Tags: Alert, Fulfillment, Orders
It's critical to stay on top of any orders that aren't properly fulfilled – and your customers care, too! Use this task to auto-tag orders, to email yourself a reminder, and optionally to send customers a little reassurance message, if an order hasn't been fulfilled a configurable number of days after payment.
- View in the task library: tasks.mechanic.dev/flag-orders-that-arent-fulfilled-after-two-days
- Task JSON, for direct import: task.json
- Preview task code: script.liquid
"include_partially_fulfilled_orders__boolean": null,
"tag_to_add": "unfulfilled-needs-attention",
"staff_notification_recipient__email": null,
"send_the_customer_an_email__boolean": false,
"customer_email_subject": "Order {{ order.name }} is (still) on its way!",
"customer_email_body__multiline": "Hi {{ order.customer.first_name | default: \"there\" }},\n\nThanks for your order! We're still working on getting everything to you.\n\nIf you have any questions, just reply to this message.\n\nThanks,\nThe team at {{ shop.name }}",
"days_to_wait_before_followup__number_required": 2
Learn about task options in Mechanic
shopify/orders/paid+{{ options.days_to_wait_before_followup__number_required }}.days
Learn about event subscriptions in Mechanic
It's critical to stay on top of any orders that aren't properly fulfilled – and your customers care, too! Use this task to auto-tag orders, to email yourself a reminder, and optionally to send customers a little reassurance message, if an order hasn't been fulfilled a configurable number of days after payment.
This task watches for paid orders, and schedules a follow-up check for some number of days later (you choose!).
Configure this task with a tag to automatically apply that tag on schedule, if the order remains unfulfilled. (Or if the order is partially fulfilled, if you've configured the task for this option.) Add a staff email address to receive a notification message. And, optionally, send a reassuring email to the customer, letting them know that the order is on its way, and with specifics about what's not in stock.
This task won't tag or send emails if the order is partially fulfilled, if the order has been restocked, or if the order has been cancelled.
Find this task in the library at tasks.mechanic.dev, and use the "Try this task" button. Or, import this task's JSON export – see Importing and exporting tasks to learn how imports work.
Found a bug? Got an improvement to add? Start here: ../../CONTRIBUTING.md.
Submit your task requests for consideration by the Mechanic community, and they may be chosen for development and inclusion in the task library!