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Commit 8b0c966

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committedFeb 27, 2018
Merge pull request #55168 from nikhita/customresources-subresources
Automatic merge from submit-queue. If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="">here</a>. apiextensions: add subresources for custom resources Fixes #38113 Fixes #58778 **Related**: - Proposal: kubernetes/community#913 - For custom resources to work with `kubectl scale`: kubernetes/kubernetes#58283 **Add types**: - Add `CustomResourceSubResources` type to CRD. - Fix proto generation for `CustomResourceSubResourceStatus`: kubernetes/kubernetes#55970. - Add feature gate for `CustomResourceSubResources`. - Update CRD strategy: if feature gate is disabled, this feature is dropped (i.e. set to `nil`). - Add validation for `CustomResourceSubResources`: - `SpecReplicasPath` should not be empty and should be a valid json path under `.spec`. If there is no value under the given path in the CustomResource, the `/scale` subresource will return an error on GET. - `StatusReplicasPath` should not be empty and should be a valid json path under `.status`. If there is no value under the given path in the CustomResource, the status replica value in the /scale subresource will default to 0. - If present, `LabelSelectorPath` should be a valid json path. If there is no value under `LabelSelectorPath` in the CustomResource, the status label selector value in the `/scale` subresource will default to the empty string. - `ScaleGroupVersion` should be `autoscaling/v1`. - If `CustomResourceSubResources` is enabled, only `properties` is allowed under the root schema for CRD validation. **Add status and scale subresources**: - Use helper functions from `apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured/helpers.go`. - Improve error handling: kubernetes/kubernetes#56563, kubernetes/kubernetes#58215. - Introduce Registry interface for storage. - Update storage: - Introduce `CustomResourceStorage` which acts as storage for the custom resource and its status and scale subresources. Note: storage for status and scale is only enabled when the feature gate is enabled _and_ the respective fields are enabled in the CRD. - Introduce `StatusREST` and its `New()`, `Get()` and `Update()` methods. - Introduce `ScaleREST` and its `New()`, `Get()` and `Update()` methods. - Get and Update use the json paths from the CRD and use it to return an `autoscaling/v1.Scale` object. - Update strategy: - In `PrepareForCreate`, - Clear `.status`. - Set `.metadata.generation` = 1 - In `PrepareForUpdate`, - Do not update `.status`. - If both the old and new objects have `.status` and it is changed, set it back to its old value. - If the old object has a `.status` but the new object doesn't, set it to the old value. - If old object did not have a `.status` but the new object does, delete it. - Increment generation if spec changes i.e. in the following cases: - If both the old and new objects had `.spec` and it changed. - If the old object did not have `.spec` but the new object does. - If the old object had a `.spec` but the new object doesn't. - In `Validate` and `ValidateUpdate`, - ensure that values at `specReplicasPath` and `statusReplicasPath` are >=0 and < maxInt32. - make sure there are no errors in getting the value at all the paths. - Introduce `statusStrategy` with its methods. - In `PrepareForUpdate`: - Do not update `.spec`. - If both the old and new objects have `.spec` and it is changed, set it back to its old value. - If the old object has a `.spec` but the new object doesn't, set it to the old value. - If old object did not have a `.spec` but the new object does, delete it. - Do not update `.metadata`. - In `ValidateStatusUpdate`: - For CRD validation, validate only under `.status`. - Validate value at `statusReplicasPath` as above. If `labelSelectorPath` is a path under `.status`, then validate it as well. - Plug into the custom resource handler: - Store all three storage - customResource, status and scale in `crdInfo`. - Use the storage as per the subresource in the request. - Use the validator as per the subresource (for status, only use the schema for `status`, if present). - Serve the endpoint as per the subresource - see `serveResource`, `serveStatus` and `serveScale`. - Update discovery by adding the `/status` and `/scale` resources, if enabled. **Add tests**: - Add unit tests in `etcd_test.go`. - Add integration tests. - In `subresources_test.go`, use the [polymporphic scale client]( to get and update `Scale`. - Add a test to check everything works fine with yaml in `yaml_test.go`. **Release note**: ```release-note `/status` and `/scale` subresources are added for custom resources. ``` Kubernetes-commit: 6e856480c05424b5cd2cfcbec692a801b856ccb2
2 parents 35f61b2 + 5cf3fd5 commit 8b0c966

File tree

2 files changed

lines changed

2 files changed

lines changed


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -280,6 +280,7 @@ func (rc *ResourceClient) Watch(opts metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error

// Patch applies the patch and returns the patched resource.
func (rc *ResourceClient) Patch(name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte) (*unstructured.Unstructured, error) {
result := new(unstructured.Unstructured)
resourceName, subresourceName := rc.parseResourceSubresourceName()


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ func fakeScaleClient(t *testing.T) (ScalesGetter, []schema.GroupResource) {

restMapperRes, err := discovery.GetAPIGroupResources(fakeDiscoveryClient)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected error while constructing resource list from fake discovery client: %v")
t.Fatalf("unexpected error while constructing resource list from fake discovery client: %v", err)
restMapper := discovery.NewRESTMapper(restMapperRes, apimeta.InterfacesForUnstructured)

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