Up the String
This bad. We need to figure out how this got on the machine. Well if it got on there there must have been a logon. Before the process ran what time was the most recent successful user logon? What time did the user that launched this program login? ZULU time format
Flag format - flag{yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:SS.000Z}
Select One: 3 - Medium
Now we are doing forensics. We have an evil process xmrig.
We have a timeframe. Some time around - 2020-10-12T02:45:50.445Z
If you saw the process list owne is Tom. Making that user a suspect.
Now we need to know when and from where.
This is a job for the event logs Specifically the Security ones.
Windows Security Event logs - 4624 - record successfull logons.
And at 2020-10-12 02:38:58 a few minutes before the process was launched we have a type 10 logon from Tom.. and an IP from where.
There is a lot of noise yes. But filtering is the name of the game here.
There are a lot of 4624s, yes, but all close to the processes launch are not interactive logons for a user.