Amazon EC2 Metadata Mock(AEMM) Helm chart for Kubernetes. For more information on this project see the project repo at
- Kubernetes >= 1.14
The helm chart can be installed from several sources. To install the chart with the release name amazon-ec2-metadata-mock and default configuration, pick a source below:
The chart for this project is hosted in eks-charts.
To get started you need to add the eks-charts repo to helm:
helm repo add eks
Then install with desired configs:
helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
--namespace default
Download and Install the chart archive from the latest release
curl -L
helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock amazon-ec2-metadata-mock-1.10.1.tgz \
--namespace default
Download the source code or unpack the archive from latest release and run
helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
--namespace default
To upgrade an already installed chart named amazon-ec2-metadata-mock:
helm upgrade amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
--namespace default
AEMM has an extensive list of parameters that can overridden. For simplicity, a selective list of parameters are configurable using Helm custom values.yaml
or --set argument
. To override parameters not listed in values.yaml
use Kubernetes ConfigMap.
The configuration section details the selective list of parameters. Alternatively, to retrieve the same information via helm, run:
helm show values ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock
- Passing a custom values.yaml to helm
helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
--namespace default -f path/to/myvalues.yaml
- Passing custom values to Helm via CLI arguments
helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
--namespace default --set"stop",aemm.mockDelaySec=120
- Passing a config file to AEMM
Create a Kubernetes ConfigMap from a custom AEMM configuration file: See Readme to learn more about AEMM configuration. Here is a reference config file to create your own
AEMM's native config
needs to be a fixed value (1338) to be able to run AEMM as a K8s service. So, overriding theaemm.server.port
in the custom config file will work only when AEMM is accessed via the pod directly. To access the AEMM K8s service on a custom port, overrideservicePort
(which is a Helm config). -
is used to mount the configMap on the containers running AEMM. The default file name isaemm-config.json
. If a non-default file name was used to create the configMap, overrideconfigMapFileName
in order for AEMM to be able to access it.
kubectl create configmap aemm-config-map --from-file path/to/aemm-config.json
with overridden value for configMap:
configMap: "aemm-config-map"
servicePort: 1550
- Install AEMM with override:
helm install amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ./helm/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock \
--namespace default -f path/to/myvalues.yaml
Access AEMM pod / service i. Set up port-forwarding to access AEMM on your machine:
kubectl get pods --namespace default
kubectl port-forward pod/<AEMM-pod-name> 1338
kubectl port-forward service/amazon-ec2-metadata-mock-service 1338
ii. Access AEMM from your application using the ClusterIP / DNS of the service or the pod directly.
Make the HTTP request
# From outside the cluster: curl http://localhost:1338/latest/meta-data/spot/instance-action { "action": "terminate", "time": "2020-05-04T18:11:37Z" }
# From inside the cluster: # ClusterIP and port for the service should be available in the application pod's environment, if it was created after the AEMM service. curl http://$AMAZON_EC2_METADATA_MOCK_SERVICE_SERVICE_HOST:$AMAZON_EC2_METADATA_MOCK_SERVICE_SERVICE_PORT/latest/meta-data/spot/instance-action { "action": "terminate", "time": "2020-05-04T18:11:37Z" }
# From inside the cluster: curl http://amazon-ec2-metadata-mock-service.default.svc.cluster.local:1338/latest/meta-data/spot/instance-action { "action": "terminate", "time": "2020-05-04T18:11:37Z" }
To uninstall/delete the amazon-ec2-metadata-mock
helm uninstall amazon-ec2-metadata-mock
The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
While developing, use test/helm/ to test your changes. Preserve and reuse test environment, by using -p and -r options to run tests quickly.
/test/helm/ -h
Alternatively, the same tests can be run using:
make helm-lint-test # for linting only
make helm-e2e-test # for e2e tests, including linting
Increment the chart version when one or more files in the helm chart directory changes:
- Increment patch version for readme changes
- Increment minor version for backward compatible changes / new minor version of the app (appVersion)
- Increment major version for incompatible changes / new major version of the app (appVersion)
The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository |
image repository | |
image.tag |
image tag | <VERSION> |
image.pullPolicy |
image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
replicaCount |
defines the number of amazon-ec2-metadata-mock pods to replicate | 1 |
nameOverride |
override for the name of the Helm Chart (default, if not overridden: amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ) |
"" |
fullnameOverride |
override for the name of the application (default, if not overridden: amazon-ec2-metadata-mock ) |
"" |
targetNodeOs |
creates node-OS specific deployments (e.g. "linux", "windows", "linux windows") | linux |
nodeSelector |
tells both linux and windows deployments where to place the amazon-ec2-metadata-mock pods. | {} , meaning every node will receive a pod |
linuxNodeSelector |
tells the linux deployments where to place the amazon-ec2-metadata-mock pods. | {} , meaning every linux node will receive a pod |
windowsNodeSelector |
tells the windows deployments where to place the amazon-ec2-metadata-mock pods. | {} , meaning every windows node will receive a pod |
podAnnotations |
annotations to add to each pod | {} |
linuxAnnotations |
annotations to add to each linux pod | {} |
windowsAnnotations |
annotations to add to each windows pod | {} |
tolerations |
specifies taints that a pod tolerates so that it can be scheduled to a node with the same taint | [] |
linuxTolerations |
specifies taints that a linux pod tolerates so that it can be scheduled to a node with the same taint | [] |
windowsTolerations |
specifies taints that a windows pod tolerates so that it can be scheduled to a node with the same taint | [] |
updateStrategy |
the update strategy for a Deployment | RollingUpdate |
linuxUpdateStrategy |
the update strategy for a linux Deployment | "" |
windowsUpdateStrategy |
the update strategy for a windows Deployment | "" |
rbac.pspEnabled |
if true , create and use a restricted pod security policy |
false |
serviceAccount.create |
if true , create a new service account |
true | |
service account to be used | amazon-ec2-metadata-mock-service-account |
serviceAccount.annotations |
specifies the annotations for service account | {} |
securityContext.runAsUserID |
user ID to run the container | 1000 |
securityContext.runAsGroupID |
group ID to run the container | 1000 |
namespace |
Kubernetes namespace to use for AEMM pods | default |
configMap |
name of the Kubernetes ConfigMap to use to pass a config file for AEMM overrides | "" |
configMapFileName |
name of the file used to create the Kubernetes ConfigMap | aemm-config.json |
servicePort |
port to run AEMM K8s Service on | 1338 |
serviceName |
name of the AEMM K8s Service | amazon-ec2-metadata-mock-service |
Parameter | Description | Default |
test.image |
test image to use in the test pod | centos |
test.imageTag |
test image tag | latest |
test.pullPolicy |
test image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
A selective list of AEMM parameters are configurable via Helm CLI and values.yaml file. Use the Kubernetes ConfigMap option to configure other AEMM parameters.
Parameter | Description | Default in Helm | Default AEMM configuration |
aemm.server.hostname |
hostname to run AEMM on | "" , in order to listen on all available interfaces e.g. ClusterIP | |
aemm.mockDelaySec |
spot itn delay in seconds, relative to the start time of AEMM | 0 |
0 |
aemm.mockTriggerTime |
spot itn trigger time in RFC3339 format | "" |
"" |
aemm.mockIPCount |
number of IPs that can receive spot interrupts and/or scheduled events; subsequent requests will return 404 | "" |
2 |
aemm.imdsv2 |
if true, IMDSv2 only works | false |
false , meaning both IMDSv1/v2 work |
aemm.rebalanceDelaySec |
rebalance rec delay in seconds, relative to the start time of AEMM | 0 |
0 |
aemm.rebalanceTriggerTime |
rebalance rec trigger time in RFC3339 format | "" |
"" | |
action in the spot interruption notice | "" |
terminate | |
time in the spot interruption notice | "" |
HTTP request time + 2 minutes | |
time in the rebalance recommendation notification | "" |
HTTP request time | |
event code in the scheduled event | "" |
system-reboot | |
the latest end time for the scheduled event | "" |
Start time of AEMM + 7 days | |
the earliest start time for the scheduled event | "" |
Start time of AEMM | |
the deadline for starting the event | "" |
Start time of AEMM + 9 days | |
state of the scheduled event | "" |
active |