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## Concurrency and Parallelism Laboratory #### @ KAIST School of Computing
Where theory meets practice

{% capture pi_url %}{% include person_id="jeehoon.kang" %}{% endcapture %} {% assign pi_url = pi_url | strip %}

Welcome to Concurrency and Parallelism Laboratory at KAIST School of Computing. We are designing concurrent and parallel systems that greatly improve performance and significantly reduce power consumption, thereby serving as the basis for the next-generation massive data processing.

We are actively recruiting motivated students of all levels interested in designing concurrent and parallel systems, ranging from (hardware) caches to garbage collectors to deep learning accelerators. If interested, please send an email to {{ pi_url }}.



  • February, 2019: Concurrency and Parallelism Laboratory is born.


{% for person in %} {% if person.status == "present" %}

{% assign person_id = %} {% capture person_url %}{% include person_id=person_id %}{% endcapture %}

  • {{ }} [:house:]({{ person_url }}) [:e-mail:](mailto:{{ }} [:octocat:]({{ person.github }}) ({{ person.title }})

{% endif %} {% endfor %}


We are designing concurrent and parallel systems that greatly improve performance and significantly reduce power consumption, thereby serving as the basis for the next-generation massive data processing. Our general strategy in attacking this goal is (1) to holistically understand computer systems from microarchitectures to algorithms, and (2) to develop abstraction layers that realize the intrinsic parallelism of the workloads. Specifically, we are working on the following projects:

  • Designing concurrent systems: It is difficult to develop efficient and yet safe concurrent software/hardware, because efficient systems should allow concurrent accesses from multiple threads/components (so-called "non-blocking") that complicate the reasoning of safety. We are designing "design patterns" for coordinating concurrent accesses, and using the design patterns, developing practical concurrent systems. For this project, we are using Crossbeam, a Rust concurrency library, as the playground for concurrent software. We are taking seriously into account persistent memory in this project.

  • Verifying concurrent systems: It is difficult to ensure the safety of concurrent software/hardware by testing because they exhibit so many behaviors due to inherent nondeterminism arising from scheduling, optimization, or other factors. To address this problem, we are going to design verification techniques for proving the correctness of concurrent systems and verify real-world systems---such as operating systems, database systems, or cache coherence protocols, thereby answering the following research question: is verification more cost-effective than testing for concurrent systems?

  • Designing compilers for deep learning hardware accelerator: Deep learning accelerators like Google TPU are specialized hardware purpose-built to achieve high performance by exploiting the intrinsic parallelism of the workloads. To better serve the target workloads, accelerators break the common abstraction layers established for general-purpose hardware like CPU. So it is difficult to design compilers for those accelerators that achieve programmability and efficiency at the same time. We are developing such a compiler in close collaboration with Furiosa AI.


See the [publications]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link %}) page.



  • GitHub: kaist-cp

  • Rm. 4432 (Jeehoon) and Rm. 4433 (students), Bldg. E3-1

    School of Computing, KAIST

    291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu

    Daejeon 34141, Korea

  • +82-42-350-3578 (Jeehoon)