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Configure irobot wifi series using command line

I finally got there!


Push a password

  1. Reset to robot (press Clean until all lights up)
  2. Start Soft AP (press Home+Spot) until sound + green wifi led blink - Eventually try again if the error bip sounds
  3. The password is pushed to the robot using an MQTT Authentication Exchange packet echo -n "f023efcc3b29003a313a313537393139353338363a386678376e597156744b67574a39744f" | xxd -r -p | openssl s_client -CAfile robot-ca.pem -connect -quiet -noservername. This output the password back if set correctly.

packet format:

Value Description
0xf0 MQTT Authentication Exchange packet fixed header
0x23 The size of the remaining Bytes after this (35 in decimal)
0xefcc3b2900 Voodoo packet 😸
:1:1579195386:8fx7nYqVtKgWJ9tO Format: :1:timestamp:16 alpha-decimal chars

Note: I have not played using different password format, so use with caution.

Provision wifi settings

Connect using mqtt protocol v3.1.1 and send commands via json messages from the table bellow on the right topic and disconnect after. (I use only 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, it seems to be sufficient for a basic configuration). Having a little pause between commands seems to help the process a bit. Once sent, the SoftAP should turn off and the wifi led should turn fixed white.

  Topic payload Comment
1 delta { "state" : { "timezone" : "Europe/Paris" } } makes the robot bip once of two
2 wifictl { "state" : { "sdiscUrl" : "" } } I did not checked what is this api…
3 wifictl { "state" : { "ntphosts" : "" } }
4 delta { "state" : {"country" : "FR"} }
5 delta { "state" : { "cloudEnv" : "prod" } }
6 wifictl {"state": {"wlcfg": {"pass": "wifisecretpasssword", "sec": 7, "ssid": "575757"}}} pass as clear text, ssid as octal (mine is WWW here), sec???
7 wifictl { "state" : { "utctime" : 1579291795 } } timestamp
8 wifictl { "state" : { "localtimeoffset" : 60 } }
9 wifictl { "state" : { "chkssid" : true } }
10 wifictl { "state" : { "wactivate" : true } }
11 wifictl { "state" : { "get" : "netinfo" } }
12 wifictl { "state" : { "uap" : false } }

Python script

There is a proof of concept in this repo.

  • press the 'CLEAN' button until you hear a sound, keep it pressed, it will blink, keep it pressed, all light flash, now release

  • press home + spot until you hear a melody

  • connect you PC to the Access Point. Roomba will speak

  • Check the WIFI SSID name, it's your BLID, set it in the script

  • Update your wifi parameters in the script

  • Launch the script

Note: the instruction that set "timezone" must emit a bip.

$ ./
received data: hex: b'f023', length: 2
received data: hex: b'efcc3b29003a313a313537393139353338363a386678376e597156744b67574a39744f', length: 35
received data: hex: b'f023efcc3b29003a313a313537393139353338363a386678376e597156744b67574a39744f', length: 37
Sending: delta { "state" : { "timezone" : "Europe/Paris" } }    <<<<======= THIS MUST EMIT A BIP
Sending: wifictl {"state": {"wlcfg": {"pass": "wifisecretpasssword", "sec": 7, "ssid": "54657374"}}}
Sending: wifictl { "state" : { "chkssid" : true } }
Sending: wifictl { "state" : { "wactivate" : true } }
Sending: wifictl { "state" : { "get" : "netinfo" } }
Sending: wifictl { "state" : { "uap" : false } }   <<=== after some seconds, the wifi led should stay white

Bash script

A bash script has been added with the mqtt commannds. It require mosquitto client ($ apt-get install mosquitto-clients). Do not forget to edit the script to set your values.


I want to thanks my wife and my familly ;)

Some code in the prototype copied from
