Flask with Rabbit MQ message broker is an example project which demonstrates the use of flask API which publishing a message to the Rabbit MQ server.
It contains four routes. And in it's route, an event will send to the message broker. The broker message will route the message to Rabbit MQ by publishing the message on the correct queue.
- Flask application
- A producer which push the messages to the right queue
- A worker which consume the pushed messages from RabbitMQ server.
- Python 3 and requirements file dependencies
- RabbitMQ broker
Install and update using pip:
Create a virtualenv
$ python -m venv venv
Source the virtualenv
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install all the dependencies on the requirements file
$ pip install -Ur requirements.txt
create three files which represent the application
from time import sleep
from flask import Flask
from broker_rabbit import BrokerRabbitMQ
def process_message(message):
print('Message received and content is ’{content}’'.format(content=message))
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['RABBIT_MQ_URL'] = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/test-flask-rabbitmq'
app.config['EXCHANGE_NAME'] = 'test-exchange'
broker = BrokerRabbitMQ()
broker.init_app(app=app, queues=['users'], on_message_callback=process_message)
from app import broker
broker.send(queue='users', context={'key': 'value', 'number': 1})
from app import broker
This section will be soon available