All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Order of buttons in ToolBar: Move setting and filter btn up
- Added notification that redo/undo is currently not supported
- imgActions poperty that will record all actions a user performs during the annotation process
- Set up prettier and formatted all files
- Added properties
to Sia - Added additional Exports so lost-sia provides all necessary Exports to be usable in LOST
- autoSave Feature since it caused a lot of runtime errors and instability
- onAnnoSaveEvent and annoSaveResponse for instant annotation update in backend -> will also change some internal behaviour
- Added fullscreen prop
- Sia: Do not crash when no annos prop is provided
- Added preventScrolling prop onMouseEnter in canvas
- Move import of semantic-ui-css into index js
- Sia dummy data for quick testing
- Moved semantic ui css into sia component
- Toolbar: Do not crash if no filter props is provided
- Update sematic-ui-react to version 2.0.3
- More fine grained visibility level for toolbar elements
- Export of toolbarEvents and tools
- Improved internal uiConfig handling
- Export of Sia and other components
- Possibility to assign comments to 2D-Annotations
- InfoBox (AnnoStats) that shows the number of annotations per label (see l3p-cv/lost#86 and l3p-cv/lost#160)
- When clicking on a label in the InfoBox all annotations of this label will be hidden. Anothter click will show the annotations again. (see also l3p-cv/lost#161)
- Added auto save feature
- Anno Example Viewer + Image Example in LabelInfo box
- Move InfoBoxes to Canvas
- Restructured props and event handling for canvas and toolbar
- Created new Sia component
- Fixed correctAnnotation method to work correctly in maxCanvas mode
- Will prevent annotations from being created outside of the image
- Delete annotation in creation mode when hitting Escape-Key
- Show img description in ImgBar if available
- Max canvas size mode. Where canvas takes the maximum container size and is not image oriented as before. Add prop maxCanvas={true} to canvas in order to enable.
- Be able to deal with mixed color possible labels -> where a part of labels will have a specified color and the other part has no provided color
- Added lockedAnnos prop for Canvas in order to lock annos by id. Locked annos can not be edited
- Update annotations on annos-prob change
- Edit mode for Polygons -> Edit polygons again that already have been created
- do not spam logs with toSia function
- Prevent to crash when hitting delete and no annotation was selected
- Prevent to crash when no AnnoRef was found
- Added onAnnoPerformedAction callback to canvas
- Removed all logs
- Do not unload image when props.annos change
- A possible label can now be selected as default label by id
- Added maxAnnos to canvasConfig. This allows to define a maximum number of annotations that are allowed per image.
- Frontend annotation time measurement
- Annotation time is now measured in frontend, based on user events. For each annotation individual user interaction time is measured.
- Delete last node of polygon/ line when hitting delete key in create mode
- Added copy & paste for annotations
- Added prop to block canvas
- Do not lose polygon annotation when hitting enter in create mode
- Do not allow to draw a polygon consisting of two points
- Do not collapse line with two points, when confirming with enter
- Do not clutter background through sia css file, when importing sia canvas component
- Fixed multiple image load events for the same image, that lead to wrong svg sizes
- Added camera move on wasd keys
- Provide canvas key events via prop callback
- Show annotation nodes in foreground and label above annotation to prevent that nodes are not accessible by the annotator (see l3p-cv/lost#74)
- Removed most sia logs that clutter the console
- Fixed undefined possible labels in canvas
- Always reset annotation mode to view when getAnnoBackendFormat is called
- Delete annotation in sia canvas correctly, when they are moved out of the image.
- Prevent user from moving image out of canvas
- Confirm label in LabelInput by click on the respective label
- Configure name of the default Label by a prop
- Provide method to reset canvas zoom
- It is now possible to define custom label colors via canvas possibleLabels props
- Fixed jumping camera when zooming into the image
- Fixed LabelInput on wrong position when image was zoomed
- Fixed crash on changing image when label input is active.
- Fixed all annotations lost bug. (see also l3p-cv/lost#51)
- When a new annotation was created and deleted before a backend update was performed, SIA sent this annotation to backend for an db update
- The backend then tried to update a db record that did not exists which caused an exception.
- The result was that all annotation where lost