1.0.5 - 11/06/2014
- Fix premature termination when downloading VOD streams with t=0
- Hide total recording time in log output when t=0
- Use forked version of m3u8 to fix EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE parsing bug
1.0.4 - 12/30/2013
- Handle non-200 HTTP responses in downloadSegment()
1.0.3 - 12/25/2013
- Improve logging
- Fix over-recording bug
- Unescape all URLs to reduce risk of duplicate segment downloads (e.g. China Central TV streams)
1.0.2 - 12/25/2013
- Bypass URL parsing for absolute media segment URLs
- Change default user agent to gohls/VERSION
1.0.1 - 12/23/2013
- Fix duplicate segment download bug
- Use more precise TargetDuration translation
1.0.0 - 12/23/2013
- Initial release