yum -y install wget
2. Tuning when you first start a clean system
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lexx/asterisk/master/first_run.sh && sh first_run.sh3. First we need to clone/get the script found in github repo and run the script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lexx/asterisk/master/install_clean_asterisk.sh && sh install_clean_asterisk.shOR
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lexx/asterisk/master/install_freepbx.sh && sh install_freepbx.shThe Script will run for a bit, afterwards, choose your options for MariaDB - DO NOT USE A ROOT PASSWORD.
The Script will run for a bit more, you then will be able to choose if you would like any more Asterisk modules to be installed.
The script will then finish and you can browse to the FreePBX WebGUI using the droplet IP address. MODULENAME tampered If you get such errors in FreePBX web interface:
MODULENAME tampered MODULENAME/file is wrong You have 1 tampered files Module: "FreePBX Framework"run
fwconsole ma upgrade MODULENAME
also try fwconsole a ma refreshsignatures
Forked from raysn0wOriginal script belongs to Cameron