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P5: EDGAR Web Logs


  • Apr 3: released and
  • Apr 4: clarified what size we're measuring for q1
  • Apr 5: clarified requirements for SIC code regex (see corresponding lab page) and updated expected output
  • Apr 6: updated expected output, updated Q11 expected output below
  • Apr 7: clarified wording, added Q7 example
  • Apr 14: note that by default reading inside a zip gives you bytes. For your regex work, convert to a string using UTF-8 (like we have done for check_output).


In the US, public companies need to regularly file various statements and reports to the SEC's (Securities and Exchange Commission) EDGAR database. EDGAR data is publicly available online; furthermore, web requests to EDGAR from around the world are logged and published. EDGAR logs are huge. Logs for just one day might be about 250 MB compressed as a .zip (or 2 GB uncompressed!).

We'll develop tools to extract information from the filings stored in EDGAR (this will be done in a Python module, and we'll use those tools to analyze user behavior in p5.ipynb.


You'll need to install some packages:

pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install geopandas shapely descartes geopy netaddr
sudo apt install -y python3-rtree


Be sure to run python3 regularly to estimate your grade. As in Project 2, the tester will both check the results of the analysis in your notebook, and use to check your module.


As before, your notebook should have a comment like this:

# project: p5
# submitter: ????
# partner: none
# hours: ????

You'll hand in two files:

  • p5.ipynb

Combine these into a zip by running the following in the p5 directory:

zip ../ p5.ipynb

Hand in the resulting file. Don't zip a different way (our tests won't run if you have an extra directory inside your zip, for example).

Data format

Take a look at the list of daily zips and CSV documentation on the EDGAR site:

We have provided a file, which is a subset of the records from Since you'll need to work with a lot of zipped files for this project, you'll want to know some command line techniques to troubleshoot.

View names of files in a zip file:

unzip -l

View the start of a file inside of a zip file (change "head" to "tail" to see the end):

unzip -p rows.csv | head -n 5

The expected result is:


Looking at the cik, accession, and extention fields tells you what web resoure a user was requesting (in particular, each company has it's own cik):

54.212.94.jcd,2017-01-01,03:31:36,0.0,1461219.0,0001209191-21-001287,-index.htm,301.0,243.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,10.0,0.0,,United States of America

For this row, we can construct the following URL from 1461219.0, 0001209191-21-001287, and -index.htm:

Looking at this page and its source (as well as the source of the pages where your parser does not behave as expected) is highly recommended and will be very important later in the project.

We have already downloaded the docs for a subset of the requests in for you and placed them in Note, however, that the file structure is slightly different than the URL above. The path in the zip to that file would be "1461219/0001209191-21-001287/-index.htm".

Group Part (75%)

Part 1: analysis

Answer these questions in p5.ipynb.

Q1: what's the total size in bytes of the files requested?

Look at the size column of the CSV in We want to count duplicates here; this gives us an estimate of the amount of network traffic handled by EDGAR (since this data is only a sample, the true value will be even larger). Answer with an integer.

Q2: how many filings have been accessed by the top ten IPs?

Answer with a dictionary, with the (anonymized) IP as key and the number of requests seen in the logs as the values. Each row in the logs corresponds to one request. Note that the anonymized IP addresses are consistent between requests.

Hint: for this question and most of the others expecting dictionary output, it might be easiest to use Pandas operations to process the data into a Series and to use the to_dict() method. Consider using tools like groupby, apply, and aggregation methods like size().

Q3: what fraction of the requests had errors?

Count any request with a status code greater than or equal to 400 as having resulted in an error. Answer with a floating point number.

Q4: what is the most frequently accessed file?

Answer with a string formatted like so: "cik/accession/extention" (these are the names of columns in "rows.csv").

Q5: how many requests were made by automated crawlers?

Only count the requests made by users who were identified as crawlers (see the crawler column); considering the results of Q2, this is likely to be a vast underestimate. Answer with an integer.

Part 2: creating module

This part is to be started during the weekly lab. Finish the module now if you didn't have enough time during the scheduled lab.

Part 3: using module

Q6: which region uses EDGAR most heavily?

Use your lookup_region function and answer with a string.

Q7: what fraction of IPs in each region are high-volume users?

Consider IPs which accessed more than 1000 EDGAR resoures to be high-volume. This might indicate machines running automated scraping and analysis tasks.

Note that given the sampling done in the data, the true EDGAR usage of these machines is likely to be even heavier.

Answer with a dictionary, where the keys are the regions and the values are the fraction (in floating point form) of IPs from that region classified as high-volume.


Say "United States of America" has four IPs:

  • appears 1200 times in the logs
  • appears 900 times in the logs
  • appears 5 times in the logs
  • appears 234 times in the logs

This means that 1/4 of the IPs in the US are high volume, so there should be an entry like this:

    "United States of America": 0.25,

Q8: what dates appear in the 850693/0000850693-07-000159/-index.htm file of

Read the HTML from this file and use it to create a Filing object, from which you can access the .dates attribute.

Suggestion: read every .htm or .html file in, creating a Filing object from each. Save the Filing objects in a dict, keyed by filename, so you don't need to re-read the data for each of the following questions.

Q9: what is the distribution of states for the filings in

Answer with a dict, like the following:

{'CA': 91,
 'NY': 83,
 'TX': 64,
 'MA': 30,
 'PA': 25,
 'IL': 25,

Q10: what is the distribution of SIC codes for the filings in

Answer in the same format as in the previous question. This time, skip any None values (None shouldn't be a key in the final dict).

If you're curious, consider looking up the industry names for the top couple categories:

Individual Part (25%)

Part 4: combining logs with documents

Q11: what is the distribution of requests across industries?

For each request in the logs that has a corresponding filing in, lookup the SIC (ignore rows in the logs which refer to pages not in

Answer with a dictionary, where the keys are the SIC and the values are the number of times the resources of that industry were accessed.

Expected output:

{2834: 984,
 1389: 656,
 1311: 550,
 2836: 429,
 6022: 379,
 1000: 273,

Q12: how many requests were made in each hour?

Use pd.to_datetime (the hour attributes of the converted timestamps may be useful) or string manipulation to process the time column. Answer with a dictionary, where the keys are integers from 0 to 23 representing the hour of the day, and the values are the number of requests made in that hour.

Q13: what is the geographic overlap in interest between Australia, France, and Viet Nam?

Answer with a Digraph like the following:

In addition to a node for each of these three countries, there should be a node for each state having a filing accessed by somebody in one of these countries.

An edge from a country to a state means somebody in that country looked at least one filing for a company in that state.

Q14: what are the most commonly seen street addresses?

For each web request that has a corresponding filing, count each of the addresses for that filing.

Show a dictionary of counts for all addresses appearing at least 225 times.

Q15: geographic plotting of headquarters

The locations.geojson contains the positions of some of the addresses in the dataset. Plot this over the background map in "shapes/cb_2018_us_state_20m.shp"

Additional requirements:

  • crop to the following lat/lon bounds:
west = -130
east = -55
north = 50
south = 20
  • use a Mercator projection, "epsg:3395"
  • the color of each point should indicate how many times a request has accessed a filing with that address (consider adding data you computed in the previous question to a column in the GeoDataFrame you get from locations.geojson)
  • use the "plasma" colormap, with a colorbar

The result should look similar to this:

Depending on how you you approach the problem, the zorder of the scatter points may be different -- this is not a problem.

Note, we used geopandas.geocode to find the locations for each address in locations.geojson. This will generally be useful to you on other projects, but we're providing you the pre-computed locations.geojson here so your code runs faster.


The EDGAR logs are supposedly anonymized (with the last three docs left), but we can still tell where the users live and what they're looking at.

By connecting the filing information with the logs, we can learn a lot about the behavior of the investment firms which use the database - for example, we might learn which companies (or industries) a hedge fund might be considering investing in, and the extent to which it relies on automated vs manual research in its trading.

Others have used this same data to make good guesses about what docs various hedge funds and others are looking at, then correlate that with success. For those interested in the nitty-gritty details of what could be done with this data, take a look at this early-stage work: Hedge Funds and Public Information Acquisition.