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Releases: lambdaclass/cairo-vm


12 Jun 22:51
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What's Changed

  • BREAKING: Compute ExecutionResources.n_steps without requiring trace #1222

    • CairoRunner::get_execution_resources return's n_steps field value is now set to vm.current_step instead of 0 if both original_steps and trace are set to None
  • Add RunResources::get_n_steps method #1225

  • refactor: simplify mem_eq

  • fix: pin Cairo compiler version #1220

  • perf: make inner_rc_bound a constant, improving performance of the range-check builtin

  • fix: substraction of MaybeRelocatable always behaves as signed #1218


07 Jun 23:25
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What's Changed

  • fix: fix overflow for QUAD_BIT and DI_BIT hints #1209
    Fixes #1205


  • bugfix: fix deserialization of scientific notation with fractional values #1202

  • feat: implement mem_eq function to test for equality of two ranges in memory #1198

  • perf: use mem_eq in set_add #1198

  • feat: wrap big variants of HintError, VirtualMachineError, RunnerError, MemoryError, MathError, InsufficientAllocatedCellsError in Box #1193

    • BREAKING: all tuple variants of HintError with a single Felt252 or multiple elements now receive a single Box
  • Add Program::builtins_len method #1194

  • fix: Handle the deserialization of serde_json::Number with scientific notation (e.g.: Number(1e27)) in felt_from_number function #1188

  • feat: Add RunResources Struct #1175

    • BREAKING: Modify CairoRunner::run_until_pc arity. Add run_resources: &mut Option<RunResources> input
    • BREAKING: Modify CairoRunner::run_from_entrypoint arity. Add run_resources: &mut Option<RunResources> input
  • fix: Fix 'as_int' conversion usage in hints ASSERT_250_BIT & SIGNED_DIV_REM #1191

  • bugfix: Use cairo constants in ASSERT_250_BIT hint #1187

  • bugfix: Fix EC_DOUBLE_ASSIGN_NEW_X_V2 hint not taking SECP_P value from the current execution scope #1186

  • fix: Fix hint BIGINT_PACK_DIV_MOD #1189

  • fix: Fix possible subtraction overflow in QUAD_BIT & DI_BIT hints #1185

    • These hints now return an error when ids.m equals zero
  • fix: felt_from_number not properly returning parse errors #1012

  • fix: Fix felt sqrt and Signed impl #1150

    • BREAKING: Fix Felt252 methods abs, signum, is_positive, is_negative and sqrt
    • BREAKING: Remove function math_utils::sqrt(Now moved to Felt252::sqrt)
  • feat: Add method CairoRunner::initialize_function_runner_cairo_1 #1151

    • Add method pub fn initialize_function_runner_cairo_1( &mut self, vm: &mut VirtualMachine, program_builtins: &[BuiltinName], ) -> Result<(), RunnerError> to CairoRunner

    • BREAKING: Move field builtins from SharedProgramData to Program

    • BREAKING: Remove argument add_segment_arena_builtin from CairoRunner::initialize_function_runner, it is now always false

    • BREAKING: Add segment_arena enum variant to BuiltinName

  • Fix implementation of InitSquashData and ShouldSkipSquashLoop

  • Add more hints to Cairo1HintProcessor #1171

    • Cairo1HintProcessor can now run the following hints:
      • Felt252DictEntryInit
      • Felt252DictEntryUpdate
      • GetCurrentAccessDelta
      • InitSquashData
      • AllocConstantSize
      • GetCurrentAccessIndex
      • ShouldContinueSquashLoop
      • FieldSqrt
      • Uint512DivMod
  • Add some small considerations regarding Cairo 1 programs #1144:

    • Ignore Casm and Sierra files
    • Add special flag to compile Cairo 1 programs
  • Make the VM able to run CasmContractClass files under cairo-1-hints feature #1098

    • Implement TryFrom<CasmContractClass> for Program
    • Add Cairo1HintProcessor


30 May 17:22
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What's Changed

  • perf: insert elements from the tail in load_data so reallocation happens only once #1117

  • Add CairoRunner::get_program method #1123

  • Use to_signed_felt as function for felt252 as BigInt within [-P/2, P/2] range and use to_bigint as function for representation as BigInt. #1100

  • Implement hint on field_arithmetic lib #1090

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hints:

            def split(num: int, num_bits_shift: int, length: int):
                a = []
                for _ in range(length):
                    a.append( num & ((1 << num_bits_shift) - 1) )
                    num = num >> num_bits_shift
                return tuple(a)
            def pack(z, num_bits_shift: int) -> int:
                limbs = (z.d0, z.d1, z.d2)
                return sum(limb << (num_bits_shift * i) for i, limb in enumerate(limbs))
            a = pack(ids.a, num_bits_shift = 128)
            b = pack(ids.b, num_bits_shift = 128)
            p = pack(ids.p, num_bits_shift = 128)
            res = (a - b) % p
            res_split = split(res, num_bits_shift=128, length=3)
            ids.res.d0 = res_split[0]
            ids.res.d1 = res_split[1]
            ids.res.d2 = res_split[2]
  • Add missing hint on cairo_secp lib #1089:
    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

    from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
    slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
    x0 = pack(ids.point0.x, PRIME)
    x1 = pack(ids.point1.x, PRIME)
    y0 = pack(ids.point0.y, PRIME)
    value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - x0 - x1) % SECP_P
  • Add missing hint on vrf.json whitelist #1055:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

       PRIME = 2**255 - 19
       II = pow(2, (PRIME - 1) // 4, PRIME)
       xx = ids.xx.low + (ids.xx.high<<128)
       x = pow(xx, (PRIME + 3) // 8, PRIME)
       if (x * x - xx) % PRIME != 0:
           x = (x * II) % PRIME
       if x % 2 != 0:
           x = PRIME - x
       ids.x.low = x & ((1<<128)-1)
       ids.x.high = x >> 128
  • Implement hint variant for finalize_blake2s#1072

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

       # Add dummy pairs of input and output.
       from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_blake2s.blake2s_utils import IV, blake2s_compress
       _n_packed_instances = int(ids.N_PACKED_INSTANCES)
       assert 0 <= _n_packed_instances < 20
       _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts = int(ids.BLAKE2S_INPUT_CHUNK_SIZE_FELTS)
       assert 0 <= _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts < 100
       message = [0] * _blake2s_input_chunk_size_felts
       modified_iv = [IV[0] ^ 0x01010020] + IV[1:]
       output = blake2s_compress(
       padding = (message + modified_iv + [0, 0xffffffff] + output) * (_n_packed_instances - 1)
       segments.write_arg(ids.blake2s_ptr_end, padding)
  • Implement fast_ec_add hint variant #1087

BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

    from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack

    slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
    x0 = pack(ids.pt0.x, PRIME)
    x1 = pack(ids.pt1.x, PRIME)
    y0 = pack(ids.pt0.y, PRIME)

    value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - x0 - x1) % SECP_P
  • feat(hints): Add alternative string for hint IS_ZERO_PACK_EXTERNAL_SECP #1082

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
        x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P
  • Add alternative hint code for ec_double hint #1083

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
        slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
        x = pack(, PRIME)
        y = pack(, PRIME)
        value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - 2 * x) % SECP_P
  • fix(security)!: avoid DoS on malicious insertion to memory #1099

    • A program could crash the library by attempting to insert a value at an address with a big offset; fixed by trying to reserve to check for allocation failure
    • A program could crash the program by exploiting an integer overflow when attempting to insert a value at an address with offset usize::MAX

    BREAKING: added a new error variant MemoryError::VecCapacityExceeded

  • perf: specialize addition for u64 and Felt252 #932

    • Avoids the creation of a new Felt252 instance for additions with a very restricted valid range
    • This impacts specially the addition of Relocatable with Felt252 values in update_pc, which take a significant amount of time in some benchmarks
  • fix(starknet-crypto): bump version to 0.5.0 #1088

    • This includes the fix for a panic! in ecdsa::verify.
      See: #365 and #366
  • feat(hints): Add alternative string for hint IS_ZERO_PACK #1081

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
        x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P
  • Add missing hints NewHint#55, NewHint#56, and NewHint#57 #1077

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hints:

    from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
    x = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P
    from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
    value = pack(ids.x, PRIME) % SECP_P
    from starkware.python.math_utils import div_mod
    value = x_inv = div_mod(1, x, SECP_P)
  • Implement hint for starkware.cairo.common.cairo_keccak.keccak._copy_inputs as described by whitelist starknet/security/whitelists/cairo_keccak.json #1058

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

    %{ ids.full_word = int(ids.n_bytes >= 8) %}
  • perf: cache decoded instructions #944

    • Creates a new cache field in VirtualMachine that stores the Instruction instances as they get decoded from memory, significantly reducing decoding overhead, with gains up to 9% in runtime according to benchmarks in the performance server
  • Add alternative hint code for nondet_bigint3 hint #1071

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import split
        segments.write_arg(ids.res.address_, split(value))
  • Add missing hint on vrf.json lib #1052:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import pack
        SECP_P = 2**255-19
        slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
        x0 = pack(ids.point0.x, PRIME)
        x1 = pack(ids.point1.x, PRIME)
        y0 = pack(ids.point0.y, PRIME)
        value = new_x = (pow(slope, 2, SECP_P) - x0 - x1) % SECP_P
  • Implement hint for cairo_sha256_arbitrary_input_length whitelist #1091

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

        from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_sha256.sha256_utils import (
            compute_message_schedule, sha2_compress_function)
        _sha256_input_chunk_size_felts = int(ids.SHA256_INPUT_CHUNK_SIZE_FELTS)
        assert 0 <= _sha256_input_chunk_size_felts < 100
        _sha256_state_size_felts = int(ids.SHA256_STATE_SIZE_FELTS)
        assert 0 <= _sha256_state_size_felts < 100
        w = compute_message_schedule(memory.get_range(
            ids.sha256_start, _sha256_input_chunk_size_felts))
        new_state = sha2_compress_function(memory.get_range(ids.state, _sha256_state_size_felts), w)
        segments.write_arg(ids.output, new_state)
  • Add missing hint on vrf.json lib #1053:

    BuiltinHintProcessor now supports the following hint:

       from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_secp.secp_utils import SECP_P, pack
       SECP_P = 2**255-19
       slope = pack(ids.slope, PRIME)
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27 Jan 13:43
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25 Jan 21:21
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23 Jan 20:03
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