Chatter Date Fixer
- A major problem in Odoo 7.0 is dates in "Chatter" part. This date after one week change to a long number that does not means to end user. After install this module dates shows as well as it expected.
Comma as OR Search Addons
- One major use of search is related to search a list of items. Most of the time this items are listed in Excel or CSV file.
- This module help to copy a list of comma seperated items into search box and search all of them in once. In essence, the comma here is like OR operator.
- To make it simpler, in Excel, follow this scenario. First of all, create a column of your items that want to search, next add a column in right of it with commas, Finally copy two columns in once and paste it into search box.
- This feature works in Advance Search as well.
Convert All Dates to Persian and Gerogerian
- Convert all dates in readonly state convert to following format:
- Persian Date ([Gerogerian Date] [HH:MM:SS]), e.g. 1395/12/01 (02/19/2017 11:40:53)