TinyUSDZ has built-in support of usdObj(wavefront .obj import). Why built-in?
- It is not recommended to use plug-in architecture(e.g. separated dll) for mobile/wasm devices.
- People frequently want .obj support
.obj support is enabled by default. You can disable usdObj support by cmake flags(TINYUSDZ_USE_USDOBJ=Off
- Shape(group/object) hierarchy is flattened to single mesh and no material.
- Texcoords and normals are decoded(expanded) as face-varying attribute.
- No material info is parsed
- No per-object and per-face material
- Construct Indexed Primvar for texcoords and normals(more USD friendly than expanding it to face-varying data?)
- Preserve shape hierarchy
- per-face material
- Decode to GeomSubset?
- Loading Skin weight(tinyobjloader's extension)
- Optional: Do triangulation on .obj load.