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Django Bower App

Library to manage bower.json dependancies with ease


Managing assets for django is more and more complicated when you need to interact with heavy javascript page. Now many javascripts developers use bower to manger their dependancies.

Bower then need to be interfaced with Django as seemlessly as possible. Neither the javascript developer nor the django developper must change the way they work.

django-bower-app aims to be the glue between javascript and django with simple, easy to manage code.


A simple command, bower_install will look in each of the static directory of each app and extract the bower.json, letting bower_components untouched and build each module dependancies in the settings.STATIC_ROOT directory.

You can now develop your javascript apps with bower and create a production ready environnment with bower_install


Obviousely, to run django-bower-app, you need bower and django. That's all.


First download this module and install it with

>>> python install

Then add "djangobwr" to your INSTALLED_APPS


you are ready to run the command each time you want to collect the bower dependancies:

>>> python bower_install