If you need to tag folks on an issue or PR, you will generally want to tag the owners (not the lead) for area to which the change or issue is closest to. For areas which are large and can be operating system or architecture specific it's better to tag owners of OS or Architecture.
This list is for this dotnet/runtime repo. The dotnet/aspnetcore repo has its own list.
Note: Editing this file doesn't update the mapping used by @dotnet-policy-service
for area-specific issue/PR notifications. That configuration is part of the resourceManagement.yml
file, and many areas use GitHub teams for those notifications. If you're a community member interested in receiving area-specific issue/PR notifications, you won't appear in this table or be added to those GitHub teams, but you can create a PR that updates resourceManagement.yml
to add yourself to those notifications. See automation.md for more information.
Area | Lead | Owners (area experts to tag in PRs and issues) | Notes |
area-AssemblyLoader-coreclr | @agocke | @agocke @elinor-fung | |
area-AssemblyLoader-mono | @agocke | @agocke @elinor-fung | |
area-Build-mono | @lewing | @akoeplinger | |
area-Codeflow | @dotnet/dnr-codeflow | @dotnet/dnr-codeflow | Used for automated PRs that ingest code from other repos |
area-Codegen-AOT-mono | @steveisok | @kotlarmilos | |
area-CodeGen-coreclr | @JulieLeeMSFT | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib | |
area-Codegen-Interpreter-mono | @vitek-karas | @BrzVlad @kotlarmilos | |
area-Codegen-Intrinsics-mono | @steveisok | @fanyang-mono | |
area-Codegen-JIT-mono | @steveisok | ||
area-Codegen-LLVM-mono | @steveisok | ||
area-Codegen-meta-mono | @steveisok | ||
area-CrossGen/NGEN-coreclr | @steveisok | @dotnet/crossgen-contrib | |
area-crossgen2-coreclr | @steveisok | @dotnet/crossgen-contrib | |
area-Debugger-mono | @tommcdon | @thaystg | |
area-DependencyModel | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-dependencymodel | Included:
area-Diagnostics-coreclr | @tommcdon | @tommcdon @dotnet/dotnet-diag | |
area-Diagnostics-mono | @tommcdon | @tommcdon @mdh1418 @thaystg | |
area-EnC-mono | @tommcdon | @mikelle-rogers @thaystg | Hot Reload on WebAssembly, Android, iOS, etc . @lambdageek to consult |
area-ExceptionHandling-coreclr | @mangod9 | @janvorli | |
area-Extensions-Caching | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-extensions-caching | Consultants: @mgravell, @sebastienros |
area-Extensions-Configuration | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-extensions-configuration | Consultants: @eerhardt |
area-Extensions-DependencyInjection | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-extensions-dependencyinjection | Consultants: @halter73, @benjaminpetit |
area-Extensions-FileSystem | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-extensions-filesystem | |
area-Extensions-Hosting | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-extensions-hosting | Consultants: @halter73, @tratcher |
area-Extensions-HttpClientFactory | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | |
area-Extensions-Logging | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-extensions-logging | Consultants: @brennanconroy |
area-Extensions-Options | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-extensions-options | Consultants: @eerhardt, @brennanconroy |
area-Extensions-Primitives | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-extensions-primitives | |
area-GC-coreclr | @mangod9 | @Maoni0 | |
area-GC-mono | @mangod9 | @mangod9 | @BrzVlad to consult |
area-Host | @agocke | @jeffschwMSFT @vitek-karas @vsadov | Issues with dotnet.exe including bootstrapping, framework detection, hostfxr.dll and hostpolicy.dll |
area-HostModel | @agocke | @vitek-karas | |
area-ILTools-coreclr | @JulieLeeMSFT | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib | |
area-Infrastructure | @agocke | @jeffschwMSFT @MichaelSimons | |
area-Infrastructure-coreclr | @agocke | @jeffschwMSFT | |
area-Infrastructure-installer | @MichaelSimons | @NikolaMilosavljevic | |
area-Infrastructure-libraries | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-infrastructure-libraries | Covers:
area-Infrastructure-mono | @steveisok | @agocke | Consulting with @directhex |
area-Interop-coreclr | @agocke | @AaronRobinsonMSFT @jkoritzinsky | |
area-Interop-mono | @agocke | @AaronRobinsonMSFT @jkoritzinsky | |
area-Meta | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-meta | Cross-cutting concerns that span many or all areas, including project-wide code/test patterns and documentation. |
area-Microsoft.CSharp | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see #27790) |
area-Microsoft.VisualBasic | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see #27790) |
area-Microsoft.Win32 | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-microsoft-win32 | Included:
area-NativeAOT-coreclr | @agocke | @dotnet/ilc-contrib | |
area-PAL-coreclr | @mangod9 | @janvorli | |
area-R2RDump-coreclr | @steveisok | @dotnet/area-type-system-and-startup | |
area-ReadyToRun-coreclr | @steveisok | @dotnet/area-type-system-and-startup | |
area-Serialization | @HongGit | @StephenMolloy @HongGit | Packages:
area-Setup | @MichaelSimons | @NikolaMilosavljevic | Distro-specific (Linux, Mac and Windows) setup packages and msi files |
area-Single-File | @agocke | @vitek-karas @vsadov | |
area-Snap | @MichaelSimons | @NikolaMilosavljevic @leecow @MichaelSimons | |
area-System.Buffers | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-buffers | |
area-System.ClientModel | @terrajobst | @dotnet/fxdc | Bugs and feature requests should go to https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/issues. We don't own the code, but FXDC reviews changes to determine overlap with other System concepts. The Azure SDK team will post API updates in this repo for us to review. |
area-System.CodeDom | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-codedom | |
area-System.Collections | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-collections | Excluded:
area-System.ComponentModel | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-componentmodel | Consultants: @dotnet/dotnet-winforms |
area-System.ComponentModel.Composition | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-componentmodel-composition | |
area-System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-componentmodel-dataannotations | Included:
area-System.Composition | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-composition | |
area-System.Configuration | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-configuration | |
area-System.Console | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-console | |
area-System.Data | @sammonort | @ajcvickers @roji |
area-System.Data.Odbc | @sammonort | @ajcvickers @roji | |
area-System.Data.OleDB | @sammonort | @ajcvickers @roji | |
area-System.Data.SqlClient | @David-Engel | @cheenamalhotra @david-engel | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/introducing-the-new-microsoftdatasqlclient/) |
area-System.DateTime | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-datetime | System namespace APIs related to dates and times, including DateOnly, DateTime, DateTimeKind, DateTimeOffset, DayOfWeek, TimeOnly, TimeSpan, TimeZone, and TimeZoneInfo |
area-System.Diagnostics | @tommcdon | @dotnet/area-system-diagnostics | |
area-System.Diagnostics-coreclr | @tommcdon | @dotnet/area-system-diagnostics-coreclr | |
area-System.Diagnostics-mono | @tommcdon | @thaystg | |
area-System.Diagnostics.Activity | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-diagnostics-activity | |
area-System.Diagnostics.EventLog | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-diagnostics-eventlog | |
area-System.Diagnostics.Metric | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-diagnostics-metric | |
area-System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-diagnostics-performancecounter | |
area-System.Diagnostics.Process | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-diagnostics-process | |
area-System.Diagnostics.Tracing | @tommcdon | @dotnet/area-system-diagnostics-tracing | Included:
area-System.Diagnostics.TraceSource | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-diagnostics-tracesource | |
area-System.DirectoryServices | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-directoryservices | Consultants: @BRDPM @grubioe @jay98014 |
area-System.Drawing | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-drawing | Excluded:
area-System.Dynamic.Runtime | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see #27790) |
area-System.Formats.Asn1 | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-formats-asn1 | Consultants: @bartonjs @vcsjones |
area-System.Formats.Cbor | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-formats-cbor | Consultants: @bartonjs @vcsjones |
area-System.Formats.Nrbf | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-formats-nrbf | Consultants: @bartonjs @grabyourpitchforks |
area-System.Formats.Tar | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-formats-tar | |
area-System.Globalization | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-globalization | |
area-System.IO | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-io | |
area-System.IO.Compression | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-io-compression | Included:
area-System.IO.Hashing | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-io-hashing | APIs within the System.IO.Hashing namespace, which align more with cryptography than with I/O |
area-System.IO.Pipelines | @adityamandaleeka | @davidfowl @halter73 | |
area-System.IO.Ports | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-io-ports | |
area-System.Linq | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-linq | |
area-System.Linq.Expressions | @jaredpar | @cston @333fred | Archived component - limited churn/contributions (see #27790) |
area-System.Linq.Parallel | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-linq-parallel | Consultants: @stephentoub @kouvel |
area-System.Management | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-management | WMI |
area-System.Memory | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-memory | |
area-System.Net | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | Included:
area-System.Net.Http | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | |
area-System.Net.Quic | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | |
area-System.Net.Security | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | |
area-System.Net.Sockets | @karelz | @dotnet/ncl | |
area-System.Numerics | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-numerics | |
area-System.Numerics.Tensors | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-numerics-tensors | |
area-System.Reflection | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-reflection | |
area-System.Reflection.Emit | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-reflection-emit | |
area-System.Reflection.Metadata | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-reflection-metadata | Consultants: @tmat |
area-System.Resources | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-resources | |
area-System.Runtime | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-runtime | Included:
area-System.Runtime.Caching | @HongGit | @StephenMolloy @HongGit | |
area-System.Runtime.CompilerServices | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-runtime-compilerservices | |
area-System.Runtime.InteropServices | @agocke | @AaronRobinsonMSFT @jkoritzinsky | Excluded:
area-System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript | @lewing | @pavelsavara | |
area-System.Runtime.Intrinsics | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-runtime-intrinsics | Consultants: @echesakovMSFT @kunalspathak |
area-System.Security | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-security | Consultants: @bartonjs @GrabYourPitchforks @SteveHarter @vcsjones @wfurt |
area-System.ServiceModel | @HongGit | @HongGit @mconnew | Repo: https://github.com/dotnet/WCF Packages:
area-System.ServiceModel.Syndication | @HongGit | @StephenMolloy @HongGit | |
area-System.ServiceProcess | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-serviceprocess | |
area-System.Speech | @jeffhandley | @ericstj @jeffhandley | |
area-System.Text.Encoding | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-text-encoding | |
area-System.Text.Encodings.Web | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-text-encodings-web | |
area-System.Text.Json | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-text-json | |
area-System.Text.RegularExpressions | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-text-regularexpressions | Consultants: @stephentoub |
area-System.Threading | @mangod9 | @kouvel | |
area-System.Threading.Channels | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-threading-channels | Consultants: @stephentoub |
area-System.Threading.RateLimiting | @rafikiassumani-msft | @BrennanConroy @halter73 | |
area-System.Threading.Tasks | @ericstj | @dotnet/area-system-threading-tasks | Consultants: @stephentoub |
area-System.Transactions | @sammonort | @roji | |
area-System.Xml | @jeffhandley | @dotnet/area-system-xml | |
area-TieredCompilation-coreclr | @mangod9 | @kouvel | |
area-Tools-ILLink | @agocke | @dotnet/illink | |
area-Tools-ILVerification | @JulieLeeMSFT | @BruceForstall @dotnet/jit-contrib | |
area-Tracing-coreclr | @tommcdon | @dotnet/area-tracing-coreclr | .NET runtime issues for EventPipe and ICorProfiler |
area-Tracing-mono | @tommcdon | @tommcdon @thaystg | |
area-TypeSystem-coreclr | @steveisok | @davidwrighton @MichalStrehovsky @janvorli @mangod9 @dotnet/area-type-system-and-startup | |
area-UWP | @tommcdon | @dotnet/area-uwp | UWP-specific issues including Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform and Microsoft.Net.UWPCoreRuntimeSdk |
area-VM-coreclr | @mangod9 | @mangod9 | |
area-VM-meta-mono | @steveisok | @vitek-karas | |
area-VM-reflection-mono | @steveisok | @vitek-karas | MonoVM-specific reflection and reflection-emit issues |
area-VM-threading-mono | @mangod9 | @steveisok | |
area-Workloads | @lewing | @dotnet/net-sdk-workload-contributors |
labels not listed here do not have explicit ownership.
In this context, ownership is purely for the purposes of identifying which part of
of our engineering team (or the community) is on the hook for fixing issues labeled
with them. This isn't the same as supported. For example, we don't track os-windows
here because the regular area owners are on the hook for fixing bugs so there is no
dedicated OS lead/owner, rather ownership falls back to the area-*
label. However,
Windows is a supported operating system of course.
Operating System | Lead | Owners (area experts to tag in PRs and issues) | Description |
os-android | @vitek-karas | @akoeplinger | |
os-freebsd | @wfurt @Thefrank @sec | ||
os-maccatalyst | @vitek-karas | @kotlarmilos | |
os-ios | @vitek-karas | @kotlarmilos | |
os-tizen | @gbalykov | @dotnet/samsung | |
os-tvos | @vitek-karas | @kotlarmilos | |
os-wasi | @lewing | @pavelsavara | |
os-browser | @lewing | @pavelsavara |
labels not listed here do not have explicit ownership.
Ownership isn't the same as supported. See operating systems for details.
Architecture | Lead | Owners (area experts to tag in PRs and issues) | Description |
arch-loongarch64 | @shushanhf | @LuckyXu-HF | |
arch-riscv | @gbalykov | @dotnet/samsung | |
arch-s390x | @uweigand | @uweigand | |
arch-wasm | @lewing | @lewing, @pavelsavara |
While not necessarily associated with a specific area, these community members have the power to assist with routing and labeling issues and pull requests, and are generally knowledgeable about how the repo works:
- @a74nh
- @am11
- @clamp03
- @Clockwork-Muse
- @filipnavara
- @huoyaoyuan
- @martincostello
- @omajid
- @Sergio0694
- @shushanhf
- @SingleAccretion
- @teo-tsirpanis
- @tmds
- @vcsjones
- @xoofx