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93 lines (82 loc) · 4.7 KB


Yet another discord.js bot.

Run npm install --build-from-source on project root to install, and npm run to start.

Minimal bot configuration is in config.json. You can alternatively use a .env file.

You need CUDA 11.6 with cuDNN 8.1+ with an MPI compatible compiler. Only devices with compute capability 7.0+ connected through NVLINK are supported. Make sure CUDA_HOME, MPI_HOME and (optionally) NVSHMEM_HOME environment variables are set.

Command list

  • Anime
    • ;anime [anime title] Searches for anime on AniList
    • ;next [anime title] Returns remaining time for the next episode of given anime
  • Bot
    • ;help [command/module] Lists available commands.
    • ;ping Replies with ping
    • ;stats Shows bot stats
  • Fun
    • ;jojo Replies with a random JoJo quote
    • ;ment Replies with a random Code Ment quote
  • Moderation
    • ;ban <user> [user2...] [reason] Bans a user.
    • ;banprune <user> [reason] Re-bans a user to prune their messages. Use during raids
    • ;banrange [user2...] [reason] Bans every user joined within a range. Useful for mass bot joins
    • ;kick <member> [member2...] [reason] Kicks a member.
    • ;lockdown Automatically mutes every new member on join.
    • ;mute [minutes] <member1> [member2 ...] Mutes mentioned members for a given amount of time
    • ;muteset [role] Sets muted role for the server
    • ;nopics [#channel] Denies Attach Files and Embed Links permissions for @everyone in specified channels.
    • ;prunerole <role> Removes all members in a role
    • ;pruneroles <role> Removes all members in a role
    • ;purge [amount] Purges messages in the channel.
    • ;reping <role> [message] (Re-)Pings a role and gives people an option to join and leave
    • ;silentwarn <member> [member2...] <reason> Warns a member without sending a DM.
    • ;spank <member1> [member2 ...] Spanks bad people
    • ;stop [#channel] Denies Send Message permissions for @everyone in specified channels.
    • ;timeout [minutes] <member1> [member2 ...] Times out mentioned members for a given amount of time
    • ;unmute <member1> [member2 ...] Unmutes mentioned users
    • ;warn <member> [member2...] <reason> Warns a member.
  • Owner
    • ;cache cache [channel] Caches messages in a channel
    • ;die [exit code] Kills the bot
    • ;disableg <command name> Disables a command globally
    • ;dm <user> [user2...] <text> DMs users. Supports embeds
    • ;enableg <command name> Enables a command globally
    • ;eval <code> Evaluates JavaScript code
    • ;restart Restarts the bot. Be careful when using with pm2 and other managers
    • ;update Updates the bot and restarts
  • Server
    • ;disable <command name> Disables a command in the server
    • ;edit <message url or reply> <text> Edits messages. Supports embeds
    • ;enable <command name> Enables a command in the server
    • ;getembed [channel or current channel] <text> Says something. Supports embeds
    • ;healthcheck Server health check
    • ;say [channel or current channel] <text> Says something. Supports embeds
  • Setup
    • ;goodbye channel {Embed JSON} Sets up goodbye channel and message. Send without arguments to disable it
    • ;log Handles loggable server events
    • ;logdisable [channel (or current channel)] [event name] Disables log events in channels. Run without the second argument to disable everything
    • ;logenable [channel (or current channel)] [event name] Enables log events in channels. Run without the second argument to enable everything
    • ;setup Sets up guild settings
    • ;welcome channel {Embed JSON} Sets up welcome channel and message. Send without arguments to disable it
  • Utility
    • ;avatar [user] Shows avatar of a given user
    • ;banner [user] Shows banner of a given user
    • ;inrole [user] Shows members in a given role
    • ;quote <id> [#channel] Quotes a message
    • ;urban [prompt] Looks up Urban Dictionary definitions
    • ;color <color> Shows color
  • Modlog
    • ;action <action number> Shows details of a specified action
    • ;actions [from @moderator] [to @member] Lists moderation actions in the server
    • ;importcarl <carl exported message id> Imports carl database
    • ;reason <action number> Changes reason for an action
  • Subscription
    • ;intag <name> Shows all users in the tag without pinging
    • ;subscribe <name> Subscribes to a tag
    • ;tag <name> Pings a tag
    • ;tagadd <name> Adds a new tag
    • ;tagremove <name> Adds a new tag
    • ;tags Lists all tags in the server
    • ;unsubscribe <name> Unsubscribes from a tag