Addresses #PR# HERE
- Description: Summary of change(s)
- Products impact: Choose from - none (for internal updates) / bugfix / new API / updated API / removed API. If it's 'none', use "-" for all items below to indicate they are not relevant.
- Addresses: Link(s) to GH issue(s) addressed. Include KDS links as well as links to related issues in a consumer product repository too.
- Components: Affected public KDS component. Do not include internal sub-components or documentation components.
- Breaking: Will this change break something in a consumer? Choose from: yes / no
- Impacts a11y: Does this change improve a11y or adds new features that can be used to improve it? Choose from: yes / no
- Guidance: Why and how to introduce this update to a consumer? Required for breaking changes, appreciated for changes with a11y impact, and welcomed for non-breaking changes when relevant.
- Step 1
- Step 2
- ...
- Contributor has fully tested the PR manually
- If there are any front-end changes, before/after screenshots are included
- Critical and brittle code paths are covered by unit tests
- The change is described in the changelog section above
- Is the code clean and well-commented?
- Are there tests for this change?
- Are all UI components LTR and RTL compliant (if applicable)?
- Add other things to check for here
- The changelog item has been pasted to the