A simple utility for base 64 encoding/decoding and CRC calculations.
I wrote this for an older non-browser environment which did not have the btoa and atob, which should perform faster if available. I wrote out the full CRC calculation in order to fully understand the algorithm, but a table lookup will be much faster so I plan to add that soon.
Some of the common CRCs are built in:
jsEncoder.crc16( jsEncoder.strToUtf8Array("hello") ).toString(16) // "34f6"
jsEncoder.crc_ccitt( jsEncoder.strToUtf8Array("hello") ).toString(16) // "d26e"
jsEncoder.crc32( jsEncoder.strToUtf8Array("hello") ).toString(16) // "3610a686"
Or you can also pass in options:
// Same as crc16 except the CRC s initialized to 0 instead of 0xFFFF
var options = {
width: 16,
poly: 0x8005,
init: 0,
revData: true,
revCrc: true,
xor: 0x0000
options.data = jsEncoder.strToUtf8Array("hello");
jsEncoder.crc( options ).toString(16); // "34f6"
jsEncoder.encode64( jsEncoder.strToUtf8Array("hello") ) // "aGVsbG8="
jsEncoder.utf8ArrayToStr( jsEncoder.decode64( "aGVsbG8=" ) ) // "hello"