Create an attractive report from a SQL query with capabilities similar to those available in sqlplus report generator, but with control over fonts, margins, page size, and orientation. (See samples directory for PDF files it produced.)
The package is built on as_pdf3 by Anton Scheffer which is included in this repository. Everything you need to deploy it is here.
There are many report generators in the world. Most of them cost money. This is free, powerful enough for some common use cases, and a little easier than using as_pdf3 directly.
Clone this repository or download it as a zip archive.
Note: plsql_utilties is provided as a submodule, so use the clone command with recursive-submodules option:
git clone --recursive-submodules
or download it separately as a zip archive (, and extract the content of root folder into plsql_utilities folder.
Follow the instructions in install.sql
Only the necessary modules from plsql_utilities are compiled by default. You can run the install.sql in that directory to get the rest.
PdfGen extends and enhances (replaces) the as_pdf3.cursor2table functionality with respect to column headers and widths, plus the ability to capture a column "page break" value for the page_procs callbacks, and go to a new page when the break-column value changes. Everything is implemented using the as_pdf3 public interface.
- PdfGen.sql
- install.sql
- as_pdf3.sql
- app_log
- app_dbms_sql
- test/test_PdfGen.sql
- samples directory
- Manual Page
The use case for this package is to perform a small subset of sqlplus report generation directly inside the database.
Required features include page headers (TITLE) and footers with page break column values and hidden columns. (SQL already provides SUM Subtotals and Totals using GROUPING SETS, so that feature of sqlplus reports is redundant.) Rather than pulling the data out to a client sqlplus session on an ETL server, converting to PDF, then loading it back into the database as a BLOB, we do so directly in PL/SQL.
We also gain page format, margins, and font control, plus optional grid lines/cells for the column data values. We produce a more attractive finished product than can be generated from sqlplus.
There are enough similarties to sqlplus report generation that it should be familiar and relatively easy to convert existing reports.
v_blob BLOB;
v_widths PdfGen.t_col_widths;
v_headers PdfGen.t_col_headers;
v_formats PdfGen.t_col_headers;
OPEN l_src FOR
SELECT e.employee_id, e.last_name, e.first_name, d.department_name
,SUM(salary) AS salary -- emulate sqplus COMPUTE SUM
FROM hr.employees e
INNER JOIN hr.departments d
ON d.department_id = e.department_id
-- seemingly useless SUM on single record,
-- but required to get detail records
-- in same query as the subtotal and total aggregates
(e.employee_id, e.last_name, e.first_name, d.department_name)
,(d.department_name) -- sqlplus COMPUTE SUM of salary ON department_name
,() -- sqlplus COMPUTE SUM of salary ON report - the grand total
) SELECT employee_id
-- NULL last_name indicates an aggregate result.
-- NULL department_name indicates it was the grand total
-- Similar to the LABEL on COMPUTE SUM
,NVL(last_name, CASE WHEN department_name IS NULL
) AS last_name
ORDER BY department_name NULLS LAST -- to get the aggregates after detail
,a.last_name NULLS LAST -- notice based on FROM column value, not the one we munged in resultset
RETURN l_src;
-- Similar to the sqlplus COLUMN HEADING commands
v_headers(1) := 'Employee ID';
v_widths(1) := 11;
v_headers(2) := 'Last Name';
v_widths(2) := 25;
v_headers(3) := 'First Name';
v_widths(3) := 20;
-- will not print this column,
-- just capture it for column page break
v_headers(4) := NULL; --'Department Name'
v_widths(4) := 0; -- sqlplus COLUMN NOPRINT
v_headers(5) := 'Salary';
v_widths(5) := 16;
-- override default number format for this column
v_formats(5) := '$999,999,999.99';
p_format => 'LETTER'
,p_orientation => 'PORTRAIT'
,p_top_margin => 1
,p_bottom_margin => 1
,p_left_margin => 0.75
,p_right_margin => 0.75
PdfGen.set_footer; -- 'Page #PAGE_NR# of "PAGE_COUNT#' is the default
-- sqlplus TITLE command
p_txt => 'Employee Salary Report'
,p_font_family => 'helvetica'
,p_style => 'b'
,p_fontsize_pt => 16
,p_centered => TRUE
,p_txt_2 => 'Department: !PAGE_VAL#' -- TITLE column variable value
,p_fontsize_pt_2 => 12
,p_centered_2 => FALSE -- left align
-- asking for trouble to use other than fixed width fault in the grid IMHO. YMMV.
as_pdf3.set_font('courier', 'n', 10);
v_src := get_src; -- open the query cursor
p_src => v_src
,p_widths => v_widths
,p_headers => v_headers
,p_formats => v_formats
,p_bold_headers => TRUE -- also light gray background on headers
,p_char_widths_conversion => TRUE
,p_break_col => 4 -- sqlplus BREAK ON column becomes !PAGE_VAL#
,p_grid_lines => FALSE
v_blob := PdfGen.get_pdf;
CLOSE v_src; -- likely redundant, but paranoid is good
-- can insert into a table or add to a zip archive blob or attach to an email
RETURN v_blob;
END test0;
With SqlDeveloper or Toad
SELECT test0 FROM dual;
Double click on the BLOB value in the results grid. In SqlDeveloper you get a pencil icon. Click on that and choose download (toad is similar). Save the blob to a file named test0.pdf. Open in a pdf viewer.
Pdf files from test/test_PdfGen are in the samples folder. Github will display them when selected.
Column widths may be set to 0 for NOPRINT, so BREAK Columns where the value is captured and printed in the page header via a callback can be captured, but optionally not printed with the record. Note that if grouping/breaking on multiple columns is needed you can concatenate values into a string for a single non-printing break-column, then parse it in your callback procedure.
You may never need to write your own callback procedure as set_page_header and set_page_footer will generally be sufficient.
The as_pdf3 "page_procs" callback facility is duplicated (both are called) so that the page break column value can be supplied in addition to the page number and page count that the original supported. One major difference is the use of bind placeholders instead of direct string substitution on your PL/SQL block string. You must provide positional bind placeholders for EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (:var1, :var2, :var3) in the PL/SQL block strings you add to page_procs. This solves a nagging problem with quoting as well as eliminating a potential vector for sql injection that the page break column values introduce over the original design of as_pdf3 page procs.
p_page_nr => :page_nr
,p_page_count => :page_count
,p_page_val => :page_val
That block (g_page_procs(p)) is then executed with:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE g_page_procs(p) USING i, v_page_count
-- do not try to bind a non-existent collection element
,CASE WHEN g_pagevals.EXISTS(i) THEN g_pagevals(i) ELSE NULL END
where i is the page number and g_pagevals(i) is the page specific column break value captured while the query result set was processed. See PdfGen package header for an example of a comprehensive anonymous block that could do all "the needful" in lieu of a public procedure.
If you will be granting EXECUTE to PdfGen and as_pdf3 to other schema owners, consider that they can inject code that will run as your schema owner unless the packages are defined with Invoker Rights. This implementation does so with AUTHID CURRENT_USER. You may have reasons to comment those out, such as wanting the caller to have privs to write to a particular directory without granting it directly. Just be aware that they can do ANYTHING in that callback procedure that your schema owner can do.
Simplified methods for generating general purpose page headers and footers are provided. You can use these procedures as a template for building your own page_proc procedure if they do not meet your needs.
We follow the original convention for substitution strings (#PAGE_NR#, "PAGE_COUNT#, !PAGE_VAL#) in the text provided to built-in header and footer procedures, but it is done internally to text variables rather than directly to the anonymous block.
You can mix and match calls to as_pdf3 procedures and functions simultaneous with PdfGen. In fact you are expected to do so with procedures such as as_pdf3.set_font.
Be aware that the concept of centered in as_pdf3 means centered on the page. PdfGen centers between the left and right margins. If you are using as_pdf3.write with align=>'center' be aware of this difference. If your left and write margins are the same, it will not matter.
Called from sqlplus, will deploy everything. Edit it to set one define variable to TRUE or FALSE depending on whether you want to include app_log in the compile of PdfGen. The comments should be sufficient to guide you.
This copy of the 2012 original release by Anton Scheffer
has only two small changes. I added constant c_get_page_count and an associated case/when to the public function get(). If you have already installed (and perhaps modified) your own version, you will have no trouble locating these 2 changes and implementing them.
You do not have to deploy this User Defined Type and tables. There is a compile directive in PdfGen.sql that must be set to turn it on. If you set the define use_app_log to "FALSE" in install.sql (along with commenting out the call to run install_app_log.sql), PdfGen.sql will compile just fine without it.
This object type is required as are the types:
- arr_varchar2_udt
- arr_integer_udt
- arr_clob_udt
- arr_arr_clob_udt
That said there is nothing preventing you from using your own basic types. Just comment out the install of these and do global substitutions for the type names in the remaining source files.
A package containing my test cases as well as examples of how to use PdfGen. There is no reason for you to deploy it except for study. Perhaps install it in your development environment for reference. You can always drop it later.
Note: If your schema does not have SELECT priv directly (role doesn't count) on the database sample HR schema tables employees and departments, then test0 is not included. Assuming HR is installed, in the test folder is a script to add those grants (though it is simple enough to just do so manually).
A directory containing PDF files generated from test_PdfGen.sql.
- init
- set_page_format
- set_footer
- set_page_footer
- set_header
- set_page_header
- set_page_proc
- refcursor2table
- get_pdf
- save_pdf
Empties all global variables in preparation to generate a new report. Calls as_pdf3.init.
The units are in inches with the default page size of 'LETTER' rather than the European 'A4'.
PROCEDURE set_page_format(
p_format VARCHAR2 := 'LETTER' --'LEGAL', 'A4', etc... See as_pdf3
,p_orientation VARCHAR2 := 'PORTRAIT' -- or 'LANDSCAPE'
-- these are inches. Use as_pdf3 procedures if you want other units
-- Remember we write header/footer inside top/bottom margin areas
,p_top_margin NUMBER := 1
,p_bottom_margin NUMBER := 1
,p_left_margin NUMBER := 0.75
,p_right_margin NUMBER := 0.75
A simple one line page footer where the text can be either centered or left justified. The default puts 'Page 1 of 2' in the center in a small font just below the bottom margin. set_footer is a convenient procedure to call when you want the defaults; otherwise set_page_footer is a better choice.
PROCEDURE set_footer(
p_txt VARCHAR2 := 'Page #PAGE_NR# of "PAGE_COUNT#'
,p_font_family VARCHAR2 := 'helvetica'
,p_style VARCHAR2 := 'n'
,p_fontsize_pt NUMBER := 8
,p_centered BOOLEAN := TRUE -- false give left align
A one line page footer with text in any or all of the justified left, centered and justified right locations. The placeholder strings #PAGE_NR#, "PAGE_COUNT#, and !PAGE_VAL# in your text parameters will be replaced with the values for each page.
See samples/test3.pdf.
PROCEDURE set_page_footer(
p_txt_center VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_txt_left VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_txt_right VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_font_family VARCHAR2 := 'helvetica'
,p_style VARCHAR2 := 'n'
,p_fontsize_pt NUMBER := 8
set_header is a legacy procedure. set_page_header is recommended instead.
A one or two line page header sitting slightly above the top margin. Both lines can be centered or left justified independently. The placeholder strings #PAGE_NR#, "PAGE_COUNT#, and !PAGE_VAL# in your text parameters will be replaced with the values for each page.
PROCEDURE set_header(
p_txt VARCHAR2
,p_font_family VARCHAR2 := 'helvetica'
,p_style VARCHAR2 := 'b'
,p_fontsize_pt NUMBER := 18
,p_centered BOOLEAN := TRUE -- false give left align
,p_txt_2 VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_fontsize_pt_2 NUMBER := 14
,p_centered_2 BOOLEAN := TRUE -- false give left align
A one to three line header with one or more of left justified, centered and right justified text values on each line. You also have control over the font for each line, but not separately for each string on the line. The placeholder strings #PAGE_NR#, "PAGE_COUNT#, and !PAGE_VAL# in your text parameters will be replaced with the values for each page.
PROCEDURE set_page_header(
p_txt_center VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_txt_left VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_txt_right VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_fontsize_pt NUMBER := 18
,p_font_family VARCHAR2 := 'helvetica'
,p_style VARCHAR2 := 'b'
,p_txt_center_2 VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_txt_left_2 VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_txt_right_2 VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_fontsize_pt_2 NUMBER := 14
,p_font_family_2 VARCHAR2 := 'helvetica'
,p_style_2 VARCHAR2 := 'b'
,p_txt_center_3 VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_txt_left_3 VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_txt_right_3 VARCHAR2 := NULL
,p_fontsize_pt_3 NUMBER := 14
,p_font_family_3 VARCHAR2 := 'helvetica'
,p_style_3 VARCHAR2 := 'b'
When the set_page_header and set_page_footer procedures just won't do it, you can build your own callback procedure that will be applied on every page. The procedure apply_header can serve as a guide.
PROCEDURE set_page_proc(p_sql_block CLOB);
Note that your callback must be either completely implemented in the anonymous PL/SQL block or a public procedure called from it like apply_header. p_sql_block will be called as:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE variable_holding_p_sql_block USING v_page_number, v_page_count, v_page_val;
so you must provide three bind placeholders (:var1, :var2, :var3) in your p_sql_block regardless of whether you use them.
Replaces as_pdf3.refcursor2table. The first form optionally obtains the column widths and headers from the column "names" in the query result set. Grid line rectangles are by default drawn around all of the cells as in as_pdf3, but it can be turned off. Both forms center the grid between the left and right margins.
Numbers are right justified in the available column width after formatting via TO_CHAR, while all other types are left justified.
PROCEDURE refcursor2table(
-- if true, calculate the headers and widths from query column names
-- if false, then there are no column headers printed and column start positions
-- are equally spaced across the printable area
,p_col_headers BOOLEAN := FALSE
-- index to column to perform a page break upon value change
,p_break_col BINARY_INTEGER := NULL
,p_grid_lines BOOLEAN := TRUE
,p_num_format VARCHAR2 := 'tm9'
,p_date_format VARCHAR2 := 'MM/DD/YYYY'
,p_interval_format VARCHAR2 := NULL
The second form provides greater control over the column headers and column widths. See the Example above for declaring and populating the widths and headers collections.
PROCEDURE refcursor2table(
-- you can provide width values and NOT provide headers if you do not want them to print
,p_widths t_col_widths
,p_headers t_col_headers
,p_bold_headers BOOLEAN := FALSE
,p_char_widths_conversion BOOLEAN := FALSE -- you almost certainly want TRUE
-- index to column to perform a newpage call upon value change
,p_break_col BINARY_INTEGER := NULL
,p_grid_lines BOOLEAN := TRUE
,p_num_format VARCHAR2 := 'tm9'
,p_date_format VARCHAR2 := 'MM/DD/YYYY'
,p_interval_format VARCHAR2 := NULL
The third form adds one parameter, p_formats to the second form. You do not need to populate any of them and you can do so sparesly. If any are present they are used in lieu of the default coversion when TO_CHAR is called (assuming the column type is one that is converted with TO_CHAR). This allows specifying column specific format. For example one number column could use the default format while another can specify a currency stlye.
PROCEDURE refcursor2table(
-- you can provide width values and NOT provide headers if you do not want them to print
,p_widths t_col_widths
,p_headers t_col_headers
,p_formats t_col_headers
,p_bold_headers BOOLEAN := FALSE
,p_char_widths_conversion BOOLEAN := FALSE -- you almost certainly want TRUE
-- index to column to perform a newpage call upon value change
,p_break_col BINARY_INTEGER := NULL
,p_grid_lines BOOLEAN := TRUE
,p_num_format VARCHAR2 := 'tm9'
,p_date_format VARCHAR2 := 'MM/DD/YYYY'
,p_interval_format VARCHAR2 := NULL
Although it calls as_pdf3.get_pdf to retrieve the BLOB, you must call the PdfGen version instead to apply the callback procedures including the headers and footers. get_pdf "finishes" the PDF file and generates the BLOB.
Although it calls as_pdf3.save_pdf to write the file to the directory on the Oracle server that you specify, you must call the PdfGen version instead to apply the callback procedures including headers and footers. save_pdf "finishes" the PDF file, then writes it.
Note that anyone granted execute to the package as_pdf3 or PdfGen can write to directories that your schema has write access to, but not their own, unless defined with invoker rights. The default implementation in this repository defines the packages with invoker rights (AUTHID CURRENT_USER). Think carefully before changing that.
PROCEDURE save_pdf(
p_dir VARCHAR2
,p_filename VARCHAR2
,p_freeblob BOOLEAN := TRUE