Ted's most recent changes to the 3 moment microphysics code.
Saved rhopert as rho by mistake, ugh.
Both rhopert and rho output options were screwed up, this fixes them
Added comment in lofs-restart.F about running from restarts while
This iinit-late branch will read from restart files but then initiate
Restore original isfc behavior for sfc roughness
Changed README.namelist for bbc=11
Some NEWRITE tweaks, removing semicolons (this is not C code derp)
Ted Mansell's rain breakup code that should give us more reasonably cool
This is Ted Mansell's fix for the ngs=128 problem that hard coded this
I manually applied Ted's lates changes to his 3 moment code. I suppose I
Important change requested by Ted Mansell to fix improper CCN nucleation
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:leighorf/cm1r19.8-LOFS
leighorfpushed 2 commits to master • 1ee2947…f295a8f • on Aug 10, 2023
Minor changes to example namlelist file
Minor changes to example namlelist file
The 2 and 3 moment NSSL microphysics re-queries the namelist file...
The 2 and 3 moment NSSL microphysics re-queries the namelist file...
Example namelist file for debug/small runs, compatible with 3 moment
Added ability to save reflectivity moments for 3 moment NSSL scheme
This version has NSSL 3 moment with OpenMP parallelization, verified to
This version has NSSL 3 moment with OpenMP parallelization, verified to
OK after some mucking about on my home machine
Merge branch 'nssl3mom' of github.com:leighorf/cm1r19.8-LOFS into nss…
So, compiling with gcc threw a bunch of errors for having my namelist
OK checking in even though the change did not fix the segfaulting. Going
Added namelist and slurm file to run directory for Ted to peruse.
Well it turns out ptype.eq.29 wasn't being activated from solve.F
You can’t perform that action at this time.