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liabru edited this page Dec 4, 2014 · 12 revisions

The library comes packaged with a render module, or simply create your own.

  1. Using a built in renderer
    1. Matter.Render
    2. Matter.RenderPixi
    3. Render options
  2. Using a custom renderer

Using a built in renderer


The default renderer is Matter.Render which uses a simple HTML5 canvas in immediate mode. It has built in support for both primitive and sprite based rendering of bodies in 2d.

When you use Engine.create(element) a Matter.Render instance will be created for you and it will automatically insert a canvas into the page at the specified element.

Following this calling will spawn the built in game loop routine, which will automatically manage updating the engine and calling the renderer at the appropriate times.


An alternate renderer Matter.RenderPixi is provided as an example of using Pixi.js to render a world using WebGL and a scene graph. The features available should match those of Matter.Render although sometimes there may be implementation differences.

To make use of this module you must pass it to your engine at its creation:

    render: {
        element: document.body,
        controller: Matter.RenderPixi

Render options

A number of options may be passed to the renderer:

    render: {
        options: {
            width: 800,
            height: 600,
            background: '#fafafa',
            wireframeBackground: '#222',
            hasBounds: false,
            enabled: true,
            wireframes: true,
            showSleeping: true,
            showDebug: false,
            showBroadphase: false,
            showBounds: false,
            showVelocity: false,
            showCollisions: false,
            showAxes: false,
            showPositions: false,
            showAngleIndicator: false,
            showIds: false,
            showShadows: false

Using a custom renderer

While the built in renderers are useful for early development, if you need to do any kind of complex rendering effects you will need a custom renderer.

The easiest way to do this is to simply copy Render.js and customise it, giving it a new module name.

To then use your custom renderer you must pass it to your engine at its creation where MyRenderer is the name of your new render module:

    render: {
        element: document.body,
        controller: MyRenderer
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