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File metadata and controls

116 lines (66 loc) · 3.45 KB

Thanks for contributing to Lem! Here are some guidelines that we follow in the codebase.

In general, we follow the Google guide:

Alexandria and other utility libraries

Lem depends on alexandria, so you can use if-let, when-let and similar functions.

You can :import-from these symbols in your package definition, use the alexandria: package prefix, and define a package-local nickname.

Try to not use new utility functions that you don't see in the codebase yet.

For instance, we won't use alexandria-2:line-up-first.

Try to not use alexandria:curry and prefer higher-order functions.

Dynamic bindings, functional style

Avoid dynamic symbol calls (uiop:symbol-call) but rething your architecture instead.

Use defvar and defparameter for user-facing variables, but avoid using them as global variables that store state and that are used from functions to functions. Have a more functional style, give explicit arguments to functions.


;; avoid this
(defvar *var* 1)
(defun foo ()
(let ((*var* 2))

instead, have foo take one argument.

Don't ignore compiler warnings

Please take attention to compiler warnings.

Deprecation warnings

If you change or delete a feature, if only a variable name, you must take care of deprecation warnings. A user should be notified that something changed. If possible, her old config file should not fail loading, or it should not fail without notice. Measures can vary. Ideas:

  • don't delete or rename a defvar, a defparameter or a function, but leave it and if it is used, signal a warning or an error. Add a ;; DEPRECATED comment with the date of the comment.
  • document the breaking change on the "next release changelog" issue (like #1027 or equivalent).


Write thorough docstrings to interactive commands (define-command), give meaningful documentation to important functions, give a high-level overview in packages and comments (the "why", not the "how"). Use the :documentation option of packages, generic functions and CLOS slots.

Please also contribute to Lem's website if you add or change a feature.

or at least, open an issue about it so we don't forget to do it, thank you.

Errors in Lem

error is for internal errors, and editor-error is displayed nicely to the user.

File layout

Variables and parameters (defvar, defparameter) should be grouped and appear near the top of the file, before conditions, classes and functions.

Major and minor modes keybindings layout

Lem modes should define all their keybindings at the top of the file.

Git and pull requests

Please rebase and squash small commits together (you can do this with lem/legit ! ;) ).

When your changes are about a mode or a feature, we like the commit message to say it upfront, for example:

legit: add k to discard changes of unstaged files


Loop keywords are written as keywords, with the ::

(loop :for key :in … )

Macros, backquote, comma

Don't write long macros, use the "call-with-" pattern.

Don't define lists with backquote and comma, use the list constructor.

User-visible variables names

Parameters that can be changed by the user should not have a "-p" suffix. Keep them for the functions' key arguments.

They can be saved and set-able with the lem:config system.