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Integration Testing for ng-packagr

Steps to reproduce

Sample Libraries

Build the sample libraries and prepare dist packages for linking:

$ yarn samples
$ cd integration/sample_custom/dist
$ yarn link
$ cd integration/sample_material/dist
$ yarn link
Angular CLI

Build an ng CLI consumer app:

$ cd integration/consumer-ng-cli
$ yarn install
$ yarn link @sample/material
$ yarn link sample-material
$ yarn build:dev
$ yarn build:prod:jit
$ yarn build:prod:aot

Note: ng (and webpack under the hood) will resolve dependencies through symlinks in the local node_modules folder.

TypeScript Consumer

Build a plain tsc consumer app:

$ cd integration/consumer-tsc
$ tsc
$ tsc --target es2015 --module es2015
$ tsc --target es5 --module es2015
$ tsc --target es5 --module umd
$ tsc --target es5 --module commonjs

Note: through tsconfig.json, this project resolves dependencies through a paths mapping.