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Project 6: Regression Models


  • None so far!


We will be making predictions about census data for Wisconsin using regression models. You'll need to extract data from four files to construct DataFrames suitable for training during this project:

  • counties.geojson - population and boundaries of each county in Wisconsin
  • tracts.geojson - boundaries of each census tract (counties are subdivided into tracts)
  • counties_tracts.db - details about housing units per tract
  • - details about land use (farm, forest, developed, etc.)


Do all your work in a single p6.ipynb notebook file, and hand it in when you're done.

Group Part (75%)

For this portion of the project, you may collaborate with your group members in any way (even looking at working code). You may also seek help from 320 staff (mentors, TAs, instructor). You may not seek receive help from other 320 students (outside your group) or anybody outside the course.

Part 1: Predicting Population using Area

Q1: How many counties are in Wisconsin?

Read counties.geojson into a GeoDataFrame and use it to calculate the number of counties in Wisconsin.

Q2: What is the population of each county in WI?

Create a geopandas plot that has a legend using the population from the POP100 column.

The US Census Bureau does some surveys that attempt to sample the population and others (like the decennial one) that attempt to count everybody. "POP100" means this is there attempt to count 100% of the population (no sampling). Similarly, "HU100" is a 100% count of housing units.

Feature 1: AREALAND

Let's add an AREALAND column to your GeoDataFrame of counties so that we can try to predict population based on area.

You can get the area from the counties_tracts.db database. Open it using sqlite3 then use read_sql on the DB connection to execute a query. A great first query for an unfamiliar DB is pd.read_sql("""SELECT * FROM sqlite_master""", conn). That will show you all the tables the DB has. Try running pd.read_sql("""SELECT * FROM ????""", conn) for each table name to see what all the tables look like.

Use data from the database to add an AREALAND column to your GeoDataFrame. The order of rows in your GeoDataFrame should not change as part of this operation.

After you've added AREALAND to your GeoDataFrame, use train_test_split from sklearn to split the rows into train and test datasets.

  • by default, train_test_split randomly shuffles the data differently each time it runs. Pass random_state=320 as a parameter so that it shuffles the same way as it did for us (so that you get the answers the tester expects).
  • Pass test_size=0.25 to make the test set be one quarter of the original data and the other three quarters remaining in the training set.

Q3: What are the counties in the test dataset?

Answer with a list, in the same order as the names appear in the DataFrame.

Q4: How much variance in the POP100 can a LinearRegression model explain based only on AREALAND?

fit the model to your train dataset and score it on your test dataset.

Q5: What is the predicted population of a county with 500 square miles of area, according to the model?

Consult the Census documentation to learn what units the data is in, and do any conversions necessary to answer the question. Assume there are exactly 2.59 square kilometers per square mile for the purposes of your calculation.

Part 2: Predicting Population using Housing Units

You'll need to wait to do the lab before continuing:

Feature 2: HU100 (housing units)

Look at the tracts table inside counties_tracts.db and find the HU100 column. Add a HU100 column to your GeoDataFrame of counties, similar to how you added AREALAND.

The query to get housing units per county is more complicated than the one for AREALAND. County names are in the counties table and HU100 values are in the tracts table. Fortunately, both tables have a COUNTY column you can use to combine. Make sure to get the total number of housing units for each county from the tracts table by summing the housing units in each tract of the county.

Split your updated GeoDataFrame into a train and test set, the same way you did previously.

Q6: What are the counties in the test dataset?

Answer with a list, in the same order as the names appear in the DataFrame.

Q7: What are the HU100 values for the counties in the train dataset?

Answer with a dict.

Q8: How much variance in the POP100 can a LinearRegression model explain based only on HU100?

Answer with the average of 5 scores produced by cross_val_score on the training data.

Q9: What is the standard deviation of the cross validation scores from Q7?

Q10: What is the formula relating POP100 and HU100?

Fit your model to the training dataset to find the answer. Round the coefficient and intercept to 2 decimal places. Format the answer according to the following formula:

POP100 = ????*HU100 + ????

Q11: What is the relationship between HU100 and POP100, visually?

Answer with a scatter plot showing the actual values (both train and test) and the predicted fit line based on the model.

Use a .text call to annotate Dane County, and a legend to label the actual and predicted parts as in the following:

Part 3: Land Use Features

Q12: How many numbers in matrix A are between 2 and 5 (inclusive)?

You can paste the following to define A:

A = np.array([

Q13: How does Milwaukee County look?

You can show the image like this:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,12))
ax.imshow(????, vmin=0, vmax=255)

You can get the matrix for Milwaukee County using rasterio and using the geometry in the DataFrame from counties.geojson.

You can also define a custom color map (corresponding to the legend and pass cmap=custom_cmap to imshow to use it.

You can create a custom color map using ListedColormap, which lets you specify red, green and blue (RGB) mixes for different values. Here's an example for the land use data:

from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

c = np.zeros((256,3))
c[0] = [0.00000000000, 0.00000000000, 0.00000000000]
c[11] = [0.27843137255, 0.41960784314, 0.62745098039]
c[12] = [0.81960784314, 0.86666666667, 0.97647058824]
c[21] = [0.86666666667, 0.78823529412, 0.78823529412]
c[22] = [0.84705882353, 0.57647058824, 0.50980392157]
c[23] = [0.92941176471, 0.00000000000, 0.00000000000]
c[24] = [0.66666666667, 0.00000000000, 0.00000000000]
c[31] = [0.69803921569, 0.67843137255, 0.63921568628]
c[41] = [0.40784313726, 0.66666666667, 0.38823529412]
c[42] = [0.10980392157, 0.38823529412, 0.18823529412]
c[43] = [0.70980392157, 0.78823529412, 0.55686274510]
c[51] = [0.64705882353, 0.54901960784, 0.18823529412]
c[52] = [0.80000000000, 0.72941176471, 0.48627450980]
c[71] = [0.88627450980, 0.88627450980, 0.75686274510]
c[72] = [0.78823529412, 0.78823529412, 0.46666666667]
c[73] = [0.60000000000, 0.75686274510, 0.27843137255]
c[74] = [0.46666666667, 0.67843137255, 0.57647058824]
c[81] = [0.85882352941, 0.84705882353, 0.23921568628]
c[82] = [0.66666666667, 0.43921568628, 0.15686274510]
c[90] = [0.72941176471, 0.84705882353, 0.91764705882]
c[95] = [0.43921568628, 0.63921568628, 0.72941176471]
custom_cmap = ListedColormap(c)

Q14: What portion of Milwaukee County is "Open Water"?

Be careful! Not everything in the matrix is Milwaukee County -- be sure not to count the cells with value 0.

You can lookup the numeric code for "Open Water" and other types here:

Or, for your convenience, we typed the info from that page into a Python dictionary:

land_use = {"open_water": 11,
            "ice_snow": 12,
            "developed_open": 21,
            "developed_low": 22,
            "developed_med": 23,
            "developed_high": 24,
            "barren": 31,
            "deciduous": 41,
            "evergreen": 42,
            "mixed_forest": 43,
            "dwarf_scrub": 51,
            "shrub_scrub": 52,
            "grassland": 71,
            "sedge": 72,
            "lichens": 73,
            "moss": 74,
            "pasture": 81,
            "crops": 82,
            "woody_wetlands": 90,
            "herbacious_wetlands": 95}

Q15: What is the Relationship Between POP100 and ________________?

Replace the blank with a cell count for a land type of your choosing. Show a scatter plot where each point corresponds to a county.

For example, the following shows the relation between pasture and population (you may NOT reuse pasture -- choose a different type for your plot):

Individual Part (25%)

You have to do the remainder of this project on your own. Do not discuss with anybody except 320 staff (mentors, TAs, instructor).

For this part, you'll try to predict population on a per-census tract basis (in contrast to our preceding per-county analysis), using features calculated from the land use data. You have flexibility around what features to use and what models to train, but we have a few requirements:

  1. start with a GeoDataFrame dataset loaded from tracts.geojson
  2. add one or more feature columns to that dataset based on raster data (you can decide what the columns are, so think about what land types might correspond to population)
  3. split your GeoDataFrame into train/test using random_state=320
  4. construct at least 2 regression models. They should differ in terms of (a) what columns they use and/or (b) whether or not they're preceded by transformers in an sklearn Pipeline
  5. perform cross validation on both your models over your training dataset
  6. write a comment recommending which model you recommend for this prediction task. Factors you might consider are (a) high scores, (b) little variance across scores, (c) model simplicity, and (d) anything else you think is important.
  7. fit your recommended model to the entire training dataset and score it against the test dataset

Q16: How do the models you selected compare under cross validation?

Answer with a bar plot showing average scores and error bars showing the standard deviation of scores.

You can search for "How can we compare models?" in the lecture examples:

Q17: How does your recommended model score against the test dataset?

Remember that you need to write a comment that reasonably justifies why you're recommending this specific model over the others you tried.

In terms of tester scores, this question is weighted to be worth 4 regular questions. Explained variance of 0.35 or higher gets full credit (less gets partial credit).