any today) that fall under AdminNetworkPolicySameLabels feature which is under the ExtendedFeatures subset are not mandatory for AdminNetworkPolicy profile conformance.


The conformance profile test suite can be integrated, invoked and run from your implementation using two methods:

  • The go test CLI commands specifying the required information need to generate a conformance test report. Sample:
go test  -v ./conformance -run TestConformanceProfiles -args --conformance-profiles=AdminNetworkPolicy,BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy --organization=ovn-org -project=ovn-kubernetes -url=<project-url> -version=0.1.1 -contact=<> -additional-info=<link-to-implementation>
  • Using the conformance profile test suite TestConformanceProfiles by directly customizing it by providing the correct arguments. Sample:
cpSuite := suite.NewConformanceProfileTestSuite(
                    suite.Options: cSuiteDefaultOptions,
                    Implementation: confv1alpha1.Implementation{
                            Organization:          "ovn-org",
                            Project:               "OVN-Kubernetes CNI",
                            URL:                   "",
                            Version:               "0.1.1",
                            Contact:               []string{"@tssurya"},
                            AdditionalInformation: ""
                    ConformanceProfiles: sets.New(

Reporting process and certification

The reporting process is related to a specific API's version and channel (core and experimental). There are fields in the ConformanceReport CRD that includes such information. Any implementation can run the existing conformance test suite specifying the profiles they support and that will generate an output that looks like this:

    Conformance report:
        date: "2023-10-03T08:15:25+02:00"
          - "@tssurya"
          organization: ovn-org
          project: OVN-Kubernetes CNI
          url: ""
          version: 0.1.1
          additionalInformation: ""
        kind: ConformanceReport
        networkPolicyV2APIVersion: v0.1.1
        - core:
            - AdminNetworkPolicyIngressSCTP
            - AdminNetworkPolicyEgressUDP
            result: failure
              Failed: 2
              Passed: 5
              Skipped: 0
            summary: ""
          name: AdminNetworkPolicy
        - core:
            result: success
              Failed: 0
              Passed: 7
              Skipped: 0
            summary: ""
          name: BaselineAdminNetworkPolicy

This can then be uploaded to network-policy-api/conformance/reports/v.x.x/cni-name.yaml by opening a PR. That will then be reviewed and approved by maintainers thus recognizing the implementations that are conformant. It is recommended for the implementations to use the additionalInformation field to provide links to the implementation or github actions or jenkins or any other CI/CD job definitions that helped generate this report. This will help maintainers make an informed decision on merging the report PR.


N/A - We just went with what Gateway API project already has implemented without having to reinvent the wheel.


  1. #142