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File metadata and controls

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Commands in Sharp are a powerful way to integrate functional processes in the content management. They can be used for instance to re-send an order to the customer, on synchronize pictures of a product, or preview a page...

Write the Command class

First we need to write a class for our Command. It must extend the Code16\Sharp\EntityList\Commands\EntityCommand abstract class (for "entity commands", more on that below), and implement two functions.

First one is label(): string, and must simply return the text label of the Command, displayed to the user:

    public function label(): string
        return "Reload full list";

The second one, execute(EntityListQueryParams $params, array $data=[]): array handles the work of the Command itself:

    public function execute(
        EntityListQueryParams $params, 
        array $data=[]): array
        return $this->reload();

More on this return $this->reload(); below.

Command scope: instance or entity

The example above is an "entity" case: Command applies to a subset of entities, or all of them. The EntityListQueryParams object passed as a parameter (named $params) can be used to extract the context (search, page, filters, ...), just like in the getListData() of the EntityList.

To create an instance Command (relative to a specific instance), the Command class must extend Code16\Sharp\EntityList\Commands\InstanceCommand. The execute method signature is a little bit different:

    public function execute($instanceId, array $params = []): array

Instead of an EntityListQueryParams object, we get an $instanceId parameter to identify the exact instance involved. The rest is the same, except for authorization detailed below.

Add a Command form

The second parameter in the execute() function is an array named $data, which contains values entered by the user in a Command specific form. A use case might be to allow the user to enter a text to be sent to the customer with his invoice. In order to do that, we have first to write a buildFormFields() function in the Command class:

    function buildFormFields()

            SharpFormCheckField::make("now", "Send right now?")
                ->setHelpMessage("Otherwise it will be sent next night.")

The API is the same as building a standard entity form (see Building an Entity Form).

Once this method has been declared, a form will be prompted to the user as he clicks on the Command.

Then, is the execute() method, it's trivial to grab the entered value, and even to handle the validation:

    public function execute($instanceId, array $data= []): array
        $this->validate($data, [
            "message" => "required"
        $text = $data["message"];

Initializing form data

You may need to initialize the form with some data; in order to do that, you have to implement the initialData() method:

    protected function initialData(): array
        return [
            "message" => "Some initial value"

For an Instance command, add the $instanceId as a parameter:

     protected function initialData($instanceId): array

This method must return an array of formatted values, like for a regular Entity Form. This means you can transform data here:

    protected function initialData($instanceId): array
        return $this
            ->setCustomTransformer("message", function($value, Spaceship $instance) {
                return sprintf("Message #%s:", $instance->messages_sent_count);

Note that in both cases (Entity or Instance Command), you can access to the EntityList querystring via the request.

Command confirmation

To add a confirmation message before a Command is executed, simply add a confirmationText() method:

    public function confirmationText()
        return "Sure, really?";

Command return types

Finally, let's review the return possibilities. After a Command has been executed, the code must return a "command return" to tell to the front what to do next. There are six of them:

  • return $this->info("some text"): displays the entered text in a modal.
  • return $this->reload(): reload the current entity list (with context).
  • return $this->refresh(1)*: refresh only the instance with an id on 1. We can pass an id array also to refresh more than one instance.
  • return $this->view("", ["some"=>"params"]): display a view right in Sharp. Useful for page previews.
  • return $this->link("/path/to/redirect"): redirect to the given path
  • return $this->download("path", "diskName"): the browser will download (as a stream) the specified file.

* In order for refresh() to work properly, your Entity List's getListData(EntityListQueryParams $params) will be called, and $params will return all the wanted ids with specificIds(). Here's a code example:

    function getListData(EntityListQueryParams $params)
        $spaceships = Spaceship::distinct();

        if($params->specificIds()) {
            $spaceships->whereIn("id", $params->specificIds());

Configure the Command

Once the Command class is written, we must add it to the EntityList configuration. This is straightforward:

    function buildListConfig()
        $this->addEntityCommand("reload", SpaceshipReload::class)
            ->addInstanceCommand("message", SpaceshipSendMessage::class)

Handle authorizations

Of course, it's often mandatory to add authorizations to a Command. Here's how to do that:

Authorizations for entity Commands

Simply implement the authorize():bool function, which must return a boolean to allow or disallow the Command execution, based on any logic of yours. It can be for instance:

    public function authorize():bool
        return sharp_user()->hasGroup("boss");

Note that the sharp_user() helper returns the logged user (see Authentication).

Authorizations for instance Commands

For instance Commands we have to know the instance involved, which means the signature is different:

    public function authorizeFor($instanceId): bool
        return Spaceship::findOrFail($instanceId)->owner_id == sharp_user()->id;

Next chapter : Entity states