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File metadata and controls

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A basic MPI framework to create simple sequential workflows, looping over a dataset within a structured HDF5 file. All MPI calls are hidden behind an API to allow for straight-forward implementation of parallelized algorithms without the need to be familiar with MPI.


First, download this code:

git clone
cd h5flow

To install dependencies in a fresh conda environment:

export CC=mpicc
export HDF5_MPI="ON"
conda env create --name <env> --file environment.yml
conda activate <env>

To update an existing environment with necessary dependencies:

export CC=mpicc
export HDF5_MPI="ON"
conda env update --name <env> --file environment.yml
conda activate <env>

This will attempt to install a parallel-compatible version of HDF5 and h5py. If you would prefer to install h5flow without parallel capabilities, use the provided environment-nompi.yml instead.

To install:

pip install .

To run tests:


To run MPI-enabled tests:

mpiexec pytest --with-mpi


To run a single-process workflow:

h5flow --nompi -o <output file>.h5 -c <config file>.yaml\
    -i <input file, opt.> -s <start position, opt.> -e <end position, opt.>

The output file here is the destination hdf5 file path. The config file is a yaml description of the workflow sequence and the parameters for each custom module in the workflow.

The other arguments are optional, depending on the specifics of the workflow. Generators may require an input file (specified by the input file argument). The start and end position arguments allow for partial processing of a given input file.

To run a parallelized workflow:

mpiexec h5flow -o <output file>.h5 -c <config file>.yaml\
    -i <input file, opt.> -s <start position, opt.> -e <end position, opt.>

which will launch as many instances of h5flow as there are cores - each instance are given subsets of the input file to process according to the behavior of the generator declared in the workflow.

There are also some alternative entry points that can be used to launch h5flow in the event that one of the above doesn't work for your application:

python -m h5flow <args> <args>

You can also use h5flow without mpi4py by checking the global H5FLOW_MPI variable:

from h5flow import H5FLOW_MPI
    # mpi-compatible code, e.g.
    from mpi4py import MPI
    # non-mpi compatible code

You can manually disable MPI within h5flow by either setting the H5FLOW_NOMPI environment flag, or by providing the --nompi flag at runtime.

h5flow hdf5 structure

h5flow requires a specific, table-like hdf5 structure with references between datasets. Each dataset is expected to be stored within a group path:


Datasets are expected to be single-dimensional structured arrays. References between datasets are expected to be stored alongside the parent dataset:

/<dataset0_path>/ref/<dataset1_path>/ref # references from dataset0 -> dataset1
/<dataset0_path>/ref/<dataset2_path>/ref # references from dataset0 -> dataset2
/<dataset1_path>/ref/<dataset0_path>/ref # references from dataset1 -> dataset0

To facilitate fast + parallel read/writes there is a companion structured dataset ref_region at the corresponding position as the ref dataset that indicates where to look in the reference dataset for the corresponding row. E.g.:

/<dataset0_path>/ref/<dataset1_path>/ref # references from dataset0 -> dataset1 (and back)
/<dataset0_path>/ref/<dataset1_path>/ref_region # regions for dataset0 -> dataset1 reference
/<dataset0_path>/ref/<dataset2_path>/ref # references from dataset0 -> dataset2 (and back)
/<dataset0_path>/ref/<dataset2_path>/ref_region # regions for dataset0 -> dataset2 reference

The .../ref_region datasets are a 1D structured array with fields 'start': int and 'stop': int. These represent the min and max indices of the .../ref array that contain the corresponding index. So for example:

data0 = np.array([0, 1, 2])
data1 = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])

ref = np.array([[0,1], [1,2]]) # links data0[0] <-> data1[1], data0[1] <-> data1[2]

ref_region0 = np.array([(0,1), (1,2), (0,0)]) # ref_region for data0, the (0,0) entries correspond to entries without references
ref_region1 = np.array([(0,0), (0,1), (1,2), (0,0)]) # ref_region for data1

example structure

Let's walk through an example in detail. Let's say we have two datasets A and B:


These must be single dimensional arrays with either a simple or structured type:

f['/A/data'].dtype # [('id', 'i8'), ('some_val', 'f4')], either a structured array
f['/B/data'].dtype # 'f4', or a simple array

f['/A/data'].shape # (N,), only single dimension datasets
f['/B/data'].shape # (M,)

Now, let's say there are references between the two datasets:


In particular, we've created references from A->B, so the ../ref is stored (by convention) at /A/ref/B/ref. This ../ref dataset is 2D of shape (L,2) where L is not necessarily equal to N or M and contains indices into each of the corresponding datasets. By convention, index 0 is the "parent" dataset (A) and index 1 is the "child" dataset (B):

f['/A/ref/B/ref'].shape # (L,2)
f['/A/ref/B/ref'][:,0] # indices into f['/A/data']
f['/A/ref/B/ref'][:,1] # indices into f['/B/data']

linked_a = f['/A/data'][:][ f['/A/ref/B/ref'][:,0] ] # data from A that can be linked to dataset B (note that you must load the dataset before the fancy indexing can be applied)
linked_b = f['/B/data'][:][ f['/A/ref/B/ref'][:,1] ] # data from B that can be linked to dataset A
linked_a.shape == linked_b.shape # (L,)

Converting this into a dataset that can be broadcast back into either the A or B shape is facilitated with a helper de-referencing function:

from import dereference

b2a = dereference(
    slice(0, 1000),     # indices of A to load references for, shape: (n,)
    f['/A/ref/B/ref'],  # references to use, shape: (L,)
    f['/B/data']        # dataset to load, shape: (M,)
b2a.shape # (n,l), where l is the max number of B items associated with a row in A
b2a.dtype == f['/B/data'].dtype # True!

b_sum = b2a.sum(axis=-1) # use numpy masked array interface to operate on the b2a array
b_sum.shape # (n,), data can be broadcast back onto your selected indices

And inverse relationships can be found by redefining the "ref_direction"::

a2b = dereference(
    slice(0, 250),      # indices of B to load references for, shape: (m,)
    f['/A/ref/B/ref'],  # references to use, same as before, shape: (L,)
    f['/A/data'],       # dataset to load, shape: (N,)
    ref_direction = (1,0) # now use references from 1->0 (B->A) [default is (0,1)]
a2b.shape # (m,q), where q is the max number of A items associated with a row in B
a2b.dtype == f['/A/data'].dtype # True!

This works just fine - until you start needing to keep track of a very large number of references (~50000). In that case, we use the special region (or ../ref_region as it is called in the HDF5 file) dataset / array to facilitate only partially loading from the reference dataset:

b2a_subset = dereference(
    slice(0, 1000),      # indices of A to load references for, shape: (n,)
    f['/A/ref/B/ref'],  # references to use, shape: (L,)
    f['/B/data'],       # dataset to load, shape: (M,)
    region = f['/A/ref/B/ref_region'] # lookup regions in references, shape: (N,)
b2a_subset == b2a # same result as before, but internally this is handled in a much more efficient manner

%timeit dereference(0, f['/A/ref/B/ref'], f['/B/data']) # runtime: max(100ns * len(f['/A/ref/B/ref']), 1ms)
%timeit dereference(0, f['/A/ref/B/ref'], f['/B/data'], f['/A/ref/B/ref_region']) # runtime: ~5ms

One feature of the dereferencing scheme is that it is relatively easy to follow references through many complex relationship. In particular, the mask and indices_only arguments can be used to selectively load the references that are returned from one call to dereference in another:

a2b_ref = dereference(
    slice(0, 1000),     # indices of A to load references for, shape: (n,)
    f['/A/ref/B/ref'],  # references to use, shape: (L,)
    f['/B/data'],       # dataset to load, shape: (M,)
    region = f['/A/ref/B/ref_region'], # lookup regions in references, shape: (N,)
    indices_only = True
a2b2c = dereference(
    a2b_ref.ravel(), # convert b2a references into a 1D selection array, shape: (n*l,)
    f['/B/ref/C/ref'], # now use B->C references, shape: (K,)
    f['/C/data'], # and load C data, shape: (J,)
    region = f['/B/ref/C/ref_region'], shape: (M,)
    mask = a2b_ref.mask.ravel() # use the mask that comes along from the previous dereferencing, shape: (n*l,)
a2b2c.shape # (n*l,k), where k is the max number of a->c references
a2b2c.reshape(b2a_ref.shape,-1).shape # (n,l,k), broadcast-able back into a2b

This can be repeated many times to access B -> A -> C -> D -> ... references.

An additional helper function dereference_chain is provided to make this easier.:

from import dereference_chain

sel = slice(0, 1000) # indices of A, shape: (n,)
refs = [f['/A/ref/B/ref'], f['/B/ref/C/ref']] # chain of references to load (A->B,B->C)
regions = [f['/A/ref/B/ref_region'], f['/B/ref/C/ref_region']] # lookup regions (for A and B)
ref_dir = [(0,1),(0,1)] # reference direction to use for each reference (defaults to (0,1))

a2b2c = dereference_chain(sel, refs, f['/C/data'], region=regions, ref_directions=ref_dir)
a2b2c.shape # (n,l,k)

h5flow workflow

There are four central components of an h5flow workflow:
  1. the manager
  2. the generator
  3. stages
  4. the data manager

The manager (see documentation under h5flow.core.h5flow_manager) initializes components of the workflow (namely, the generator, stages, and the data manager), and then executes their methods in order:

  1. generator.init
  2. stage.init (in sequence specified in the flow)
  3. (until all processes return H5FlowGenerator.EMPTY)
  5. generator.finish
  6. stage.finish

The init stage creates datasets in the output file and configures each component for the loop.

The run stage performs calculations on subsets of the input dataset and write new data back to the file.

The finish stage allows components to flush any lingering data in memory to the data files or finalize and complete any summary calculations.

The generator (see documentation under h5flow.core.h5flow_generator) provides slices into a source dataset for each stage to execute on. Custom generators can be written to convert datatypes or generate new datasets, or h5flow provides a built-in "loop generator" that can be used to iterate across an existing dataset in an efficient manner.

Stages are custom, user-built algorithms that take slices into a source dataset and perform a specific calculation on that slice, typically writing new data into a different dataset in the hdf5 file.

In order to make the most use of parallel file access provided by h5flow a workflow should meet the following requirements:

  1. source dataset slices are fully independent of each other
  2. input and output datasets have only 1 dimension (the loop dimension). Note that this does not preclude using compound datatypes with more than one dimension, i.e. dset.shape == (N,) and dset.dtype == [('values','i8(100,')] is allowed.


h5flow uses a yaml config file to define the workflow. The main definition of the workflow is defined under the flow key:

    source: <dataset to loop over, or generator name>
    stages: [<first sequential stage name>, <second sequential stage name>]
    drop: [<dataset name, opt.>]

The source defines the loop source dataset. By default, you may specify an existing dataset and an H5FlowDatasetLoopGenerator will be used. stages defines the names and sequential order of the analysis stages should be executed on each data chunk provided by the generator. Optionally, drop defines a list of dataset paths to save in a temporary file to be deleted at the end of the workflow.

h5flow also uses pyyaml-include allowing for some simple inheritance from other configuration files in the current working directory.

Multiple workflows can be run in sequence on a single file by passing them to the --configs argument in the order desired, e.g.:

h5flow --configs workflow0.yaml workflow1.yaml -o example.h5


To define a generator, specify the name, an H5FlowGenerator-inheriting classname, along with any desired parameters at the top level within the yaml file:

    classname: DummyGenerator
    path: <python import path, optional>
    dset_name: <dataset to be accessed by each stage>
        dummy_param: value

For both generators and stages, classes can be discovered for within the current directory tree or the h5flow/modules directory (in that order) and automatically loaded upon runtime. For faster startup, a direct python import path to the module that contains the class can be specified via the path key.


To define a stage, specify the name, an H5FlowStage-inheriting classname, along with any desired parameters at the top level within the yaml file:

    source: generator_stage_or_path_to_a_dataset
    stages: [dummy_stage0, dummy_stage1]

    classname: DummyStage
    path: a.dummy.path
        dummy_param0: 10
        dummy_param1: [a,list,of,strings]

    classname: OtherDummyStage

You can also specify specific datasets to load that is linked to the current loop dataset with the requires field:

    classname: DummyStage
        - <path to a dataset that has source <-> dset references>
        - <path to a second dataset with source <-> dset references>

This will load a numpy masked array into the cache under a key of the same path.

You can specify complex linking paths to load data from references to references (or references to references to references ...) by specifying a path and a name:

    classname: DummyStage
        - name: <name to use in the cache>
          path: [<path to first dataset>, <path to second dataset>, ...]

which will load the data at source -> <first dataset> -> <second dataset>.

Finally, you can also indicate if you just want to load an index into the final dataset (rather than the data) with the index_only flag:

    classname: DummyStage
        - name: <name to use in cache>
          path: [<first dataset>, <second dataset>]
          index_only: True


Occasionally, workflow-level, read-only data is needed to be accessed across multiple stages. For this, an H5FlowResource-inheriting class can be implemented. Resources can be declared under the resources field at the top- level of the configuration yaml:

     - classname: DummyResource
       path: a.dummy.path
            example_parameter: 'example'

These objects can be accessed within a workflow source via their classname:

from h5flow import resources

resources['DummyResource'] # access the DummyResource

It is important to note that only one instance of a given resource class is allowed. Each resource is provided all runtime options and thus can load or create data that depends on the input file, dataset selection, or output file.

writing an H5FlowStage

Any H5FlowStage-inheriting class has 4 main components:
  1. a constructor (__init__())
  2. class attributes
  3. an initialization init() method
  4. and a run() method

None of the methods are required for the class to function within h5flow, but each provide particular access points into the flow sequence.

First, the constructor is called when the flow sequence is first created and is passed each of the <key>: <value> pairs declared in the config yaml. For example, the parameters declared in the following config file:

    classname: ExampleStage
        parameter_name: parameter_value

can be accessed with a constructor:

class ExampleStage(H5FlowStage):

    default_parameter = 0

    def __init__(self, **params):
        super(ExampleStage,self).__init__(**params) # needed to inherit H5FlowStage functionality

        parameter = params.get('parameter_name', default_parameter)

Next, class attributes (default_parameter above) can be used to declare class- specific data (e.g. default values for parameters).

Then, the init(self, source_name) method is called just before entering the loop. Information about which dataset will be used in the loop is provided to allow for initialization of dataset-dependent properties (or error out if the dataset is somehow invalid for the class). Use this function to initialize new datasets and write meta-data. See the h5flow_modules/ for an working example.

Finally, the run(self, source_name, source_slice, cache) method is called at each step of the loop. This is where the bulk of the processing occurs. source_name is a string pointing to the current loop dataset. source_slice provides a python slice object into the full source_name data array for the current loop iteration. cache is a python dict object filled with pre-loaded data of the source_slice into the source_name dataset and any required datasets specified by the config yaml. Items deleted from the cache will be reloaded from the underlying hdf5 file, if required by downstream stages. Reading and writing other data objects from the file can be done via the H5FlowDataManager object within self.data_manager. Refer to the examples/modules/ for a working example.

writing an H5FlowGenerator

I haven't written this section yet... but in the meantime you can examine the docstrings of h5flow.core.h5_flow_generator.

writing an H5FlowResource

I haven't written this section yet... but in the meantime you can examine the docstrings of h5flow.core.h5_flow_resource.