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File metadata and controls

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Supporting Enqueue

Enqueue is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of community and our customers. If you'd like to join them, please consider:

Config reference

You can get this info by running ./bin/console config:dump-reference enqueue command.

# Default configuration for extension with alias: "enqueue"

    # Prototype

        # The transport option could accept a string DSN, an array with DSN key, or null. It accept extra options. To find out what option you can set, look at connection factory constructor docblock.
        transport:            # Required

            # The MQ broker DSN. These schemes are supported: "file", "amqp", "amqps", "db2", "ibm-db2", "mssql", "sqlsrv", "mysql", "mysql2", "pgsql", "postgres", "sqlite", "sqlite3", "null", "gearman", "beanstalk", "kafka", "rdkafka", "redis", "rediss", "stomp", "sqs", "gps", "mongodb", "wamp", "ws", to use these "file", "amqp", "amqps", "db2", "ibm-db2", "mssql", "sqlsrv", "mysql", "mysql2", "pgsql", "postgres", "sqlite", "sqlite3", "null", "gearman", "beanstalk", "kafka", "rdkafka", "redis", "rediss", "stomp", "sqs", "gps", "mongodb", "wamp", "ws" you have to install a package.
            dsn:                  ~ # Required

            # The connection factory class should implement "Interop\Queue\ConnectionFactory" interface
            connection_factory_class: ~

            # The factory class should implement "Enqueue\ConnectionFactoryFactoryInterface" interface
            factory_service:      ~

            # The factory service should be a class that implements "Enqueue\ConnectionFactoryFactoryInterface" interface
            factory_class:        ~

            # the time in milliseconds queue consumer waits for a message (100 ms by default)
            receive_timeout:      10000
            traceable_producer:   true
            prefix:               enqueue
            separator:            .
            app_name:             app
            router_topic:         default
            router_queue:         default
            router_processor:     null
            redelivered_delay_time: 0
            default_queue:        default

            # The array contains driver specific options
            driver_options:       []

        # The "monitoring" option could accept a string DSN, an array with DSN key, or null. It accept extra options. To find out what option you can set, look at stats storage constructor doc block.

            # The stats storage DSN. These schemes are supported: "wamp", "ws", "influxdb".
            dsn:                  ~ # Required

            # The factory class should implement "Enqueue\Monitoring\StatsStorageFactory" interface
            storage_factory_service: ~

            # The factory service should be a class that implements "Enqueue\Monitoring\StatsStorageFactory" interface
            storage_factory_class: ~
            enabled:              false
            enabled:              false
            enabled:              false
            doctrine_ping_connection_extension: false
            doctrine_clear_identity_map_extension: false
            signal_extension:     true
            reply_extension:      true

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