A module for synchronizing asynchronous inputs with the clock domain of an FPGA. The implementation of this module at the GPIO input pins solves the problem of metastability. Changes in the state of the asynchronous input are visible on the synchronous output, but are delayed by a maximum of 2 clock cycles.
Synchronizer #(
) Synchronizer_inst(
- WIDTH - The width of the input and output in bits.
- Clock - Clock signal, active rising edge.
- Reset - Asynchronous reset, active low.
- Async_i[WIDTH-1:0] - Asynchronous input.
- Sync_o[WIDTH-1:0] - Syncronous output.
Example of synchronizing of 4-bit bus with clock domain.
VCD info: dumpfile synchronizer.vcd opened for output.
===== START =====
Time Reset AsynchInput SyncOutput
0.000us x 0000 xxxx
0.005us 0 0000 0000
0.010us 1 0000 0000
0.175us 1 0001 0000
0.300us 1 0001 0001
0.528us 1 0000 0001
0.700us 1 0000 0000
1.210us 1 0011 0000
1.400us 1 0011 0011
1.666us 1 0000 0011
1.800us 1 0000 0000
====== END ======
synchronizer_tb.v:58: $finish called at 2166 (1ns)