is a command-line utility for building containers images from file system content.
It serves as a demonstration of Jib Core,
a Java library for building containers without Docker.
This CLI tool is experimental and its options and structure are almost certain to change.
Use the application
plugin's installDist
task to create a runnable installation in
. A zip and tar file are also created in build/distributions
$ ../gradlew installDist
$ ./build/install/jib/bin/jib
Missing required subcommand
Usage: jib [-kv] [-C=helper]... COMMAND
A tool for creating container images.
The following example creates an nginx-based container to serve static content that is found in path/to/website
The result is loaded to the local Docker daemon as my-static-website
$ ./build/install/jib/bin/jib build \
--docker \
nginx \
my-static-website \
--port 80 \
--entrypoint "nginx,-g,daemon off;" \
$ docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 my-static-website
The following example uses jib to containerize itself. The image is pushed to a registry at localhost:5000
$ ../gradlew installDist
$ ./build/install/jib/bin/jib --insecure build \
--registry \
gcr.io/distroless/java \
localhost:5000/jib:latest \
--entrypoint "java,-cp,/app/lib/*,com.google.cloud.tools.jib.cli.JibCli" \
$ docker run --rm localhost:5000/cram:latest
We need to use --insecure
assuming the local registry does not support SSL.
(Note that we'd be better off using jib-gradle-plugin
to create the container since it would create better layer strategy that negates the
need to use a fatjar.)