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213 lines (156 loc) · 10.1 KB


Command line utility to generate DDL and deegree SQLFeatureStore from GML application schemas.

You can download the latest release from The distribution bundle must be unpacked in an arbitrary directory.


Java is installed and the JAVA_HOME system environment variable points to the correct installation directory of a compatible JDK. Supported JDK versions are listed in [system-requirements].


The executable sh and bat files are location in the directory bin of the unpacked distribution. The following command shows the usage of this command line tool:

./d3config SqlFeatureStoreConfigCreator

Results in:

Usage: ./d3config SqlFeatureStoreConfigCreator [options] schema_url

 --format={deegree|ddl|all} (default=deegree)
 --srid=<epsg_code> (default=4258)
 --idtype={int|uuid} (default=int)
 --mapping={relational|blob} (default=relational)
 --dialect={postgis|oracle} (default=postgis)
 --cycledepth=INT (positive integer value to specify the depth of cycles; default: 0)
 --listOfPropertiesWithPrimitiveHref=<path/to/file> (see below)
 --referenceData=<path/to/file> (GML Feature collection containing reference features. The generated config is simplified to map this feature collection).

The option listOfPropertiesWithPrimitiveHref references a file listing properties which are written with primitive instead of feature mappings (see deegree-webservices documentation and README of this tool for further information):
---------- begin file ----------
# lines beginning with an # are ignored
# property with namespace binding
# property without namespace binding
# empty lines are ignored

# leading and trailing white spaces are ignored
---------- end file ----------

The SQL DDL and XML output is written into files in the current directory. The filename of each file is derived from the schema file name in the given schema_url.

Usage of option cycledepth

Some GML application schemas defines cycles, e.g. Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) Common Data Model: Quantity may have a complex property "quality", which may have a Quantity. In deegree it is not possible to configure infinite dependencies and it is not recommended to configure deep structures. With the option cycledepth the max depth can be specified. The default is 0 which means, that writing of the configuration and DDL stops as soon as a cycle is detected. This is the recommended behaviour.

Usage of option listOfPropertiesWithPrimitiveHref

The option listOfPropertiesWithPrimitiveHref references a file listing properties which are written with primitive instead of feature mappings.

For example, in some INSPIRE themes codelists values are stored in xlink:href attributes. Corresponding to the GML application schema the type is a gml:ReferenceType. Usually deegree would handle this as feature mapping but it is recommended to use a primitive mapping here.

Primitive mapping enables direct filtering on those properties with deegree. For example, filtering on INSPIRE codelist hrefs is possible then.

Syntax of content of file:


If multiple properties shall use primitive mappings, they must be listed in new lines.



Usage of option referenceData

The data which should be imported in a SQLFeatureStore may be much less complex than the GML application schema. This option allows to reference sample data which must be the highest complexity level as the data to import in the SQLFeatureStore configured with the generated configuration. The referenced file must contain a GML 3.2 FeatureCollection containing at least one featureMember. The deegree-cli-utility tool considers this data and tries to create a configuration with less complexity than the GML application schema allows. This concerns the cardinality of properties, e.g. if a property may occur multiple times but occurs only one time in the data, the configuration is limited to exact one occurrence of this property. The number of joins is reduced, which speeds up the creation of the java representation of the features.

Reducing the complexity of the mapping can result in a much faster processing of requests, especially of GetMap requests. The features requested via WFS (GetFeature requests) are still schema conform.

Example content of the referenced file:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<gml:FeatureCollection xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:gml="">
    <au:AdministrativeUnit xmlns:au="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:gn="" xmlns:base="" xmlns:gmd="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" gml:id="AdministrativeUnit_DERPKP0100000npz">
      <gml:identifier codeSpace=""></gml:identifier>
      <au:nationalLevel xlink:href=""/>
        <gmd:Country codeList="" codeListValue="DE">DE</gmd:Country>
          <gn:nativeness xlink:href=""/>
          <gn:nameStatus xlink:href=""/>
          <gn:sourceOfName nilReason="unknown" xsi:nil="true"/>
          <gn:pronunciation nilReason="other:unpopulated" xsi:nil="true"/>
      <au:residenceOfAuthority nilReason="other:unpopulated" xsi:nil="true"/>
      <au:lowerLevelUnit xlink:href="#AdministrativeUnit_2"/>
      <au:lowerLevelUnit xlink:href="#AdministrativeUnit_3"/>
      <au:upperLevelUnit xlink:href="#AdministrativeUnit_4"/>
      <au:boundary nilReason="other:unpopulated" xsi:nil="true"/>


Generate SQL DDL for INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels 4.0 with UUIDGenerator

./d3config SqlFeatureStoreConfigCreator --srid=25832 --format=ddl --idtype=uuid

The generated file is './CadastralParcels.sql'.

Generate deegree SQLFeatureStore for INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels 4.0 with UUIDGenerator

./d3config SqlFeatureStoreConfigCreator --srid=25832 --format=deegree --idtype=uuid

The generated file is './CadastralParcels.xml'.

Generate SQL DDL for INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels 4.0 with AutoIDGenerator

./d3config SqlFeatureStoreConfigCreator --srid=25832 --format=ddl --idtype=int

The generated file is './CadastralParcels.sql'.

Generate deegree SQLFeatureStore for INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels 4.0 with AutoIDGenerator

./d3config SqlFeatureStoreConfigCreator --srid=25832 --format=deegree --idtype=int

The generated file is './CadastralParcels.xml'.

Generate deegree SQLFeatureStore and SQL DDL for INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels 4.0 with AutoIDGenerator

./d3config SqlFeatureStoreConfigCreator --srid=25832 --format=all --idtype=int

The generated files are './CadastralParcels.sql' and './CadastralParcels.xml'.

Generate deegree SQLFeatureStore and SQL DDL for INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels 4.0 with Blob-Mapping

./d3config SqlFeatureStoreConfigCreator --format=all --mapping=blob

The generated files are './CadastralParcels.sql' and './CadastralParcels.xml' with Blob-Mapping for PostGIS.

Generate deegree SQLFeatureStore and SQL DDL for INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels 4.0 for Oracle DBMS with Oracle Locator

./d3config SqlFeatureStoreConfigCreator --format=all --dialect=oracle

The generated files are './CadastralParcels.sql' and './CadastralParcels.xml' with relational mapping for Oracle Locator.

Generate deegree SQLFeatureStore for INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels 4.0 with list of properties with primitive href

./d3config SqlFeatureStoreConfigCreator --format=deegree --listOfPropertiesWithPrimitiveHref=<path/to/file>

The generated file is './CadastralParcels.xml'. All properties listed in the referenced file are written with primitive instead of feature mappings.

Behind http proxy

Set the http.proxyHost, http.proxyPort and http.nonProxyHosts config properties.

java -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -jar deegree-cli-utility.jar --format=ddl --idtype=uuid