- cljdoc-related fixes; otherwise, same as version 0.5.2
- new (markdown-based) docs! (hugsql.org) #131
- fix fn defs to be at compile-time #126 (thanks @kelvinqian00!)
- fix file var metadata to be a string #137 (thanks @gtrak)
- allow
in keywords #136 (thanks @Rovanion) - update next.jdbc groupId #127 (thanks @dmarjenburgh)
- update clojure.java.jdbc to 0.7.12 #135 (thanks @jonassvalin)
- markdown doc strings (for cljdoc.org)
- linter fixes
- namespaced keywords support #56 (thanks Sebastian Poeplau! @sebastionpoeplau)
- next.jdbc adapter #96 (thanks Nikola Peric! @nikolap and Sean Corfield! @seancorfield)
- add
metadata to generated functions #88 - fix default adapter set race condition #46
- fix parsing of escaped single-quotes in SQL string #89
- add doc link to ClickHouse adapter #91
- preserve file/line metadata from parsed SQL and attach to vars (issue #77) (thanks Phil Hagelberg! @technomancy)
- fix unbound fn error w/ Clojure expression definitions (issue #59)
- pass the generated function names to the adapter (pull request #83) (thanks Conor McDermottroe! @conormcd)
- bump version dependencies
- add validation exception for no value for :name (issue #39)
- add clojure.jdbc support for .getGeneratedKeys
- stricter parsing for whitespace; (issue #41)
- fix truncated SQL when blank comment encountered (issue #44)
- add test profiles for clojure versions
- fix multiarity macros definitions (thanks to Joel Kaasinen) (pull request #66)
- doc fixes
- bump version dependencies
- fix deprecations for latest clojure.java.jdbc changes (issue #38)
- extend identifier param types to support SQL aliases (issue #33)
- fix clj expr eating trailing newline in parser (issue #37)
- fix command & result being ignored in private fns (issue #32)
- support pg double-colon type cast when suffix of HugSQL param (issue #30)
- doc: update escaping colon section to mention double-colon usage
- fix parser error regarding whitespace (issue #27)
- fix handling of vector value parameters (issue #28)
- docs: add faq on preventing sql injection
- report better error message for missing HugSQL header (issue #24)
- fix parser handling of Windows newlines (issue #26)
- missing parameter validation now checks deep-get param names
- add type hints for reflection warnings
- fix parameter mismatch validation for false/nil (issue #23)
- fix sqlvec-fn* not propagating all options
- add doc clarification on tuple list multi-record insert vs large batch insert (issue #22)
- small doc fixes
- map-of-db-fns, map-of-sqlvec-fns & -from-string variants for easier custom use of hugsql-created functions (issue #19) (See Other Useful Functions)
- link to postgresql async adapter fixed (pull #20)
- minor test & doc updates
- Escape colon in SQL (issue #13)
- def-db-fns-from-string & def-sql-fns-from-string (issue #16)
- Added several functions that operate on individual SQL statements, which are useful at the REPL or for one-off composing. (See Other Useful Functions)
- Specify a function as private and other metadata (issue #17)
- Better support for Returning Execute and Insert w/ Return Keys (See Insert Usage) (issues #8 and #15)
- Clojure Expressions
- Snippets
- Parameter Name Deep-Get for drilling down into parameter data
- Better docs & tests
- Fix on-exception bug w/ async (issue #9)
- New doc site! hugsql.org
- Comparison to Yesql (requested by many) (issue #1)
- Princess Bride Example application as source for doc examples
- Tuple List Parameter Type for multi-record insert support
- Pass-through options to the underlying database library (e.g., :as-arrays?)
- Defer adapter selection as late as possible (issue #10)
- Added on-exception to HugsqlAdapter protocol to allow implementations to redirect exceptions (helps with usage in core.async channels) (issue #9)
- Error checks for sql file existence, parameter mismatch errors
- Minor bug fixes