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testing @libp2p/observer-testing

This package contains testing utilities to ease development of libp2p Observer widgets and the libp2p Observer project itself.


This package may be used for both jest tests running in node.js and for in-browsing demoing with Storybook, and has different entry points for each case:

Use in node.js in jest

Through the main entrypoint, index.test.js, this exports:

  • A function loadSample that loads sample data using Node.js's readFile API
  • Context-providing wrapper components that load sample data using loadSample
  • mock-messages - functions that return simple objects that can pass as mock event, runtime and state messages without causing errors
  • test-utils for use with React Testing Library and Jest, including custom queries and a utility function to simulate nudging the timeline slider by one

Use in browsers with storybook

Through the browser entrypoint, index.browser.js, this exports:

  • A function fetchSample that loads sample data using a browser's fetch API
  • Context-providing wrapper components that load sample data using fetchSample
  • mock-messages - functions that return simple objects that can pass as mock event, runtime and state messages without causing errors