Darts-voice transcribes your voice in realtime (offline) to control an https://autodarts.io game. A running instance of https://github.com/lbormann/darts-caller is needed for processing commands. Darts-voice uses vosk. check it out: https://alphacephei.com/vosk
On Linux you need to install PortAudio:
sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev
- If you're running a desktop-driven OS it's recommended to use darts-hub as it takes care of starting, updating, configurating and managing multiple apps.
- Download the appropriate executable in the release section.
- Download and install python 3.x.x for your specific os.
- Download and install pip.
git clone https://github.com/lbormann/darts-voice.git
Go to download-directory and type:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
On MacOS:
pip3 install -r requirements_mac.txt
- You need to have a running caller - https://github.com/lbormann/darts-caller - (latest version)
- Download and extract a model from here: https://alphacephei.com/vosk/models (recommendable small ones, eg.: https://alphacephei.com/vosk/models/vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15.zip)
- Make sure your machine is strong enough to handle complexity of model (large models claim high memory usage and are slow).
- Make sure your microphone is configured as default in os.
Create a shortcut of the executable; right click on the shortcut -> select properties -> add arguments in the target input at the end of the text field.
Example: C:\Downloads\darts-voice.exe -MP "C:\vosk-models\vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15"
Save changes. Click on the shortcut to start the application.
python3 darts-voice.py -MP "C:\\vosk-models\\vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15"
- Speak loud and clear to the microphone.
- Verify recognized words in terminal.
- Adjust keywords for wrong recognized words.
Here are some examples that could work out of the box with model vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15:
- first twenty
- second and last is miss
- first second third is twenty
- first is twenty
- second triple twelve
- second is perfect nineteen
- third one
- last is double ten
- second is big ten
- second is two
- last is number three
- second is twenty five
- first is fifty
- last is miss
- next game
- next
- back
- undo
- ban caller
- change caller
- start board
- stop board
- reset board
- calibrate board
- -MP / --model_path [REQUIRED] [Default: '']
- -L / --language [OPTIONAL] [Default: 1] [Possible values: 0 (no keyword-predefinitions) | 1 (english) | 2 (german)]
- -KNG / --keywords_next_game [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KN / --keywords_next [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KU / --keywords_undo [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KBC / --keywords_ban_caller [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KCC / --keywords_change_caller [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KSB / --keywords_start_board [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KSPB / --keywords_stop_board [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KRB / --keywords_reset_board [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KCB / --keywords_calibrate_board [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KFD / --keywords_first_dart [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KSD / --keywords_second_dart [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KTD / --keywords_third_dart [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KS / --keywords_single [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KD / --keywords_double [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KT / --keywords_triple [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KZERO / --keywords_zero [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KONE / --keywords_one [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KTWO / --keywords_two [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KTHREE / --keywords_three [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KFOUR / --keywords_four [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KFIVE / --keywords_five [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KSIX / --keywords_six [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KSEVEN / --keywords_seven [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KEIGHT / --keywords_eight [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KNINE / --keywords_nine [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KTEN / --keywords_ten [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KELEVEN / --keywords_eleven [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KTWELVE / --keywords_twelve [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KTHIRTEEN / --keywords_thirteen [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KFOURTEEN / --keywords_fourteen [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KFIFTEEN / --keywords_fifteen [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KSIXTEEN / --keywords_sixteen [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KSEVENTEEN / --keywords_seventeen [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KEIGHTEEN / --keywords_eighteen [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KNINETEEN / --keywords_nineteen [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KTWENTY / --keywords_twenty [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KTWENTY_FIVE / --keywords_twenty_five [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -KFIFTY / --keywords_fifty [OPTIONAL] [MULTIPLE ENTRIES POSSIBLE] [Default: []]
- -CON / --connection [OPTIONAL] [Default: ""]
-CON / --connection
Host address to data-feeder (darts-caller). By Default this is '' (means your local ip-address)
-MP / --model_path
You need to set an absolute path to your model directory. Moreover make sure the given path doesn't reside inside main-directory (darts-voice).
-L / --language
Language defines which predefined keywords should be used.
-K* / --keywords_*
For every argument starting with 'K'/'keywords' you can set multiple values that merged with predefined keywords except you set -L to 0.
(Predefined keywords)
"NEXT_GAME": ["next game"],
"NEXT": ["next"],
"UNDO": ["undo", "back", "bag"],
"BAN_CALLER": ["ban caller"],
"CHANGE_CALLER": ["change caller"],
"START_BOARD": ["start board"],
"STOP_BOARD": ["stop board"],
"RESET_BOARD": ["reset board"],
"CALIBRATE_BOARD": ["calibrate board"],
"FIRST_DART": ["first", "for", "prime", "up"],
"SECOND_DART": ["second", "middle"],
"THIRD_DART": ["third", "thought", "last", "down"],
"SINGLE": ["single", "singer", "simple"],
"DOUBLE": ["double", "stubble", "great", "big"],
"TRIPLE": ["triple", "perfect", "tribal", "couple", "templar", "tumbler", "stripper"],
"ZERO": ["zero", "miss", "his", "myth", "missed"],
"ONE": ["one"],
"TWO": ["two", "to", "too"],
"THREE": ["three", "free"],
"FOUR": ["four", "for", "thor"],
"FIVE": ["five", "size"],
"SIX": ["six"],
"SEVEN": ["seven"],
"EIGHT": ["eight", "aid"],
"NINE": ["nine"],
"TEN": ["ten", "turn"],
"ELEVEN": ["eleven", "level"],
"TWELVE": ["twelve", "twelfth"],
"THIRTEEN": ["thirteen", "thirty"],
"FOURTEEN": ["fourteen", "fourty"],
"FIFTEEN": ["fifteen"],
"SIXTEEN": ["sixteen", "sixty"],
"SEVENTEEN": ["seventeen", "seventy"],
"EIGHTEEN": ["eighteen", "eighty"],
"NINETEEN": ["nineteen", "ninety"],
"TWENTY": ["twenty"],
"TWENTY_FIVE": ["twenty five", "bull", "bullet", "boy"],
"FIFTY": ["fifty", "bullseye"]
"NEXT_GAME": ["nächstes spiel", "nächste spiel"],
"NEXT": ["weiter"],
"UNDO": ["zurück"],
"BAN_CALLER": ["sprecher ausschließen"],
"CHANGE_CALLER": ["sprecher wechseln"],
"START_BOARD": ["starten"],
"STOP_BOARD": ["stoppen"],
"RESET_BOARD": ["zurücksetzen"],
"CALIBRATE_BOARD": ["kalibrieren"],
"FIRST_DART": ["erster", "erste", "erstens", "erst"],
"SECOND_DART": ["zweiter", "zweite", "zweitens"],
"THIRD_DART": ["dritter", "dritte", "drittens", "britta", "letzter"],
"SINGLE": ["einfach", "normal", "normale"],
"DOUBLE": ["doppel", "doppelt", "groß", "große"],
"TRIPLE": ["dreifach", "perfekt", "perfekte"],
"ZERO": ["null", "vorbei", "verhauen", "frauen"],
"ONE": ["eins"],
"TWO": ["zwei", "frei", "zwar"],
"THREE": ["drei"],
"FOUR": ["vier"],
"FIVE": ["fünf"],
"SIX": ["sechs"],
"SEVEN": ["sieben"],
"EIGHT": ["acht"],
"NINE": ["neun", "neuen"],
"TEN": ["zehn", "sehen"],
"ELEVEN": ["elf"],
"TWELVE": ["zwölf"],
"THIRTEEN": ["dreizehn"],
"FOURTEEN": ["vierzehn"],
"FIFTEEN": ["fünfzehn"],
"SIXTEEN": ["sechzehn"],
"SEVENTEEN": ["siebzehn"],
"EIGHTEEN": ["achtzehn", "option"],
"NINETEEN": ["neunzehn"],
"TWENTY": ["zwanzig"],
"TWENTY_FIVE": ["fünfundzwanzig"],
"FIFTY": ["fünfzig"]
This application requires a running instance of darts-caller https://github.com/lbormann/darts-caller
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