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Amazon EC2 Metadata Mock

Amazon EC2 Metadata Mock(AEMM) Helm chart for Kubernetes. For more information on this project see the project repo at


  • Kubernetes >= 1.14

Installing the Chart

The helm chart can be installed from several sources. To install the chart with the release name amazon-ec2-metadata-mock and default configuration, pick a source below:


The chart for this project is hosted in eks-charts.

To get started you need to add the eks-charts repo to helm:

helm repo add eks

Then install with desired configs:

helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
  --namespace default

Local chart archive

Download and Install the chart archive from the latest release

curl -L
helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock amazon-ec2-metadata-mock-1.10.1.tgz \
  --namespace default

Unpacked local chart directory

Download the source code or unpack the archive from latest release and run

helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
  --namespace default

To upgrade an already installed chart named amazon-ec2-metadata-mock:

helm upgrade amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
  --namespace default

Installing the Chart with overridden values for AEMM configuration:

AEMM has an extensive list of parameters that can overridden. For simplicity, a selective list of parameters are configurable using Helm custom values.yaml or --set argument. To override parameters not listed in values.yaml use Kubernetes ConfigMap.

The configuration section details the selective list of parameters. Alternatively, to retrieve the same information via helm, run:

helm show values ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock
  • Passing a custom values.yaml to helm
helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
  --namespace default -f path/to/myvalues.yaml 
  • Passing custom values to Helm via CLI arguments
helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
  --namespace default --set"stop",aemm.mockDelaySec=120
  • Passing a config file to AEMM
  1. Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap from a custom AEMM configuration file: See Readme to learn more about AEMM configuration. Here is a reference config file to create your own aemm-config.json


    • AEMM's native config aemm.server.port needs to be a fixed value (1338) to be able to run AEMM as a K8s service. So, overriding the aemm.server.port in the custom config file will work only when AEMM is accessed via the pod directly. To access the AEMM K8s service on a custom port, override servicePort (which is a Helm config).

    • The configMapFileName is used to mount the configMap on the containers running AEMM. The default file name is aemm-config.json. If a non-default file name was used to create the configMap, override configMapFileName in order for AEMM to be able to access it.

    kubectl create configmap aemm-config-map --from-file path/to/aemm-config.json
  2. Create myvalues.yaml with overridden value for configMap:

configMap: "aemm-config-map"
servicePort: 1550
  1. Install AEMM with override:
helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
  --namespace default -f path/to/myvalues.yaml 

Making a HTTP request to the AEMM server running on a pod

  1. Access AEMM pod / service i. Set up port-forwarding to access AEMM on your machine:

    kubectl get pods --namespace default
    kubectl port-forward pod/<AEMM-pod-name> 1338


    kubectl port-forward service/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock-service 1338

    ii. Access AEMM from your application using the ClusterIP / DNS of the service or the pod directly.

  2. Make the HTTP request

    # From outside the cluster:
    curl http://localhost:1338/latest/meta-data/spot/instance-action
        "action": "terminate",
        "time": "2020-05-04T18:11:37Z"


    # From inside the cluster:
    # ClusterIP and port for the service should be available in the application pod's environment, if it was created after the AEMM service.
        "action": "terminate",
        "time": "2020-05-04T18:11:37Z"


    # From inside the cluster:
    curl http://amazon-ec2-metadata-mock-service.default.svc.cluster.local:1338/latest/meta-data/spot/instance-action
        "action": "terminate",
        "time": "2020-05-04T18:11:37Z"

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the amazon-ec2-metadata-mock release:

helm uninstall amazon-ec2-metadata-mock

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Contributing to the Chart

While developing, use test/helm/ to test your changes. Preserve and reuse test environment, by using -p and -r options to run tests quickly.

/test/helm/ -h

Alternatively, the same tests can be run using:

make helm-lint-test # for linting only
make helm-e2e-test  # for e2e tests, including linting


Increment the chart version when one or more files in the helm chart directory changes:

  • Increment patch version for readme changes
  • Increment minor version for backward compatible changes / new minor version of the app (appVersion)
  • Increment major version for incompatible changes / new major version of the app (appVersion)


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.


Parameter Description Default
image.repository image repository
image.tag image tag <VERSION>
image.pullPolicy image pull policy IfNotPresent
replicaCount defines the number of amazon-ec2-metadata-mock pods to replicate 1
nameOverride override for the name of the Helm Chart (default, if not overridden: amazon-ec2-metadata-mock) ""
fullnameOverride override for the name of the application (default, if not overridden: amazon-ec2-metadata-mock) ""
targetNodeOs creates node-OS specific deployments (e.g. "linux", "windows", "linux windows") linux
nodeSelector tells both linux and windows deployments where to place the amazon-ec2-metadata-mock pods. {}, meaning every node will receive a pod
linuxNodeSelector tells the linux deployments where to place the amazon-ec2-metadata-mock pods. {}, meaning every linux node will receive a pod
windowsNodeSelector tells the windows deployments where to place the amazon-ec2-metadata-mock pods. {}, meaning every windows node will receive a pod
podAnnotations annotations to add to each pod {}
linuxAnnotations annotations to add to each linux pod {}
windowsAnnotations annotations to add to each windows pod {}
tolerations specifies taints that a pod tolerates so that it can be scheduled to a node with the same taint []
linuxTolerations specifies taints that a linux pod tolerates so that it can be scheduled to a node with the same taint []
windowsTolerations specifies taints that a windows pod tolerates so that it can be scheduled to a node with the same taint []
updateStrategy the update strategy for a Deployment RollingUpdate
linuxUpdateStrategy the update strategy for a linux Deployment ""
windowsUpdateStrategy the update strategy for a windows Deployment ""
rbac.pspEnabled if true, create and use a restricted pod security policy false
serviceAccount.create if true, create a new service account true service account to be used amazon-ec2-metadata-mock-service-account
serviceAccount.annotations specifies the annotations for service account {}
securityContext.runAsUserID user ID to run the container 1000
securityContext.runAsGroupID group ID to run the container 1000
namespace Kubernetes namespace to use for AEMM pods default
configMap name of the Kubernetes ConfigMap to use to pass a config file for AEMM overrides ""
configMapFileName name of the file used to create the Kubernetes ConfigMap aemm-config.json
servicePort port to run AEMM K8s Service on 1338
serviceName name of the AEMM K8s Service amazon-ec2-metadata-mock-service

Helm chart tests

Parameter Description Default
test.image test image to use in the test pod centos
test.imageTag test image tag latest
test.pullPolicy test image pull policy IfNotPresent

AEMM parameters

A selective list of AEMM parameters are configurable via Helm CLI and values.yaml file. Use the Kubernetes ConfigMap option to configure other AEMM parameters.

Parameter Description Default in Helm Default AEMM configuration
aemm.server.hostname hostname to run AEMM on "", in order to listen on all available interfaces e.g. ClusterIP
aemm.mockDelaySec spot itn delay in seconds, relative to the start time of AEMM 0 0
aemm.mockTriggerTime spot itn trigger time in RFC3339 format "" ""
aemm.mockIPCount number of IPs that can receive spot interrupts and/or scheduled events; subsequent requests will return 404 "" 2
aemm.imdsv2 if true, IMDSv2 only works false false, meaning both IMDSv1/v2 work
aemm.rebalanceDelaySec rebalance rec delay in seconds, relative to the start time of AEMM 0 0
aemm.rebalanceTriggerTime rebalance rec trigger time in RFC3339 format "" "" action in the spot interruption notice "" terminate time in the spot interruption notice "" HTTP request time + 2 minutes time in the rebalance recommendation notification "" HTTP request time event code in the scheduled event "" system-reboot the latest end time for the scheduled event "" Start time of AEMM + 7 days the earliest start time for the scheduled event "" Start time of AEMM the deadline for starting the event "" Start time of AEMM + 9 days state of the scheduled event "" active