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Relational databases and SQL basics: Part 1

A relational database contains a number of tables consisting of rows and columns. Each row in the table represents some entity, with each column giving information about that entity. For example, let's take on the data storage needs of an imaginary news organization. A news organization might need to keep track of all the writers they have on staff. We'll create a "writers" table to hold this information:

name title start_year
Gabriella McCullough reporter 2009
Steven Kennedy drama critic 2012
Jalen Shaara columnist 2002

... and then a table of articles that those writers are responsible for:

author title published_date
Gabriella McCullough Man, opossum reach garbage accord 2015-07-01
Steven Kennedy "The Deceit of Apricot" opens to rave reviews 2015-07-15
Jalen Shaara What's the Big Data? Why I'm a data skeptic 2015-07-16
Gabriella McCullough Traffic signals restored on Tunguska Ave 2015-07-01

Looks pretty okay so far! You can easily imagine using this data for any number of purposes: to generate the home page of the publication; to do metric evaluations on employee performance; to do text analysis on article titles, etc.

The decisions you make about how to separate your data into tables, and how to decide what columns to put into those tables, is called the database schema. The schema above isn't an okay start, but has some problems---which we'll discuss as the tutorial progresses.

Relational database management software (RDBMS)

The concept of the "relational database" stretches back many decades, and over the years a number of programmers and vendors have made available software that implements the basic idea. The most popular that you're likely to come across:

  • MySQL, an open-source RDBMS widely used in web applications
  • Oracle and Microsoft's SQL Server, enterprise-grade software used in large organizations
  • SQLite, a tiny, embeddable RDMBS that you can include in essentially any application (the Python standard library includes a SQLite module)
  • PostgreSQL, another open-source RDBMS

If you're developing an application from scratch, it can be tricky to decide which RDBMS to use. There are many criteria that might play into your decision (such as: How much does it cost? How does it perform with large amounts of data? How does it perform with a large number of users?). (If you're working with an existing database (say, a database already present in your organization), you'll just have to learn to work with what you're given.)

In this tutorial, we're going to use PostgreSQL (sometimes called "Postgres" for short). It's freely available, open-source software that strikes a good balance between ease of use and being usable at serious scale.

For the remainder of this tutorial, I'm going to assume that you're using OS X and you've installed on your local machine. You can easily install PostgreSQL on other operating systems; on Linux it should be as easy as using your package manager. If you're having trouble, let me know and I can help you out!


Although the details of how any given RDBMS stores its data can differ wildly, nearly every RDBMS you use supports one computer language for data input and data access: SQL. SQL ("Structured Query Language," often pronounced as "sequel" and sometimes by naming its initials) is a language that is specifically built for specifying and retrieving combinations of rows and columns from relational data. It's an extraordinarily powerful language, and of what follows in this tutorial is learning how SQL works and what it looks like.

In the same way that you can write HTML and have it appear basically the same way on every web browser, you can write SQL and expect it to behave more or less the same in every RDBMS. Or, at least, that's the ideal. But beware: every RDBMS has slightly different rules for how to write SQL, and even if you're an expert with one RDBMS, it can be non-trivial to learn how to work with another one. This tutorial shows how to use PostgreSQL, and the concepts shown here should carry to any other system. But if you do end up using another RDBMS, be aware that you may need to consult the documentation for that RDBMS and fiddle around with the syntax.

###A quick taste

Here's a little preview of how SQL works. Here are the tables of data that we created above for our imaginary news organization:

name title start_year
Gabriella McCullough reporter 2009
Steven Kennedy drama critic 2012
Jalen Shaara columnist 2002

... and then a table of articles that those writers are responsible for:

author title published_date
Gabriella McCullough Man, opossum reach garbage accord 2015-07-01
Steven Kennedy "The Deceit of Apricot" opens to rave reviews 2015-07-15
Jalen Shaara What's the Big Data? Why I'm a data skeptic 2015-07-16
Gabriella McCullough Traffic signals restored on Tunguska Ave 2015-07-01

The SQL commands for creating these tables in the database looks like this:

create table reporters (name varchar(80), title varchar(80), start_year int);

create table articles (author varchar(80), title varchar(140), published_date date);

The SQL commands for populating those tables with data looks like this:

insert into reporters (name, title, start_year) values
    ('Gabriella McCullough', 'reporter', 2009),
    ('Steven Kennedy', 'drama critic', 2012),
    ('Jalen Shaara', 'columnist', 2002);

insert into articles (author, title, published_date) values
    ('Gabriella McCullough', 'Man, opossum reach garbage accord', '2015-07-01'),
    ('Steven Kennedy', '"The Deceit of Apricot" opens to rave reviews', '2015-07-15'),
    ('Jalen Shaara', 'What''s the Big Data? Why I''m a data skeptic', '2015-07-16'),
    ('Gabriella McCullough', 'Traffic signals restored on Tunguska Ave', '2015-07-01'); 

Here are some example queries we can run on the data, along with their results. To get a list just of reporter's names:

select name from reporters;

Gabriella McCullough
Steven Kennedy
Jalen Shaara

To find out how many articles a particular writer has written:

select count(title) from articles where author = 'Gabriella McCullough';


To get a list of articles and authors, along with the titles of those authors:

select, reporters.title, articles.title
    from articles
    join reporters on =;

    author        |    title     |                     title                     
Gabriella McCullough | reporter     | Traffic signals restored on Tunguska Ave
Gabriella McCullough | reporter     | Man, opossum reach garbage accord
Steven Kennedy      | drama critic | "The Deceit of Apricot" opens to rave reviews
Jalen Shaara        | columnist    | What's the Big Data? Why I'm a data skeptic

It's like magic!

Clients, servers and psql

An RDBMS generally runs on a computer in the background, as a long-running process (or "daemon"). This process listens on the network for incoming requests, and then delivers responses to those requests. Software that operates in this manner is often called "server" software. When we talk about the "PostgreSQL server," we're specifically talking about the software running on the computer. (In the case of this tutorial, you'll be running that server software on your own computer. In the "real world," organizations will often dedicate an entire computer, or cluster of computers, to the task of running this software.)

Software that makes requests to and interprets responses from a server is called "client" software. You can write SQL client software in any number of languages (we'll see how to use Python for this purpose in a bit), but there's one piece of client software that we'll be using a lot for learning how to use SQL and PostgreSQL: psql. You can think of psql as being a kind of "interactive shell" (like IPython) for SQL requests. You run psql and type in a query; psql sends that query to the server and then displays the response. It's a convenient way to experiment with SQL.

There are two different kinds of command you can type into psql: SQL statements and psql "meta-commands." The "meta-commands" are for doing things specific to the psql interactive shell---tasks that are outside the purview of SQL proper, like setting the format of the input, or listing available tables. Meta-commands always begin with a backslash (\).

Using PostgreSQL

We know enough now to get started. First, run on your computer by double-clicking on its icon. This is the Postgres "server"; as long as it's running, you can connect to it with client software and make requests. (You can stop the server by quitting the app: go to the elephant icon in your menu bar and select "Quit.") provides an easy way to launch the psql tool: simply click on the elephant icon in the menu bar and select "Open psql." It'll open up a Terminal window with psql already running. You should see something like this:


###Importing data

For the purposes of this tutorial, I'm going to have you import some data into your database. In particular, we're going to use data from the MONDIAL project, which is a database of geographical facts gleaned from various freely available sources. There are a number of ways to get data into a relational database; conveniently, MONDIAL makes their database available in SQL format. Download the statements for the table schemas here and the statements to insert the data here. Remember where you put these files!

To import the data into PostgreSQL, start psql as described in the previous section. Type the following command at the psql prompt:

create database mondial;

... and hit Return. This command creates a new "database." A "database," by the way, is just a name for a collection of tables. Your PostgreSQL server software can manage multiple databases.) server can contain and manage multiple such databases.

Don't forget the semi-colon at the end of the create line! Every SQL statement ends with a semi-colon.

You can get a list of all the databases that are currently on your server with the \l meta-command (short for "list"):


You'll see something that looks like this:

                                List of databases
Name    |  Owner  | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |  Access privileges  
allison   | allison | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
mondial   | allison | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
postgres  | allison | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
template0 | allison | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/allison         +
        |         |          |             |             | allison=CTc/allison
template1 | allison | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/allison         +
        |         |          |             |             | allison=CTc/allison

The postgres database and the template databases (if present) are for internal PostgreSQL use---you don't need to mess with them. also creates a "default" database named after your OSX user. You can use this as "scratch" space for experimentation, or just leave it alone.

Now that you've created the mondial database, you need to "connect" to it. To accomplish this, use the \c meta-command like so:

\c mondial

Once you've connected to a database, you can list the tables in the database with the \d meta-command, like so:


At this point, you should get an error message saying "No relations found." Which makes sense---we haven't added any data yet! In order to populate our database, we're going to import the SQL statements from MONDIAL that we downloaded earlier. The meta-command for importing SQL statements is \i. You need to give the \i meta-command a parameter, which should be the location of the file you want to import. You'll need to import the schema file first. I downloaded the SQL files from above into my ~/Downloads directory, so I might type:

\i /Users/allison/Downloads/mondial-schema-postgresql-2010.sql

You'll see a whole list of "CREATE TABLE" lines, which acknowledge the fact that tables have been created. Now you can import the data itself:

\i /Users/allison/Downloads/mondial-inputs-postgresql-2010.sql 

A bunch of INSERT 0 1 lines will fly by, one for every record that has been inserted.

OSX Pro-Tip: If you drag and drop a file from Finder to a terminal window, the path to the file you dropped will be pasted into the program you're using. Handy!

Now try using the \d meta-command again. You'll see something that looks like this:

              List of relations
 Schema |       Name        | Type  |  Owner  
 public | airport           | table | allison
 public | borders           | table | allison
 public | city              | table | allison
 public | cityothername     | table | allison
 public | citypops          | table | allison
 public | continent         | table | allison
 public | country           | table | allison
 public | countryothername  | table | allison
 public | countrypops       | table | allison
 public | desert            | table | allison
 public | economy           | table | allison
 public | encompasses       | table | allison
 public | ethnicgroup       | table | allison
 public | geo_desert        | table | allison
 public | geo_estuary       | table | allison
 public | geo_island        | table | allison
 public | geo_lake          | table | allison
 public | geo_mountain      | table | allison
 public | geo_river         | table | allison
 public | geo_sea           | table | allison
 public | geo_source        | table | allison
 public | island            | table | allison
 public | islandin          | table | allison
 public | ismember          | table | allison
 public | lake              | table | allison
 public | language          | table | allison
 public | located           | table | allison
 public | locatedon         | table | allison
 public | mergeswith        | table | allison
 public | mountain          | table | allison
 public | mountainonisland  | table | allison
 public | organization      | table | allison
 public | politics          | table | allison
 public | population        | table | allison
 public | province          | table | allison
 public | provinceothername | table | allison
 public | provpops          | table | allison
 public | religion          | table | allison
 public | river             | table | allison
 public | riverthrough      | table | allison
 public | sea               | table | allison
(41 rows)

Awesome work! You've successfully imported some data into your database.

###Examining tables

The \d meta-command on its own shows a list of all tables. If you provide a table name after the \d, you'll get a description of just that table. For example, let's see what's in the city table:

\d city

Here's what you'll see:

              Table ""
   Column   |         Type          | Modifiers 
 name       | character varying(50) | not null
 country    | character varying(4)  | not null
 province   | character varying(50) | not null
 population | numeric               | 
 latitude   | numeric               | 
 longitude  | numeric               | 
 elevation  | numeric               | 
    "citykey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (name, country, province)
Check constraints:
    "citylat" CHECK (latitude >= (-90)::numeric AND latitude <= 90::numeric)
    "citylon" CHECK (longitude >= (-180)::numeric AND longitude <= 180::numeric)
    "citypop" CHECK (population >= 0::numeric)

This shows you what columns are present in the table, and what data types those columns contain. We see above, for example, that the city table has a column called name whose type is character varying(35). There's also a population column whose type is numeric.

The \d command also displays a list of table indexes and constraints. An index is a way to make a queries on a table faster by storing extra information about each record when it's inserted or updated. A constraint is an automatic "check" you can set up that ensures any data you put into the table meets certain criteria. We're not going to talk about indexes or constraints in any detail in this tutorial, but you can read more about them in the PostgreSQL documentation.

###Data types

Every column in a table has a data type. There are a number of core SQL data types supported by nearly every RDBMS, and individual vendors may also supply data types specific to their own software. Some of the most common data types in SQL are:

type description
varchar(n) or character varying(n) a string that is at most n
characters long
integer or int integer numbers
float floating-point numbers
numeric fractional numbers with a fixed precision
date stores a year, month and day
timestamp stores a year, month, day, hour, minute, and second
boolean either true or false

Here's a full-list of data types supported by PostgreSQL. It's important to recognize what data types you're working with, since it changes the way you write queries against the data, and how some features (like sorting) will behave.

###Writing a query with SELECT

Enough with the preliminaries! Let's actually get some data out of the database. The way you get data out of a SQL table is to write a SELECT statement. The SELECT statement allows you to specify (among other things):

  • which rows you want
  • for the rows selected, which columns you want
  • the number of rows to return
  • how to sort the rows

The basic syntax for SELECT is this:

SELECT fields
FROM table
WHERE criterion
ORDER BY order_fields
LIMIT number;

... where:

  • fields is a comma-separated list of fields that you want to retrieve
  • table is the name of the table you want to query;
  • criterion is a SQL expression that determines with rows will be included (more on SQL expressions in a bit);
  • order_fields is a comma-separated list of fields to use as the basis for sorting the results (e.g., if you want to sort alphabetically by the name field, put name here); you can optionally include the DESC keyword here to sort in reverse order.
  • number is the maximum number of records to return.

The WHERE, ORDER BY and LIMIT lines are all optional: the only thing you need for a SELECT statement is a list of fields and a table. SQL is also not white-space sensitive; I wrote each clause on a separate line above, but you're free to include new lines and extra whitespace where you will. You could also potentially write the whole statement on a single line, if you wanted to. (Just remember to end the statement with a semicolon.)

NOTE: This is only a small subset of the SELECT statement's capabilities, presented for pedagogical purposes only! The actual syntax is much more complicated.

So, for example, let's select the name and population columns from the city table, displaying only the rows where the value for population is greater than nine million. Type the following query into your psql session and hit return.

SELECT name, population
FROM city
WHERE population > 9000000;

You'll see results that look like this:

   name    | population 
 Moskva    |   11979529
 Istanbul  |   13710512
 Guangzhou |   11071424
 Shenzhen  |   10358381
 Wuhan     |    9785388
 Beijing   |   11716620
 Shanghai  |   22315474
 Tianjin   |   11090314
 Karachi   |    9339023
 Mumbai    |   12442373
 Delhi     |   11034555
 Jakarta   |    9607787
 Seoul     |    9708483
 São Paulo |   11152344
(14 rows)

To order these cities alphabetically, we can add an ORDER BY clause:

SELECT name, population
FROM city
WHERE population > 9000000
ORDER BY name;


   name    | population 
 Beijing   |   11716620
 Delhi     |   11034555
 Guangzhou |   11071424
 Istanbul  |   13710512
 Jakarta   |    9607787
 Karachi   |    9339023
 Moskva    |   11979529
 Mumbai    |   12442373
 Seoul     |    9708483
 Shanghai  |   22315474
 Shenzhen  |   10358381
 São Paulo |   11152344
 Tianjin   |   11090314
 Wuhan     |    9785388
(14 rows)

To order these cities by descending population:

SELECT name, population
FROM city
WHERE population > 9000000
ORDER by population DESC;


   name    | population 
 Shanghai  |   22315474
 Istanbul  |   13710512
 Mumbai    |   12442373
 Moskva    |   11979529
 Beijing   |   11716620
 São Paulo |   11152344
 Tianjin   |   11090314
 Guangzhou |   11071424
 Delhi     |   11034555
 Shenzhen  |   10358381
 Wuhan     |    9785388
 Seoul     |    9708483
 Jakarta   |    9607787
 Karachi   |    9339023
(14 rows)

Finally, to limit our result set to only the top five cities, we can include the LIMIT keyword. Let's change the fields to include the country as well:

SELECT name, country, population
FROM city
WHERE population > 7000000
ORDER by population DESC


   name   | country | population 
 Shanghai | CN      |   22315474
 Istanbul | TR      |   13710512
 Mumbai   | IND     |   12442373
 Moskva   | R       |   11979529
 Beijing  | CN      |   11716620

###Exploring tables with * and LIMIT

Occasionally it's useful to just "take a peek" at the data that's in a table, without having to specify which columns and rows you want in particular. For these purposes, you can put a * in the field parameter (right after the word SELECT), which will include all of the fields in the table in your search result. Combined with the LIMIT clause, you can use this to take a look at what's in the first few rows of the table country:

FROM country


    name    | code |     capital      |   province    |  area  | population 
 Albania    | AL   | Tirana           | Albania       |  28750 |    2800138
 Greece     | GR   | Athina           | Attikis       | 131940 |   10816286
 Macedonia  | MK   | Skopje           | Macedonia     |  25333 |    2059794
 Serbia     | SRB  | Beograd          | Serbia        |  77474 |    7120666
 Montenegro | MNE  | Podgorica        | Montenegro    |  14026 |     620029
 Kosovo     | KOS  | Prishtine        | Kosovo        |  10887 |    1733872
 Andorra    | AND  | Andorra la Vella | Andorra       |    450 |      78115
 France     | F    | Paris            | Île-de-France | 547030 |   64933400
 Spain      | E    | Madrid           | Madrid        | 504750 |   46815916
 Austria    | A    | Wien             | Wien          |  83850 |    8499759
(10 rows)

A quick (but, in PostgreSQL, potentially slow) way to count the total number of records in a table is to use the count() aggregate function:

SELECT count(*) FROM city;


(1 row)

This tells us that there are 3111 rows in the city table. (More on aggregation below.)

##SQL expressions in WHERE clauses

As we saw in one of the above examples, the WHERE clause requires an expression that returns true or false. Rows in the table for which this expression is true will be included in the result set; rows for which this expression evaluates to false will be skipped.

The syntax for SQL expressions is, in general, very similar to the syntax for writing expressions in (e.g.) Python (the analog for the WHERE clause in Python would be the expression following if in a list comprehension). There are a number of operators which take expressions on either side; these expressions can be either literals (such as numbers or strings that you type directly into the query) or column names. If the expression is a column name, then its value is the contents of that column for the row currently being evaluated.

The supported operators in SQL are, in some cases, slightly different from their counterparts in Python. Here are some common SQL operators:

operator description
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
= equal to (note: = and not ==!)
<> or != not equal to

To check to see if a value is NULL or missing, use the special expression IS NULL (or, for the converse, IS NOT NULL).

You can also use basic mathematical expressions in SQL, to check if (e.g.) the sum of the value in two columns is greater than a particular value. Here's a list of the supported mathematical operators in PostgreSQL.

Here's a quick example of using the > operator to find all rows in the lake table with an area value of greater than 30000:

SELECT name, area, depth FROM lake WHERE area > 30000;


      name       |  area  | depth 
 Ozero Baikal    |  31492 |  1637
 Dead Sea        |  41650 |   378
 Caspian Sea     | 386400 |   995
 Lake Victoria   |  68870 |    85
 Lake Tanganjika |  32893 |  1470
 Great Bear Lake |  31792 |   446
 Lake Huron      |  59600 |   229
 Lake Michigan   |  57800 |   281
 Lake Superior   |  82103 |   405
(9 rows)

###More sophisticated WHERE clauses with AND and OR

You can construct more sophisticated expressions in your WHERE clauses using the AND and OR operators. These work just like their Python counterparts: on either side, write an expression. If both expressions return true, then the entire expression with AND returns true. If either returns true, then the entire expression with OR returns true.

As a quick example, let's find all of the cities in Finland that meet a particular level of population. The cities in the city table are linked to their country with a country code in the country field. We can determine what that country code is by running a SELECT on the country table:

SELECT name, code FROM country WHERE name = 'Finland';


  name   | code 
 Finland | SF

Now we can query the city table for Finnish cities:

SELECT name, country, population FROM city WHERE country = 'SF';


     name     | country | population 
 Mariehamn    | SF      |      10851
 Tampere      | SF      |     220678
 Lahti        | SF      |     103396
 Hämeenlinna  | SF      |      67803
 Kuopio       | SF      |     106475
 Lappeenranta | SF      |      72617
 Kotka        | SF      |      54714
 Rovaniemi    | SF      |      61244
 Mikkeli      | SF      |      54633
 Jyväskylä    | SF      |     134862
 Joensuu      | SF      |      74332
 Oulu         | SF      |     194181
 Pori         | SF      |      83457
 Turku        | SF      |     182154
 Helsinki     | SF      |     614535
 Espoo        | SF      |     261654
 Vaasa        | SF      |      66415
(17 rows)

Let's say we want to find all Finnish cities with a population of at least 100000 people. We can write that query like so:

SELECT name, country, population
FROM city
WHERE country = 'SF' AND population > 100000;


   name    | country | population 
 Tampere   | SF      |     220678
 Lahti     | SF      |     103396
 Kuopio    | SF      |     106475
 Jyväskylä | SF      |     134862
 Oulu      | SF      |     194181
 Turku     | SF      |     182154
 Helsinki  | SF      |     614535
 Espoo     | SF      |     261654
(8 rows)

Another example: the lake table has a list of lakes, along with (among other things) their area and depth. Let's say that we want to find a list of Earth's most remarkable lakes, based on those lakes' depth and area. To get a list of lakes that are either (a) 500 meters deep or (b) have a surface area of more than 30000 square meters:

SELECT name, area, depth
FROM lake
WHERE depth > 500 OR area > 30000;


       name       |  area  | depth 
 Dead Sea         |  41650 |   378
 Caspian Sea      | 386400 |   995
 Issyk-Kul        |   6236 |   668
 Lake Toba        |   1103 |   505
 Ozero Baikal     |  31492 |  1637
 Lake Victoria    |  68870 |    85
 Lake Tanganjika  |  32893 |  1470
 Lake Malawi      |  29600 |   704
 Great Bear Lake  |  31792 |   446
 Great Slave Lake |  28568 |   614
 Lake Huron       |  59600 |   229
 Lake Michigan    |  57800 |   281
 Lake Superior    |  82103 |   405
 Crater Lake      |   53.2 |   594
 Lake Tahoe       |    497 |   501
(15 rows)

##Sums, minimums, maximums and averages

Going back to the MONDIAL database, let's say you wanted to find the population of the entire world. The country table is our best bet for finding this data, having as it does a population field:

mondial=# SELECT population FROM country LIMIT 10;
(10 rows)

Presumably, excepting the number of stateless individuals not counted among the population of a particular country, we could determine the world's population by adding up all of these numbers. To save us the tedium of writing a program to perform this task, SQL provides a particular kind of syntax to calculate sums for all of the values in a field. It looks like this:

mondial=# SELECT sum(population) FROM country;
(1 row)

The new part here is sum(), with the field you want summed between the parentheses. The sum() function is one of several so-called "aggregate functions" that take the all the values from a field and reduce them down to a single value. Another such function is avg(), which calculates the arithmetic mean of a column of values:

mondial=# SELECT avg(population) FROM country;
(1 row)

You can use a WHERE clause with these queries to limit which rows are included in the aggregate. For example, the following query selects all the MONDIAL cities in Finland:

mondial=# SELECT population FROM city WHERE country = 'SF';
(17 rows)

Adding sum() around the population column yields the sum of just these values from the table:

mondial=# SELECT sum(population) FROM city WHERE country = 'SF';
(1 row)

We already covered another aggregate function, count(), which simply counts the number of rows. To illustrate this with another example, consider the encompasses table, which relates countries to the continents that encompass them. (Browse this table with a SELECT * FROM continents to familiarize yourself with the structure.) To count the number of countries at least partially in Europe:

mondial=# SELECT count(country) FROM encompasses WHERE continent = 'Europe';
(1 row)

Finally, the min() and max() aggregate functions return, respectively, the minimum and maximum values for the given column. To find the country with the smallest area, we might issue the following query:

mondial=# SELECT min(area) FROM country;
(1 row)

To find the are value for the country with the largest largest area:

mondial=# SELECT max(area) FROM country;
(1 row)

The two queries can be combined into one:

mondial=# SELECT min(area), max(area) FROM country;
 min  |   max    
 0.44 | 17075200
(1 row)

###SELECTs with aggregate functions are different

We had been using the SELECT statement before as, essentially, a way to filter and order rows from a table based on their characteristics. So you may, at this point, notice that SELECT statements that include aggregate functions operate differently from their counterparts without any aggregate functions. Although the results of the query are returned in a tabular format, the "rows" and "columns" in the result don't correspond to rows and columns in the original table. (E.g., there is no column in the country table called min and max; these appear only in the results of a query using those aggregate functions.)

I bring this up because it's worth pointing out that SELECT with aggregates is a little bit counterintuitive. Personally, I wish that the syntax made this a bit clearer; everyone would benefit if, in order to use aggregate functions, you had to use a separate statement (like AGGREGATE table CALCULATE min(x) or something like that, sort of like how MongoDB does it). But that's not the way SQL works, and so we close our eyes, take a deep breath, and entrust ourselves to the solutions and abstractions so carefully invented by the standards-makers of government and industry.

###Aggregating with GROUP BY

There's a particular pattern for using aggregate function that happens over and over frequently enough that there is a special syntax for it: grouping. To illustrate, consider the following task: we want to find the population number for the largest city in each country, using the data in the city table. We already know how to do this for individual countries, in separate queries; here are two such queries for the US and Finland:

mondial=# SELECT max(population) FROM city WHERE country = 'USA';
(1 row)

mondial=# SELECT max(population) FROM city WHERE country = 'SF';
(1 row)

If we wanted to do this with every country present in the city table, we'd have a little programming task on our hands: find all of the unique countries, iterate through them, issue a query for each, etc. etc. etc. Because this task is so common, SQL provides a shortcut, which is the GROUP BY clause. If you include a GROUP BY clause in your SQL statement, the aggregate that you specify will be performed not on all of the rows that match the WHERE clause, but for all rows having unique values for the column you specify.

For example, the following query calculates the maximum value for the population column for every unique country:

mondial=# SELECT country, max(population) FROM city GROUP BY country;
 country |   max    
 NEP     |  1003285
 RA      |  2768772
 CH      |   384786
 L       |    99852
 AMSA    |         
 WD      |    14725
 LB      |  1010970
 BF      |  1475223
[many rows omitted for brevity]
 MOC     |  1094628
 RO      |  1883425
 SSD     |   372410
 LS      |   227880
 PNG     |   318128
 BZ      |    53532
 SLB     |    49107
 NORF    |         
(244 rows)

(Some countries have blanks, since apparently there are some countries whose listed cities all have an empty population field.) This query tells us that, e.g., the most populous city in Nepal has 1003285 people, that the most populous city in Argentina (code RA) has 2768772 people, etc.

We can clean up the empty rows by using a WHERE clause to include as candidates for aggregation only those cities that have a non-empty population field:

mondial=# SELECT country, max(population)
    FROM city
    WHERE population IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY country;
 country |   max    
 NEP     |  1003285
 RA      |  2768772
 CH      |   384786
[many rows omitted for brevity]
 MOC     |  1094628
 RO      |  1883425
 SSD     |   372410
 LS      |   227880
 PNG     |   318128
 BZ      |    53532
 SLB     |    49107
(211 rows)

Queries with GROUP BY also allow you to use the ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses. Here's an example that sorts the results of the query in alphabetical order by country, limited to just the first five rows:

mondial=# SELECT country, max(population)
    FROM city
    WHERE population IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY country
    ORDER BY country
    LIMIT 5;
country |   max   
A       | 1761738
AFG     | 2435400
AG      |   22219
AL      |  418495
AND     |   22256
(5 rows)

To order by the aggregate field, repeat the aggregate expression in the ORDER BY clause:

mondial=# SELECT country, max(population)
    FROM city
    WHERE population IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY country
    ORDER BY max(population) DESC
    LIMIT 5;
 country |   max    
 CN      | 22315474
 TR      | 13710512
 IND     | 12442373
 R       | 11979529
 BR      | 11152344
(5 rows)

NOTE: You might think that getting the name of the city that has the largest population for each country (i.e., the row containing the group-wise maximum) would be easy---but, unfortunately, it isn't. Here's a good overview of techniques for performing this task.

Here's another example of GROUP BY. Consider the island table, which is a list of islands in the world, including their area, height, island group and type:

mondial=# SELECT name, islands, area, elevation, type FROM island LIMIT 10;
       name        |     islands      |  area   | elevation |   type   
 Svalbard          | Svalbard         |   39044 |      1717 | 
 Greenland         |                  | 2175600 |           | 
 Iceland           |                  |  102829 |      2119 | volcanic
 Aust-Vagoey       | Lofotes          |     526 |      1146 | 
 Streymoy          | Faroe Islands    |     373 |       789 | 
 Ireland           | British Isles    |   84421 |      1041 | 
 Great Britain     | British Isles    |  229850 |      1344 | 
 Shetland Mainland | Shetland Islands |     970 |       449 | 
 Orkney Mainland   | Orkney Islands   |     492 |       271 | 
 South Ronaldsay   | Orkney Islands   |      50 |       118 | 
(10 rows)

The type field has a few distinct values:

mondial=# SELECT DISTINCT(type) FROM island;
(5 rows)

So, let's find the average area of islands belonging to each island type:

mondial=# SELECT type, avg(area) FROM island GROUP BY type;
   type   |          avg          
          |    41736.819473684211
 coral    |  211.7166666666666667
 volcanic | 9369.1248863636363636
 lime     |  298.6000000000000000
 atoll    |   64.5671428571428571
(5 rows)

Volcanic islands are awful big, aren't they?

EXERCISE: Find the island group (i.e., the islands field in the island table) with the greatest average height.

###Filter aggregations with HAVING

We saw above that the WHERE clause can be used to restrict which rows are used when calculating an aggregate. But what if we want to restrict which rows are present in the response to the aggregate query itself? It's not difficult, but it does require a discussion of a previously undiscussed clause: HAVING.

To illustrate the problem, consider the river table. This table has a list of rivers, which includes the river's name and its outlet, which is either a sea, a lake, or another river (or possibly none of these, in the case of rivers in endorheic basins). Here's what the table looks like:

mondial=# SELECT name, river, lake, sea FROM river LIMIT 10;
        name         |  river  |  lake   |      sea       
 Thjorsa             |         |         | Atlantic Ocean
 Joekulsa a Fjoellum |         |         | Greenland Sea
 Glomma              |         |         | Skagerrak
 Lagen               | Glomma  |         | 
 Goetaaelv           |         |         | Kattegat
 Klaraelv            |         | Vaenern | 
 Umeaelv             |         |         | Baltic Sea
 Dalaelv             |         |         | Baltic Sea
 Vaesterdalaelv      | Dalaelv |         | 
 Oesterdalaelv       | Dalaelv |         | 
(10 rows)

These results show that, e.g., the Thjorsa river empties into the Atlantic Ocean, while the Klaraelv river empties into a lake named "Vaenern."

Let's say we're interested in knowing exactly how many rivers empty into all of the known seas. We could find this out by issuing a query that counts the rivers, grouped by the name of the sea:

mondial=# select sea, count(name) from river group by sea;
        sea        | count 
                   |   157
 Persian Gulf      |     1
 Malakka Strait    |     1
 Atlantic Ocean    |    24
 Greenland Sea     |     1
 Barents Sea       |     3
 Arabian Sea       |     1
 Pacific Ocean     |     4
 Arctic Ocean      |     1
 The Channel       |     1
 Mediterranean Sea |     9
 Black Sea         |     4
 Sea of Okhotsk    |     1
 South China Sea   |     1
 Gulf of Bengal    |     1
 East China Sea    |     1
 Hudson Bay        |     1
 Yellow Sea        |     1
 Bering Sea        |     1
 Gulf of Mexico    |     2
 Caribbean Sea     |     2
 Indian Ocean      |     4
 Kara Sea          |     2
 Sea of Azov       |     1
 Kattegat          |     1
 North Sea         |     5
 Andaman Sea       |     2
 Skagerrak         |     1
 East Sibirian Sea |     3
 Baltic Sea        |    11
(30 rows)

This is fine, but it has a lot of noise! What if we wanted to get this list of results, but exclude the rows that have a count of one or less. Is this possible? If so, how?

The first way you might attempt to solve this would be with the WHERE clause. That's what WHERE is for, after all, right? To exclude records from a query. Let's try it:

mondial=# SELECT sea, count(name) FROM river WHERE count(name) > 1 GROUP BY sea; 
ERROR:  aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE
LINE 1: select sea, count(name) from river where count(name) > 1 gro...

Hmm. Weird. Apparently, and I quote, "aggregate functions are not allowed in WHERE." It turns out that the WHERE clause can only be used to filter rows before the aggregation operation happens---not afterward. To filter rows in the aggregation, there's a different clause, (confusingly, IMO) called HAVING. The HAVING clause works like this:

mondial=# SELECT sea, count(name) FROM river GROUP BY sea HAVING count(name) > 1;
        sea        | count 
                   |   130
 Atlantic Ocean    |    24
 Barents Sea       |     3
 Pacific Ocean     |     3
 Arctic Ocean      |     2
 Mediterranean Sea |     8
 Black Sea         |     3
 Gulf of Mexico    |     2
 Caribbean Sea     |     2
 Indian Ocean      |     4
 North Sea         |     5
 Sibirian Sea      |     5
 Andaman Sea       |     2
 Baltic Sea        |    11
(14 rows)

The HAVING clause looks just like a WHERE clause, except that it can refer only to fields that are present in the aggregation (in this case, count(name)). As you can see, by including the HAVING clause in this query, we've excluded results where the aggregation function didn't meet a certain criterion. Perfect!

Let's do another example. The religion table is a list of records that relate religions to countries. Each country has several records in the table, and each record indicates the percentage of the population that adherents to the given religion make up in the country. So, for example, this query:

mondial=# select * from religion limit 10;
 country |        name        | percentage 
 AL      | Muslim             |         70
 AL      | Roman Catholic     |         10
 AL      | Christian Orthodox |         20
 GR      | Christian Orthodox |         98
 GR      | Muslim             |        1.3
 MK      | Christian Orthodox |       64.7
 MK      | Muslim             |       33.3
 MK      | Roman Catholic     |        0.2
 SRB     | Christian Orthodox |         85
 SRB     | Muslim             |        3.2
(10 rows)

... shows that in Albania (code AL), 70 percent of the country is Muslim, 10 percent is Roman Catholic, and 20 percent is Christian Orthodox.

We'll use this table to find religions that are present in the fewest countries.

mondial=# SELECT name, count(country) FROM religion GROUP BY name;
            name             | count 
 Buddhist                    |    23
 African Methodist Episcopal |     1
 Jehovas Witnesses           |     8
 Ekalesia Niue               |     1
 Jains                       |     1
 United                      |     1
 Mayan                       |     1
 Armenian Apostolic          |     1
 Taoist                      |     1
 Kimbanguist                 |     1
 Coptic Christian            |     1
 Presbyterian                |     2
 New Apostolic               |     1
 Hoa Hao                     |     1
 Catholic                    |     2
 Muslim                      |   115
 Sikh                        |     2
 Church Tuvalu               |     1
 United Church               |     1
 Jewish                      |    17
 Baptist                     |     4
 Episcopalian                |     1
 Christian Congregationalist |     1
 Uniting Church Australia    |     1
 Anglican                    |    17
 Seventh-Day Adventist       |     7
 Confucianism                |     1
 Church of God               |     3
 Cao Dai                     |     1
 Congregational Christian    |     1
 Church Christ               |     1
 Chondogyo                   |     1
 Adventist                   |     1
 Christian                   |    58
 Christian Orthodox          |    29
 Ukrainian Greek Catholic    |     1
 Druze                       |     1
 Methodist                   |     3
 Roman Catholic              |   116
 Mormon                      |     4
 Protestant                  |    91
 Hindu                       |    19
 Bahai                       |     2
 Yezidi                      |     1
(44 rows)

These results show us that, e.g., Hinduism is present in 19 different countries; Mormonism is present in 4; Islam is present in 115. Let's add a HAVING clause so that we see only the religions that are present in a single country:

mondial=# SELECT name, count(country) FROM religion GROUP BY name HAVING count(country) = 1;
            name             | count 
 African Methodist Episcopal |     1
 Ekalesia Niue               |     1
 Jains                       |     1
 United                      |     1
 Mayan                       |     1
 Armenian Apostolic          |     1
 Taoist                      |     1
 Kimbanguist                 |     1
 Coptic Christian            |     1
 New Apostolic               |     1
 Hoa Hao                     |     1
 Church Tuvalu               |     1
 United Church               |     1
 Episcopalian                |     1
 Christian Congregationalist |     1
 Uniting Church Australia    |     1
 Confucianism                |     1
 Cao Dai                     |     1
 Congregational Christian    |     1
 Church Christ               |     1
 Chondogyo                   |     1
 Adventist                   |     1
 Ukrainian Greek Catholic    |     1
 Druze                       |     1
 Yezidi                      |     1
(25 rows)

(Obviously, there are adherents of these religions in more than one country! Presumably, the religion table only has records if the number of adherents is large enough that it constitutes a percentage of the general population above a certain threshold.)

Let's make our query a bit more specific and find the religions that only occur in one country and where that religion's percentage share in the country is less than 5%. We can do this by filtering the rows first with WHERE, like so:

mondial=# SELECT name, count(country)
    FROM religion
    WHERE percentage < 5
    GROUP BY name
    HAVING count(country) = 1;
     name      | count 
 Confucianism  |     1
 Jains         |     1
 Cao Dai       |     1
 Church Christ |     1
 Yezidi        |     1
 Mayan         |     1
 Chondogyo     |     1
 Adventist     |     1
 New Apostolic |     1
 Hoa Hao       |     1
 Druze         |     1
 Catholic      |     1
(12 rows)

The tricky part in this query is the combination of WHERE and HAVING. The WHERE clause tells SQL to exclude any rows where the percentage is less than 5 before any aggregation happens. The HAVING clause tells SQL to exclude any rows after the aggregation where the result of count(country) is not equal to 1.


In this section, we're going to discuss one of the things that makes SQL truly powerful: the ability to create queries that "join" tables together.

To illustrate, let's tackle one particular task. So far, We've been running up against a problem pretty consistently with the MONDIAL database, which is this: the names of countries aren't stored in most of these tables---just their "code." When looking at the city table, for instance:

mondial=# SELECT name, country FROM city ORDER BY name LIMIT 10;
       name       | country 
 's-Hertogenbosch | NL
 A Coruña         | E
 Aachen           | D
 Aalborg          | DK
 Aarau            | CH
 Aba              | WAN
 Abadan           | IR
 Abaetetuba       | BR
 Abakaliki        | WAN
 Abakan           | R
(10 rows)

Unless we happen to have already memorized these codes, we have to look them up one-by-one in the country table to find out what they mean:

mondial=# SELECT name FROM country WHERE code = 'WAN';
(1 row)

That's sort of inconvenient, and it seems like computers should be able to help with this problem. Isn't there a way to write a query so that each row returned from the city table automatically gets matched up with the country that has the corresponding code?

In fact, there is, and it's called JOIN. We'll continue with the city/country analogy in a second, but it's a bit easier to demonstrate how JOIN works with some smaller, toy tables first. Recall from Part One our tiny database for a news organization, which consists of a table for writers:

name title start_year
Gabriella McCullough reporter 2009
Steven Kennedy drama critic 2012
Jalen Shaara columnist 2002

... and then a table of articles that those writers are responsible for:

author title published_date
Gabriella McCullough Man, opossum reach garbage accord 2015-07-01
Steven Kennedy "The Deceit of Apricot" opens to rave reviews 2015-07-15
Jalen Shaara What's the Big Data? Why I'm a data skeptic 2015-07-16
Gabriella McCullough Traffic signals restored on Tunguska Ave 2015-07-01

Let's say we wanted to produce a new table, which consists of a list of article titles and dates, along with the name of the author, the author's title, and the author's start year. In other words, we want information from both tables, and we want to automatically align that data so that we end up with the correct title and start year for each author. Basically, what we want is this: article.title article.published_date author.title author.start_year
Gabriella McCullough Man, opossum reach garbage accord 2015-07-01 reporter 2009
Steven Kennedy "The Deceit of Apricot" opens to rave reviews 2015-07-15 drama critic 2012
Jalen Shaara What's the Big Data? Why I'm a data skeptic 2015-07-16 columnist 2002
Gabriella McCullough Traffic signals restored on Tunguska Ave 2015-07-01 reporter 2002

Essentially, what we've done is taken our "articles" table, and then reshuffled the "authors" table and glued it on to the right-hand side, making one big monster table that joins the two together. This is what is meant by a "join" in relational database parlance.

We're going to solve our country name problem using a join as well, and in the process, explain the syntax for how joins work in SQL.

###Join in SQL

The syntax of a JOIN looks like this:

SELECT fields
FROM left_table
JOIN right_table ON left_field = right_field

... where fields is the list of fields that you want, left_table is the table you want to leave alone, and right_table is the table you want to re-arrange and tack on to the left table. The left_field and right_field values determine how the joined table will be aligned: the data from right_table will be joined to the

A join consists of two tables, and a field in each table that links the two together. In the example above, the "link" between the two tables is that the name of the author in the articles table needs to match the name of the author in the writers table. For the purposes of naming the countries that each city is in, the two tables we want to join are city and country, and the "link" between them is the country code---which is in the country field of the city table, and the code field of the country table. Here's what the query looks like:

mondial=# SELECT, city.population, country.code,
    FROM city JOIN country ON = country.code
    LIMIT 10;
   name   | population | code |  name   
 Tirana   |     418495 | AL   | Albania
 Shkodër  |      77075 | AL   | Albania
 Durrës   |     113249 | AL   | Albania
 Vlorë    |      79513 | AL   | Albania
 Elbasan  |      78703 | AL   | Albania
 Korçë    |      51152 | AL   | Albania
 Komotini |            | GR   | Greece
 Kavala   |      58790 | GR   | Greece
 Athina   |     664046 | GR   | Greece
 Peiraias |     163688 | GR   | Greece

There's a lot going on in this query, and one or two new things other than the join. So let's take it line by line. Let's start with the middle line:

FROM city JOIN country ON = country.code

This line says to select from the city table (this is the left table of our join) and join it to the country table (the right table). The ON clause tells PostgreSQL how to re-arrange the right-side table. It says, in effect: for every row in the city table, find the row in the country table where the country's code field (country.code) matches the city's country field (

The dot between the name of the table and the field is something we haven't discussed yet: when you're naming a field, the dot syntax allows you to specify which table that field is found in. (This is important when the two tables you're joining have fields with the same name---you need to be able to disambiguate.) We see the dot again in the first line of the query:

SELECT, city.population, country.code,

This line specifies which fields we want to see. Because we're joining two tables, we need to be explicit about which table the field we want originates from. In this query, we're getting the name field from the city table, the population field from the country table, the code field from the country table, and the name field from the country table.

NOTE: To see what the entire joined table looks like, without any fields selected, try the following query: SELECT * FROM city JOIN country ON = country.code LIMIT 10;

Finally, the LIMIT 10 line works just like it does with other SELECT statements: it just limits the results to the given number of lines. (You can remove the LIMIT if you want to page through the results in psql.)

###Combining JOIN with WHERE and aggregation

Once you've created a joined table with a JOIN clause, you can operate on it just like any other table---restricting selections with WHERE and performing aggregates with GROUP BY. Let's do another example from joining the city and country tables. Here's a query that finds every city with a population over one million people that is found in a country with fewer than five million people:

mondial=# SELECT, city.population,,
    FROM city JOIN country ON = country.code
    WHERE city.population > 1000000 AND country.population < 5000000;
    name     | population |  name   | population 
 Yerevan     |    1066264 | Armenia |    3026879
 Tbilisi     |    1073345 | Georgia |    4483800
 Bayrūt      |    1100000 | Lebanon |    4341092
 Montevideo  |    1318755 | Uruguay |    3286314
 Brazzaville |    1408150 | Congo   |    4001831
 Monrovia    |    1010970 | Liberia |    3957990
(6 rows)

A great thing about table joins is that we can use WHERE to establish criteria for fields in either the left or right table. If you're having trouble picturing how this query works, try running it without one of the expressions in the WHERE clause (i.e., leave out city.population > 1000000 or country.population < 5000000).

The following example combines nearly all of the concepts we've discussed so far. It finds the sum of the population of cities in the city table for all countries, and then displays those countries having at least 20 million individuals living in cities.

mondial=# SELECT, sum(city.population)
    FROM city JOIN country ON = country.code
    WHERE city.population IS NOT NULL
    HAVING sum(city.population) > 20000000
    ORDER BY sum(city.population) DESC;
      name      |    sum    
 China          | 326910749
 India          | 129752758
 Brazil         |  93687185
 United States  |  81816121
 Russia         |  72000673
 Japan          |  48068708
 Mexico         |  47137170
 Indonesia      |  46627466
 Turkey         |  46045206
 Iran           |  32393196
 South Korea    |  32332901
 Pakistan       |  29838311
 Colombia       |  26579496
 Germany        |  25333235
 United Kingdom |  25252422
 South Africa   |  23470701
 Nigeria        |  22757771
 Egypt          |  22364857
(18 rows)

The tricky part here is the GROUP BY clause, which is grouping by a value in the right table of the join (

##Joining with many-to-many relationships

So far, we've been exercising our table join chops on the city and country tables. These two tables have a many-to-one relationship: one country can contain many cities, but a city can only be in one country. It's easy to write a JOIN for a one-to-many relation, since you know that the right-side table will always have, at most, one matching record.

But the MONDIAL database (along with many other relational database schemas) has entities that exist in a many-to-many relationship. For example, a river can flow through multiple countries, and one country can have multiple rivers flowing through it. Representing many-to-many relationships in SQL is a bit tricky, and as a consequence, writing JOINs for many-to-many relationships is tricky as well.

The conventional way to model a many-to-many relationship in a relational database is with a junction table (sometimes also called a "linking table"). A junction table has rows for every instance of relationship between two tables, using a unique key to refer to the rows in those tables.

###Many writers, many articles

To illustrate, let's return to our news organization database. We have a table for writers:

name title start_year
Gabriella McCullough reporter 2009
Steven Kennedy drama critic 2012
Jalen Shaara columnist 2002

... and then a table of articles that those writers are responsible for:

author title published_date
Gabriella McCullough Man, opossum reach garbage accord 2015-07-01
Steven Kennedy "The Deceit of Apricot" opens to rave reviews 2015-07-15
Jalen Shaara What's the Big Data? Why I'm a data skeptic 2015-07-16
Gabriella McCullough Traffic signals restored on Tunguska Ave 2015-07-01

This schema represents a simple many-to-one relationship: one writer can write many articles, and every article has exactly one writer. But let's say that one day, in our news organization, Gabriella McCullough and Steven Kennedy collaborate on an article. How do we represent this in the database?

One option, of course, would simply be to store both of the names in the author field:

author title published_date
Gabriella McCullough and Steven Kennedy Theater Chairs Uncomfortable, Experts Warn 2015-07-28

There's a problem with this solution, however, which is that now a query on our database that looks like this:

SELECT count(*) FROM articles WHERE author = 'Gabriella McCullough';

... no longer functions properly, because it won't include the article where Gabriella collaborated with Steven. Likewise, it would be difficult to construct a JOIN (like we did in the previous section) that would tell us the title of all of the authors involved in writing the story. (We'd have to parse out the names first in order to use them in the query, which is a hassle.)

The issue is that we've discovered that our initial modeling of the data structure was wrong. There isn't a many-to-one relationship between articles and writers; instead, there's a many-to-many relationship: a single writer can write multiple stories, and any given story can be authored by more than one writer.

To represent this relationship, we need to slightly restructure our database. First, we'll remove the author field from the articles table and add a new field, article_id, which is a unique integer assigned to each article:

article_id title published_date
1 Man, opossum reach garbage accord 2015-07-01
2 "The Deceit of Apricot" opens to rave reviews 2015-07-15
3 What's the Big Data? Why I'm a data skeptic 2015-07-16
4 Traffic signals restored on Tunguska Ave 2015-07-01
5 Theater Chairs Uncomfortable, Experts Warn 2015-07-28

... and then create a new table, which relates author names to the articles that they've written. We'll store one row for each instance of a relationship between an author and an article and call it author_article:

author article_id
Gabriella McCullough 1
Gabriella McCullough 4
Gabriella McCullough 5
Steven Kennedy 2
Steven Kennedy 5
Jalen Shaara 3

This junction table tells us that Gabriella has a byline on articles 1, 4, and 5; Steven has a byline on articles 2 and 5; and Jalen has a byline on article 3. For any article, we could get a list of its authors like so:

SELECT author FROM author_article WHERE article_id = 5;

Getting a list of titles on which a writer has a byline is slightly more complicated, and involves a join:

SELECT article.title
FROM author_article JOIN article
    ON article.article_id = author_article.article_id
WHERE = 'Gabriella McCullough';

###Rivers and countries

Let's return to the MONDIAL database for an example with real data. As mentioned above, rivers and countries are in a many-to-many relationship. The MONDIAL database has a table for countries, and a table for rivers, and a table called geo_river that is the junction table for their many-to-many relationship. Here's what the table looks like:

mondial=# SELECT river, country, province FROM geo_river ORDER BY river
    LIMIT 20;
      river      | country |     province     
 Aare            | CH      | Bern
 Aare            | CH      | Aargau
 Aare            | CH      | Solothurn
 Adda            | I       | Lombardia
 Akagera         | EAU     | Uganda
 Akagera         | EAT     | Kagera
 Akagera         | RWA     | Rwanda
 Allegheny River | USA     | Pennsylvania
 Allegheny River | USA     | New York
 Aller           | D       | Niedersachsen
 Alz             | D       | Bayern
 Amazonas        | BR      | Amapá
 Amazonas        | BR      | Amazonas
 Amazonas        | BR      | Pará
 Amazonas        | PE      | Loreto
 Amazonas        | CO      | Amazonas
 Ammer           | D       | Bayern
 Amudarja        | AFG     | Afghanistan
 Amudarja        | UZB     | Samarqand
 Amudarja        | UZB     | Qoraqalpogʻiston
(20 rows)

This result shows us that, e.g., the Amazon river flows through several different countries. (The geo_river table also gives us information on which provinces a river flows through, so we see that the Allegheny wends its way through both New York and Pennsylvania.)

All well and good so far. Let's exploit the many-to-many relationship to get information about particular countries and rivers. To find all of the rivers that flow through Finland:

mondial=# SELECT river, province FROM geo_river WHERE country = 'SF';
     river     |  province  
 Paatsjoki     | Lappia
 Ounasjoki     | Lappia
 Kemijoki      | Lappia
 Oulujoki      | Oulu
 Kymijoki      | Haeme
 Kymijoki      | Kymi
 Kymijoki      | Mikkeli
 Kokemaeenjoki | Haeme
 Kokemaeenjoki | Turku-Pori
 Vuoksi        | Kuopio
 Vuoksi        | Kymi
(11 rows)

A list of all the countries and provinces that the Rhine runs through:

mondial=# SELECT river, country, province FROM geo_river WHERE river = 'Rhein';
 river | country |      province       
 Rhein | F       | Alsace
 Rhein | A       | Vorarlberg
 Rhein | D       | Baden Wurttemberg
 Rhein | D       | Hessen
 Rhein | D       | Nordrhein Westfalen
 Rhein | D       | Rheinland Pfalz
 Rhein | FL      | Liechtenstein
 Rhein | CH      | Aargau
 Rhein | CH      | Basel-Land
 Rhein | CH      | Basel-Stadt
 Rhein | CH      | Graubunden
 Rhein | CH      | Sankt Gallen
 Rhein | CH      | Schaffhausen
 Rhein | CH      | Thurgau
 Rhein | CH      | Zurich
 Rhein | NL      | Gelderland
 Rhein | NL      | Zuid Holland
(17 rows)

This is a bit annoying, since we're seeing the country codes again instead of the country names. In order to get the country name, we need to JOIN the junction table with the country table to get the country name out.

mondial=# SELECT geo_river.river,, geo_river.province
    FROM geo_river JOIN country ON = country.code
    WHERE river = 'Rhein';
 river |     name      |      province       
 Rhein | France        | Alsace
 Rhein | Austria       | Vorarlberg
 Rhein | Germany       | Baden Wurttemberg
 Rhein | Germany       | Hessen
 Rhein | Germany       | Nordrhein Westfalen
 Rhein | Germany       | Rheinland Pfalz
 Rhein | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein
 Rhein | Switzerland   | Aargau
 Rhein | Switzerland   | Basel-Land
 Rhein | Switzerland   | Basel-Stadt
 Rhein | Switzerland   | Graubunden
 Rhein | Switzerland   | Sankt Gallen
 Rhein | Switzerland   | Schaffhausen
 Rhein | Switzerland   | Thurgau
 Rhein | Switzerland   | Zurich
 Rhein | Netherlands   | Gelderland
 Rhein | Netherlands   | Zuid Holland
(17 rows)

Let's dig a bit deeper and select rivers based on their characteristics. We already know how to get a list of names of rivers whose area is greater than 50000:

mondial=# SELECT name FROM lake WHERE area > 50000;
 Caspian Sea
 Lake Victoria
 Lake Huron
 Lake Michigan
 Lake Superior
(5 rows)

But let's say that we want to know the names of the countries in which these lakes at least partially lie. In order to find this, we're going to JOIN this statement to the geo_lake table. (The geo_lake is a linking table analogous to geo_river, but, naturally, for the location of lakes instead of the location of rivers.) Here's the query:

mondial=# SELECT,, geo_lake.province
    FROM lake JOIN geo_lake ON = geo_lake.lake
    WHERE lake.area > 50000;
     name      | country |    province    
 Caspian Sea   | R       | Kalmykiya
 Caspian Sea   | R       | Astrakhanskaya
 Caspian Sea   | R       | Dagestan
 Caspian Sea   | IR      | Gillan
 Caspian Sea   | IR      | Mazandaran
 Caspian Sea   | IR      | Golestan
 Caspian Sea   | TM      | Balkan
 Caspian Sea   | AZ      | Azerbaijan
 Caspian Sea   | KAZ     | Atyrau
 Caspian Sea   | KAZ     | Mangistau
 Lake Victoria | EAT     | Kagera
 Lake Victoria | EAT     | Mwanza
 Lake Victoria | EAT     | Mara
 Lake Victoria | EAT     | Simiyu
 Lake Victoria | EAT     | Geita
 Lake Victoria | EAK     | Kenya
 Lake Victoria | EAU     | Uganda
 Lake Huron    | CDN     | Ontario
 Lake Huron    | USA     | Michigan
 Lake Michigan | USA     | Illinois
 Lake Michigan | USA     | Indiana
 Lake Michigan | USA     | Michigan
 Lake Michigan | USA     | Wisconsin
 Lake Superior | CDN     | Ontario
 Lake Superior | USA     | Michigan
 Lake Superior | USA     | Minnesota
 Lake Superior | USA     | Wisconsin
(27 rows)

This join is interesting, since in the act of joining, we actually introduced more rows into the search results. That's what happens when the right table has more than one row that matches the condition in the ON clause.

Of course, we still have that pesky country code! To get rid of it, we need
to join *twice*: once on `geo_lake` and again on `country`:
mondial=# SELECT,, geo_lake.province
mondial-# FROM lake
mondial-# JOIN geo_lake ON = geo_lake.lake
mondial-# JOIN country ON country.code =
mondial-# WHERE lake.area > 50000;
     name      |     name      |    province    
 Caspian Sea   | Russia        | Kalmykiya
 Caspian Sea   | Russia        | Astrakhanskaya
 Caspian Sea   | Russia        | Dagestan
 Caspian Sea   | Iran          | Gillan
 Caspian Sea   | Iran          | Mazandaran
 Caspian Sea   | Iran          | Golestan
 Caspian Sea   | Turkmenistan  | Balkan
 Caspian Sea   | Azerbaijan    | Azerbaijan
 Caspian Sea   | Kazakhstan    | Atyrau
 Caspian Sea   | Kazakhstan    | Mangistau
 Lake Victoria | Tanzania      | Kagera
 Lake Victoria | Tanzania      | Mwanza
 Lake Victoria | Tanzania      | Mara
 Lake Victoria | Tanzania      | Simiyu
 Lake Victoria | Tanzania      | Geita
 Lake Victoria | Kenya         | Kenya
 Lake Victoria | Uganda        | Uganda
 Lake Huron    | Canada        | Ontario
 Lake Huron    | United States | Michigan
 Lake Michigan | United States | Illinois
 Lake Michigan | United States | Indiana
 Lake Michigan | United States | Michigan
 Lake Michigan | United States | Wisconsin
 Lake Superior | Canada        | Ontario
 Lake Superior | United States | Michigan
 Lake Superior | United States | Minnesota
 Lake Superior | United States | Wisconsin
(27 rows)

This query essentially takes the table resulting from the first join and uses it as the left table in a second join. Tricky! But powerful.

###Aggregates with many-to-many relations

You can use aggregates with junction tables fairly easily. For example, here's a query that gets the total number of provinces that each river passes through:

mondial=# SELECT river, count(province)
    FROM geo_river GROUP BY river
    ORDER BY count(province) DESC
    LIMIT 10;
  river  | count 
 Donau   |    32
 Niger   |    20
 Rhein   |    17
 Tigris  |    16
 Euphrat |    15
 Parana  |    13
 Zaire   |    13
 Volga   |    13
 Dnepr   |    12
 Elbe    |    12
(10 rows)

And, the other way, the total number of rivers that pass through each province:

mondial=# SELECT province, count(river)
    FROM geo_river
    GROUP BY province
    ORDER BY count(river) DESC
    LIMIT 10;
     province      | count 
 Bayern            |    10
 Orientale         |     7
 Bandundu          |     7
 Xizang            |     7
 Serbia            |     7
 Katanga           |     7
 Equateur          |     6
 Baden-Württemberg |     6
 South Sudan       |     6
 Amazonas          |     6
(10 rows)


We discussed the DISTINCT keyword above when exploring the island table's type field. Putting the word DISTINCT before a field name causes the query to return only the unique values for the selected field. DISTINCT is an easy way to remove duplicates from results, especially in the cases where you're querying only on a single field.

As an example, the ethnicgroup table has a record that relates countries, ethnic groups, and the percentage of the country's population that a particular ethnic group makes up. If you simply wanted a list of all the ethnic groups in the world, the one way to structure the query would be like this:

mondial=# SELECT name FROM ethnicgroup ORDER BY name LIMIT 10;
(10 rows)

This, of course, is showing us not the list of ethnic groups but the list of ethnic groups as they relate to countries and percentages, which means we'll see the same group multiple times. The easiest way to get the list of unique ethnic groups is to simply put the word DISTINCT before the field in the query:

mondial=# SELECT DISTINCT name FROM ethnicgroup ORDER BY name LIMIT 10;
 African descent
 Afro-East Indian
(10 rows)

The DISTINCT keyword can be used in combination with COUNT aggregation to count the number of times a particular value appears in a COUNT aggregate. As an example, consider the query above where we counted the number of provinces that a particular river runs through:

mondial=# SELECT river, count(province)
    FROM geo_river GROUP BY river
    ORDER BY count(province) DESC
    LIMIT 10;
  river  | count 
 Donau   |    32
 Niger   |    20
 Rhein   |    17
 Tigris  |    16
 Euphrat |    15
 Parana  |    13
 Zaire   |    13
 Volga   |    13
 Dnepr   |    12
 Elbe    |    12
(10 rows)

You might think that you could turn this into a query that finds the number of countries that a river passes through simply by switching the word province to country:

mondial=# SELECT river, count(country)
    FROM geo_river GROUP BY river
    ORDER BY count(country) DESC
    LIMIT 10;
  river  | count 
 Donau   |    32
 Niger   |    20
 Rhein   |    17
 Tigris  |    16
 Euphrat |    15
 Parana  |    13
 Zaire   |    13
 Volga   |    13
 Dnepr   |    12
 Elbe    |    12
(10 rows)

But it returns the same results! The reason is that the linking table has one entry per province, and that row includes the country, so counting the two has essentially the same result. The easy way to get around this difficulty is by putting the DISTINCT keyword inside the parentheses, which is a special syntax that allows you to include only the unique values for a particular field inside of the COUNT aggregation. Observe!

mondial=# SELECT river, count(DISTINCT country)
    FROM geo_river GROUP BY river
    ORDER BY count(DISTINCT country) DESC
    LIMIT 10;
  river  | count 
 Donau   |    10
 Rhein   |     6
 Zambezi |     6
 Drau    |     5
 Jordan  |     5
 Mekong  |     5
 Mur     |     4
 Niger   |     4
 Save    |     4
 Limpopo |     4
(10 rows)



To save time and typing, the designers of SQL introduced the concept of the alias. An alias is a way to give a table or column a shorter name inside of a query, so you have less typing to do. You can also use an alias to change the name of a column that appears in the output for a query, which can be especially valuable when working with aggregations.

###Aliasing table names

As an example of where an alias might be useful, consider the query we wrote earlier that finds cities with large populations in countries with small populations:

SELECT, city.population,, country.population
FROM city JOIN country ON = country.code
WHERE city.population > 1000000 AND country.population < 5000000;

It seems verbose to write out city and country so many times. And whenever something "seems verbose" you can count on programmers having come up with a way to make it shorter (and maybe a bit more confusing). So, what you can do is put an AS clause after the name of the table in the FROM. Elsewhere in the query, you can now use whatever string you typed after AS to refer to the table, as a kind of shorthand. Here's the same query using AS:

mondial=# SELECT, ci.population,, co.population
mondial-# FROM city AS ci JOIN country AS co ON = co.code
mondial-# WHERE ci.population > 1000000 AND co.population < 5000000;
    name     | population |  name   | population 
 Yerevan     |    1066264 | Armenia |    3026879
 Tbilisi     |    1073345 | Georgia |    4483800
 Bayrūt      |    1100000 | Lebanon |    4341092
 Montevideo  |    1318755 | Uruguay |    3286314
 Brazzaville |    1408150 | Congo   |    4001831
 Monrovia    |    1010970 | Liberia |    3957990
(6 rows)

You can use whatever you want as an alias (as long as it's a valid PostgreSQL identifier, though in general you'll see a lot of single- and double-character aliases, often using the first letter (or couple of letters) from the name of the table being referenced.

If the AS keyword is still too verbose for you, you can omit it altogether, leaving just the alias after the table name:

mondial=# SELECT, ci.population,, co.population
    FROM city ci JOIN country co ON = co.code
    WHERE ci.population > 1000000 AND co.population < 5000000;
    name     | population |  name   | population 
 Yerevan     |    1066264 | Armenia |    3026879
 Tbilisi     |    1073345 | Georgia |    4483800
 Bayrūt      |    1100000 | Lebanon |    4341092
 Montevideo  |    1318755 | Uruguay |    3286314
 Brazzaville |    1408150 | Congo   |    4001831
 Monrovia    |    1010970 | Liberia |    3957990
(6 rows)

###Aliasing column names

You can specify aliases for column names as well, using the same syntax. A column name alias simply changes the text that appears in the column header for a given field in the query.

mondial=# SELECT name AS moniker, population AS resident_count
    FROM city
    LIMIT 5;
 moniker | resident_count 
 Tirana  |         418495
 Shkodër |          77075
 Durrës  |         113249
 Vlorë   |          79513
 Elbasan |          78703
(5 rows)

The functionality is slightly more useful when working with aggregate functions. To demonstrate, let's return to the following query, which lists countries along with the population value for the most populous city in the country:

mondial=# SELECT country, max(population)
    FROM city
    WHERE population IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY country
    ORDER BY max(population) DESC
    LIMIT 5;
 country |   max    
 CN      | 22315474
 TR      | 13710512
 IND     | 12442373
 R       | 11979529
 BR      | 11152344
(5 rows)

This query is a bit awkward because we have to write the aggregate function twice: once in the column list and again in the ORDER BY clause. As an alternative, you can give the aggregate a column alias, and use that alias in subsequent clauses:

mondial=# SELECT country, max(population) as most_people
    FROM city
    WHERE population IS NOT NULL
    GROUP BY country
    ORDER BY most_people DESC
    LIMIT 5;
 country | most_people 
 CN      |    22315474
 TR      |    13710512
 IND     |    12442373
 R       |    11979529
 BR      |    11152344
(5 rows)

As a perk, using a column alias for the aggregate gives the column a more descriptive name in the output (without the alias, PostgreSQL uses the name of the aggregate function as the column name).

##Further reading