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Alerta CLI

alerta is the unified command-line tool, terminal GUI and Python SDK for the alerta monitoring system.

It can be used to send and query alerts, tag alerts and change alert status, delete alerts, dump alert history or see the raw alert data. It can also be used to send heartbeats to the alerta server, and generate alerts based on missing or slow heartbeats.



The alerta client tool can be installed using pip:

$ pip install alerta

Or, by cloning the git repository:

$ git clone
$ cd python-alerta-client
$ pip install .


Options can be set in a configuration file, as environment variables or on the command line. Profiles can be used to easily switch between different configuration settings.

Option Config File Environment Variable Optional Argument Default
file n/a :envvar:`ALERTA_CONF_FILE` --config-file FILE :file:`~/.alerta.conf`
profile profile :envvar:`ALERTA_DEFAULT_PROFILE` --profile PROFILE None
endpoint endpoint :envvar:`ALERTA_ENDPOINT` --endpoint-url URL http://localhost:8080
key key :envvar:`ALERTA_API_KEY` n/a None
timezone timezone n/a n/a Europe/London
timeout timeout n/a n/a 5s TCP connection timeout
ssl verify sslverify :envvar:`REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE` n/a verify SSL certificates
output output n/a --output FORMAT, --json text
color color :envvar:`CLICOLOR` --color, --no-color color on
debug debug :envvar:`DEBUG` --debug no debug


The profile option can only be set in the [DEFAULT] section.


Configuration file :file:`~/.alerta.conf`:

timezone = Australia/Sydney
output = json

[profile development]
endpoint = https://localhost:8443
key = demo-key
sslverify = off
timeout = 10.0
debug = yes

Set environment variables:

$ export ALERTA_CONF_FILE=~/.alerta.conf
$ export ALERTA_DEFAULT_PROFILE=production

Use production configuration settings by default:

$ alerta query

Switch to development configuration settings when required:

$ alerta --profile development query


Command-line configuration options have precedence over environment variables, which have precedence over the configuration file. Within the configuration file, profile-specific sections have precedence over the [DEFAULT] section.


If the Alerta API enforces authentication, then the alerta command-line tool can be configured to present an API key or login to the API before accessing secured endpoints.

API Keys

API keys can be generated in the web UI, or by an authenticated user using the alerta CLI, and should be added to the configuration file as the "key" setting as shown in the following example:

[profile production]
endpoint =
key = LMvzLsfJyGpSuLmaB9kp-8gCl4I3YZkV4i7IGb6S

OAuth Login

Alternatively, a user can "login" to the API and retrieve a Bearer token if the Alerta API is configured to use either basic, github, gitlab or google as the authentication provider. No additional settings are required but before running any commands the user must login first:

$ alerta login


The alerta tool is invoked by specifying a command using the following format:

$ alerta [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

The following group of commands are related to sending, querying and managing the status of alerts.

:command:`send` - Send an alert

Send an alert.

$ alerta send [OPTIONS]

-r, --resource RESOURCE        Resource under alarm
-e, --event EVENT              Event name
-E, --environment ENVIRONMENT  Environment eg. Production, Development
-s, --severity SEVERITY        Severity eg. critical, major, minor, warning
-C, --correlate EVENT          List of related events eg. node_up, node_down
-S, --service SERVICE          List of affected services eg. app name, Web,
                                Network, Storage, Database, Security
-g, --group GROUP              Group event by type eg. OS, Performance
-v, --value VALUE              Event value
-t, --text DESCRIPTION         Description of alert
-T, --tag TAG                  List of tags eg. London, os:linux, AWS/EC2
-A, --attributes KEY=VALUE     List of attributes eg. priority=high
-O, --origin ORIGIN            Origin of alert in form app/host
--type EVENT_TYPE              Event type eg. exceptionAlert,
                                performanceAlert, nagiosAlert
--timeout SECONDS              Seconds before an open alert will be expired
--raw-data STRING              Raw data of orignal alert eg. SNMP trap PDU.
                                '@' to read from file, '-' to read from stdin
--customer STRING              Customer
-h, --help                     Show this message and exit.

The only mandatory options are resource and event. All the others will be set to sensible defaults.


If the reject plugin is enabled (which it is by default) then alerts must have an environment attribute that is one of either Production or Development and it must define a service attribute. For more information on configuring or disabling this plugin see :ref:`plugin config`.

Attribute Default
environment empty string
severity normal
correlate empty list
status unknown
service empty list
group Misc
value n/a
text empty string
tags empty list
attributes empty dictionary
origin program/host
type exceptionAlert
timeout 86400 (1 day)
raw data empty string


To send a minor alert followed by a normal alert that correlates:

$ alerta send --resource web01 --event HttpError --correlate HttpOK --group Web --severity minor
$ alerta send --resource web01 --event HttpOK --correlate HttpError --group Web --severity normal

To send an alert with custom attribute called region:

$ alerta send -r web01 -e HttpError -g Web -s major --attributes region="EU"

:command:`query` - Search for alerts

Query for alerts based on search filter criteria.


To query for major and minor open alerts for the Production environment of the Mobile API service:

$ alerta query --filter severity=major --filter severity=minor --filter status=open --filter environment=Production --filter service="Mobile API"

To query for all alerts with "disk" in the alert text:

$ alerta query --filter text=~disk

:command:`ack` - Acknowledge alerts

Acknowlege alerts ie. change alert status to ack

:command:`close` - Close alerts

Close alerts ie. change alert status to closed.

:command:`unack` - Un-acknowledge alerts

Unacknowledge alerts ie. change alert status to open.

:command:`shelve` - Shelve alerts

Shelve alerts ie. change alert status to shelved which removes the alerts from the active console and prevents any further notifications.

:command:`unshelve` - Un-shelve alerts

Unshelve alerts ie. change alert status to open which returns the alerts to the active console and does not prevent future notifications.

:command:`tag` - Tag alerts

Add tags to alerts.

:command:`untag` - Untag alerts

Remove tags from alerts.

:command:`update` - Update alert attributes

Update alert attributes.

:command:`delete` - Delete alerts

Delete alerts.

:command:`watch` - Watch alerts

Watch for new alerts.

:command:`top` - Show top offenders and stats

Display alerts like unix "top" command.

:command:`raw` - Show alert raw data

Show raw data for alerts.

:command:`history` - Show alert history

Show action, status, severity and value changes for alerts.

The following group of commands are related to creating and managing alert suppressions using blackouts.

:command:`blackout` - Suppress alerts

blackout Suppress alerts

:command:`blackouts` - List alert suppressions

blackouts List alert suppressions

The following group of commands are related to creating and managing heartbeats.

:command:`heartbeat` - Send a heartbeat

Send or delete a heartbeat.

$ alerta heartbeat [OPTIONS]

  -O, --origin ORIGIN            Origin of heartbeat.
  -E, --environment ENVIRONMENT  Environment eg. Production, Development
  -s, --severity SEVERITY        Severity eg. critical, major, minor, warning
  -S, --service SERVICE          List of affected services eg. app name, Web,
                                 Network, Storage, Database, Security

  -g, --group GROUP              Group event by type eg. OS, Performance
  -T, --tag TAG                  List of tags eg. London, os:linux, AWS/EC2
  --timeout SECONDS              Seconds before heartbeat is stale
  --customer STRING              Customer
  -D, --delete ID                Delete hearbeat using ID
  -h, --help                     Show this message and exit.


The "environment", "severity", "service" and "group" values are only used when heartbeat alerts are generated from slow or stale heartbeats.

:command:`heartbeats` - List heartbeats

List heartbeats and generate heartbeat alerts.

$ alerta heartbeats [OPTIONS]

  --alert                  Alert on stale or slow heartbeats
  -s, --severity SEVERITY  Severity for stale heartbeat alerts
  --timeout SECONDS        Seconds before a stale heartbeat alert will be expired
  --purge                  Delete all stale heartbeats
  -h, --help               Show this message and exit.

Alerts can be generated from stale or slow heartbeats using the --alert option. It is expected that this would be run at regular intervals using a scheduling service such as cron.

Tags can be used to set the environment or group of a heartbeat alert using the format environment:[ENV] and group:[GRP]. These tags will be visible in the heartbeat but removed as tags from the alert.


To send a major alert with an environment of Infra in the Network group when a heartbeat is missed or slow for an origin called system1:

$ alerta heartbeat -O system1 -T environment:Infra -T group:Network --timeout 10
(wait >10 seconds)
$ alerta heartbeats --alert --severity major

The following group of commands are related to creating and managing API keys.

:command:`key` - Create API key

key Create API key


To prevent privilege escalation it is not possible to create an API key with associated roles that are greater than that with which that API key has.

:command:`keys` - List API keys

keys List API keys

:command:`revoke` - Revoke API key

revoke Revoke API key

The following group of commands are related to creating and managing users.

:command:`user` - Update user

user Update user

:command:`users` - List users

users List users

:command:`me` - Update current user

me Update current user

The following group of commands are related to creating and managing roles, permissions and access control.

:command:`perm` - Add role-permission lookup

perm Add role-permission lookup

:command:`perms` - List role-permission lookups

perms List role-permission lookups

The following group of commands are related to creating and managing customers.

:command:`customer` - Add customer lookup

customer Add customer lookup

:command:`customers` - List customer lookups

customers List customer lookups

The following group of commands are related to authentication.

:command:`signup` - Sign-up new user

signup Sign-up new user

:command:`login` - Login with user credentials

login Login with user credentials

:command:`logout` - Clear login credentials

logout Clear login credentials

:command:`whoami` - Display current logged in user

whoami Display current logged in user

:command:`token` - Display current auth token

token Display current auth token

The following group of commands are related to administration.

:command:`status` - Display status and metrics

Display API server switch status and usage metrics.

$ alerta status
METRIC                       TYPE     NAME                       VALUE        AVERAGE
---------------------------  -------  -------------------------  -------  -----------
Total alerts                 gauge               993
Rejected alerts              counter  alerts.rejected            22
Alert queries                timer    alerts.queries             9132459  128.713
Pre-receive plugins          timer    plugins.prereceive         10889      0.0383874
Newly created alerts         timer    alerts.create              4442       5.06123
Post-receive plugins         timer    plugins.postreceive        10867      0.0149995
Received alerts              timer    alerts.received            15376     23.4729
Duplicate alerts             timer    alerts.duplicate           9167       8.26061
Correlated alerts            timer    alerts.correlate           429       20.9068
Tagging alerts               timer    alerts.tagged              246       35.5935
Alert status change          timer    alerts.status              687       88.2969
Deleted alerts               timer    alerts.deleted             8        120.25
Removing tags from alerts    timer    alerts.untagged            52        22.2308
Count alerts                 timer    alerts.counts              4388289   23.9553
Alerta console auto-refresh  text  ON
API alert submission         text     switch.sender-api-allow    ON

:command:`config` - Display remote client config

Display client config downloaded from API server.

$ alerta config
audio               : {}
auth_required       : True
client_id           :
colors              : {}
customer_views      : True
dates               : {'longDate': 'EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss.sss a (Z)', 'mediumDate': 'medium', 'shortTime': 'shortTime'}
endpoint            :
github_url          : None
gitlab_url          :
keycloak_realm      : None
keycloak_url        : None
pingfederate_url    : None
provider            : google
refresh_interval    : 5000
severity            : {'cleared': 5, 'critical': 1, 'debug': 7, 'indeterminate': 5, 'informational': 6, 'major': 2, 'minor': 3, 'normal': 5, 'ok': 5, 'security': 0, 'trace': 8, 'unknown': 9, 'warning': 4}
signup_enabled      : True
tracking_id         : UA-44644195-5

:command:`housekeeping` - Expired and clears old alerts

Trigger the expiration and deletion of alerts.

:command:`uptime` - Display server uptime

Show how long the Alerta API has been running.

$ alerta uptime
01:06 up 0 days 16:15

:command:`version` - Display version info

Show version information for alerta and dependencies.

$ alerta version
alerta 6.0.0
alerta client 6.0.0
requests 2.19.1
click 7.0

:command:`help` - Show this help

Show all OPTIONS, COMMANDS and some example FILTERS.


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