Bayzat Backend Coding Excercise
Welcome! In this excercise, you are asked to develop a simple RESTful service.
The service will provide functionality to create, read, update and delete certain entities, namely: Company, Employee, Dependant.
Companies can have multiple employees and employees can have multiple dependants. Furthermore, they have the specific attributes:
• Name
• Address
• Name
• Phone number
• Gender
• Date of birth
• Salary
• Name
• Phone number
• Gender
• Date of birth
• Relation to employee
• Use Symfony Framework (PHP) or Spring Boot (any jvm language).
• Expose a REST API, no frontend is required.
• Usage of kotlin will be considered a plus.
• Usage of API Blueprint will be considered a plus.
• Proper unit testing and coverage will be considered a plus.
• Improvise where details are omitted.