For the most up to date information: chatgpt-clone | Trello
- Persistent conversation
- Rename, delete conversations
- UI Error handling
- Bing AI integration
- AI model change handling (start new convos within existing, remembers last selected)
- Code block handling (highlighting, markdown, clipboard, language detection)
- Markdown handling
- Customize prompt prefix/label (custom ChatGPT using official API)
- Server convo pagination (limit fetch and load more with 'show more' button)
- Config file for easy startup (docker compose)
- Mobile styling (thanks to wtlyu)
- Resubmit/edit sent messages (thanks to wtlyu)
- Message Search
- Custom params for ChatGPT API (temp, top_p, presence_penalty)
- Bing AI Styling (params, suggested responses, convo end, etc.)
- Add warning before clearing convos
- Optional use of local storage for credentials (for bing and browser)
- Build test suite for CI/CD
- Prompt Templates/Search
- Refactor/clean up code (tech debt)
- ChatGPT Plugins (reverse engineered)
- Deploy demo