A bunch of Haskell code intended to learn the language with the larger goal of writing a C compiler to RISC-V
Solutions for all homeworks in CIS194 by Dr Brent Yorgey. https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis1940/spring13/
Random code written while reading LYAH. http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters
Solutions and projects for CSCI360, again, by Dr. Brent Yorgey. This course is an introduction to writing programming languages ind Haskell. From constructing ASTs, parsing, lexing, dynamic types, static type checking, interpreting statements, and more.
As I worked through the course there is a moment of realization: I could write languages using Haskell. It sneaks up on you. And it's quite exciting.
Haskell In Depth by Vitaly Bragilevsky https://www.amazon.com/Haskell-Depth-Vitaly-Bragilevsky/dp/161729540X
Figuring out how to create RISC-V assembly.